Pirates of the Mediterranean

Syrian (49F, Chopped)


Dwarf 1

Dwarf 2

Fast fast fast. :racehorse:

What a terrible few weeks for growing though! First, I had to call someone out to work on the electrical panel in my house, and my lights went off for the better part of a day. I thought I was in the clear, but I think it really messed up one of the Lebs and caused a stress herm. Well, I didn’t notice it early and it definitely seeded out some of my grow. Fortunately, it was late enough that none of the seeds will be mature.

As if that wasn’t enough, the I also thought I had the fungus gnats under control. NOPE. They came back in force and have been wrecking my plants. Yellow cards absolutely covered, and spun into the vicious cycle of creating the root problems that feed the gnats. FML…

On a positive note, I’m open pollinating and inbreeding for a while anyway. So I’ve effectively screened out a plant that I would have kept if it hadn’t stressed hermed. In my experience, Lebs can be pretty sensitive to pushing out the odd nanner. This is the first I’ve seen a full blown herm occur though.

Onto the RSC Syrians. Wow, such unique plants. I am a big fan of the monopole. For these plants, it’s a decent yielder. I can imagine it being grown in high density. Like the blue hemp lebanese, I noticed that it produced some sap as well. Resin is good, smell is indistinctly fruity and attractive. Branching is about as low as I’ve ever grown. It did produce 1-2 nanners. Definitely acceptable, given my lighting problems. Roughly 2.5 feet. Seeds go to the next round.

The other two were of a completely different pheno. These are shorter than a dwarf auto, straight up. First plant was about 10" tip to tail. Perhaps they would have stretched a little more if I had figured out their phos demands a little earlier. Smell is more natural, piney, grassy. Great hash coverage, short, dense and bushy structure, but more side branching than the pole. I crossed these to the taller Leb, which ought to really bring them into a better height for standard growing. However, some day I would like to re-grow them and cross them to a dwarf auto and see just how small they can get. I’m thinking window plant, or small discrete spaces.