Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Yep ditto. They’re legit.


Some of the out of stock stuff is making wish I knew about this seed bank earlier. Wow


@Oldtimerunderground @lefthandseeds Do either of you know whether I have to choose the 20 euro tracked option if I am international (Canada)? 5 Euro non-tracked is more my style (I might just be window shopping for now if that is the case, money is tight :upside_down_face:)

*I found where it has that information ion the site.


@TopicalWave I sent cash and chose untracked both times, came through safe. I’m in Canada too.


Yeah, the cost to do a bank transfer, and get tracking, came with a $50 fee just to make the transfer. That’s from a couple of years ago when I first looked into using them. So, cash here, too.

I hope I get a confirmation about my current order soon. Seems like it’s been a couple of weeks.


That’s pricey.

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I think I am just going to chance it with cash in the mail. I feel like the mail service in Denmark should be relatively safe?


I’ve had problems using Sannies a while back and it’s a crap shoot. Customs nabbed two shipments in a row. The third made it, but I felt bad that he kept sending it. I haven’t ordered overseas since. We have so much in the US now that it’s rare I see something I want from there. Plus, I have very little money to lose these days. But, I see others not having any problems lately. So, I won’t worry about this purchase but will be happy when it makes it.


Here is a link to download the book as a pdf. I just downloaded the book, so it works.


Thank you @Tejas!! It is definitely a great read for Hashish lovers.


Guess I’ve been sleeping on this thread…I’m awake now…:grin:
I’m in full agreement as well about liking the lower thc%
I’m honestly a light weight puffing, shit fucks me up, ever since I started puffing again…
I used to smoke 2 joints in the morning just to feel right and start my day… Now?, That would put me right back in bed for the day.
I would rather be able to smoke and finish a joint, with a nice taste and mellow high, and fully enjoy it.
I’ll roll a dube and, the little lady and I will get ripped off that same joint 3x shits just crazy strong nowadays, 1-2 puffs and done…
I dunno…stoned and rambling…:laughing::laughing:


Thanks @Tejas! Just got it downloaded.

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Thank you @Tejas
I just grabbed it as well haha

Never mind I went around it.

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Thanks for that post @Tejas!!
That is my 3rd R.C. Clarke. (I loved the other two) :sunglasses: :+1:



The Lebathon Returns

Welcome back Lebafans! :laughing:

Can’t tell you how excited I am to be soaking seeds again. It’s always a happy day. I’ve made my selections for this round – and I can’t wait to see what comes up.

Genetics on the list this time are –

Syrian (1) x Black/Blue Lebanese (medium). The Syrian 1 was an apical plant of medium height, compared to her sisters, which were both dwarfs. Syrian 1 was pretty much a monopole, nicely shaped buds of good density, uniform orange pistils, sap goo and sub-50 day flowering time.

Scents were robust, rich smells, like coffee and mahogany. Resin was good, but smoke is psychologically mild, almost caffeinating effects. Very unique, lovely strain.

I have crossed it to Black & Blue Lebanese – a male resembling the Black Lebanon, branchy, later flowering and medium height. As juvenile plants, I will be looking for varieties that have good branching, to select away from the apical traits of the Syrian.

The grow show will predominantly feature these as females, as many as I can get. I will probably discard males.

In the male hunt, I’m looking at using –

(RSC Lebanese non-quad x Black/Blue Lebanese) x Black/Blue Lebanese (tall)

This is technically a backcross of Black/Blue Lebanese using two different dads; however the female RSC Leb x Black/Blue Lebanese was a heavy RSC Leb pheno. In leaf shape and bud density, the plant was more sativa oriented, but also very squat and heavily resinous. I crossed the tall BB Leb to it in order to stretch it out and promote branching. For yield, I am hoping that the RSC pheno opens up larger flowers – a trait that is not common among the other Lebanese/Syrian plants I’m growing.

I will be looking for males from this line – vigor, branching and hopefully presentation of large male flower clusters.

Last, I will also grow some Black Lebanon BX (Black Leb black pheno x Black/Blue Lebanese)

These are a mix of medium and tall males, backcrossed to the black leaf pheno (clone 2). I chose the black here, because I prefer the spicy, piney smells compared to the purple pheno, which brings berry smells.

I would like to find 1-2 males, also for crossing to the selected females.


Welcome back I’ll be following along.


Bookmarked and following again popcorn, great genetics cooking there … beer3|nullxnull


Me too! This sounds like a fun project. I’d love to grow out some of your Lebanese sometime. I should use some Black and Blue pollen on a Kashmir. And, maybe the Malana.

I’m almost positive my Volunteer plants are the same dad, and they all look like a haze hybrid. Smells are heavenly early on! One plant is 7 feet, and almost as wide. Lots of my moms were from @SamwellBB’s beans (about 6 different strains), one Oregon Huckleberry, 1 3Way Durban, G13/HP, and an Ortega.

Here’s to all going well for the grow! peace


I usually don’t follow in the Breeder’s Lab but will be watching this one.