Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Any chance you have a PDF or other digital copy of the full HASHISH! book?

I’ve been trying to track it down and have looked through a bunch of the threads and file dumps on here and other places but haven’t had any luck. And the hard copies available are way out of my price range unfortunately


I wish I had a hardcopy too.

I don’t remember how I found it, or if I can upload it here because of the size, but if you search the author and title + free, it should come right up. Looks like I have 2 or 3 downloaded of that one on my phone too, lol. Guess more than 1 site worked :joy:


Thanks I’ll check it out, I’ve tried that in the past but every one I downloaded was only the cover or a few sample pages. I’ll definitely give it another go


Hi Lefthand!

Great thread. I finally had the time to work my way through it. Really exciting work you’re doing. I was listening to a podcast with Ryan Lee from Chimera, and he was talking about how in the prohibition days, breeders (specifically DJ Short) often selected plants based on how they made them “feel”; with legalization and the advent of modern lab work he believes too much emphasis is placed on chasing cannabinoid %'s, and less on the unquantifiable “how it makes you feel”. He was talking about sending a bunch of DJ’s gear to the lab to get tested and it was coming back at 12-15% THC, very low for modern markets, but was better smoke than a lot of the high THC plants he had.

I guess I bring it up because I am interested now in plants that havn’t been bred specifically for high THC… I think something might be lost there. The work your doing with the Lebanese is great because you have specifically said you are not breeding for high THC, but rather other traits, not something many people are doing now days.


100%!! It’s hard to communicate “how it makes you feel” without a simple, digestible number like THC. I’m not sure we know enough about the scientific/medical/testing side of it to really be able to make that determination. I personally think the strongest feeling cannabis likely tests for THC around 20%… with a certain mix of other je ne sais quoi cannabinoids.

Secondly, you can find a lot of discussion floating around various forums about the “ceiling” of the high. I give some credence to those theories as well, and I think for a smoker’s experience, it can be very important. Bud that doesn’t test strong at like 10% can still get you super blazed if you just smoke more of it. Especially with us growers, few of us really keep a tight eye on if we smoked half a bowl or the whole bowl. Who cares really. We remember where it takes us.

And last, there are also still cases where I want to consume a higher quantity anyway. Sometimes I just want to smoke and enjoy it. For me at least, I’m kinda disappointed if I roll a joint and have to put it out after 1 puff, because the first hit was too strong.

For all these reasons, I think it’s important not to get too hung up on testing numbers. Ultimately, it’s a quantitative attempt to define a very subjective, qualitative experience. And personally speaking, it doesn’t help me to determine how much I will like or dislike a strain. Detrimentally, it can cause people to have a closed mind about other experiences that cannabis can bring.


I agree. There’s a lot of talk of the cannabinoids and terps making up a lot of the “high” that you get from a strain. It’s the whole package but I’m not sure anyone has come up with a quantifiable way to prove how. I’m like you, I want to enjoy the smoke when it’s real tasty.


@TopicalWave and @lefthandseeds. I couldnt agree with the both of you more. I always go by the effects a girl gives me, and the high I have over how strong she is. Strength is good for some situations, but like you said sometimes I just want to sit and smoke with someone, not light a joint or bowl, pull once and say Im done. When I was younger we would pass two or three joints around and get high together. Or take as many bong rips as we could as fun. Now a days its become less of a social thing amd more of a I just want to be high quickly sort of thing with all these supper strong strains out there.
The feelings I get or the high I get is the most important thou. Some strains are crazy potent, and just get to the point, but I tend to get strong feelings of paranoia that come with them. Or overpowering body highs. Its hard to limit yourself when my limit is always one hit.


One thing that is also important to me when it comes to cannabis and all plants that I grow really is how a plant makes me “feel” during the course of its time growing and alive. Its one of the reasons I don’t like do much training and to let plants mostly grow naturally. I like to see the structure and personality of a plant without too much intervention. Seeing a plant thive in its natural state makes me happy. I look forward to when cannabis is a more ubiquitous backyard plant and there is more breeding being done outdoors to help facilitate strains outdoor hardiness. Oh I am getting off topic a bit… I may have had some of that high THC cannabis this morning


Oh, I also forgot to ask @lefthandseeds … where did you source the Blue Hemp Lebanese? He is one breeder I have been dying to try out. I have smoked some very nice strains based on his work.


That person doesn’t wish to be advertised, so I need to respect their wishes. It’s a very unique line though. I don’t know when I’ll grow it again, but I’ll be sure to make more.


That name sounds incredible tasty :yum:. Some of these names I never heard of. Interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No worries I completely understand! :ok_hand:

I really want to get my hands on some of his Baglung Nepali specifically… super early and beautiful NLD. I will eventually, just have to keep putting out those good vibes! I have some crosses in mind for some nice outdoor stuff.


He was a breeder out of Switzerland during the “CBD” boom out there in the early 2000’s from what I understand. He mostly bred for outdoor and used the Erdbeer and Swiss Strawberry clones in his work quite a bit. His Nepali and Lebanese are very well respected as well.


Thanks. This is what I like reading about. Good to know this stuff. I’m not a young person anymore myself. I’m cool with that. Good to know we are shit kickers if you know what I’m saying. True to the weed. One Love . Love what we do. I enjoy it. The same with everyone.


I think Derg Corra sometimes offers it. Same one?


@lefthandseeds I was going to say that :laughing:. Looks very much like the same one too. Beautiful bright neon-fuchsia hairs.


Oh yes… that looks spot on. I found them on the website Seedheaven… I think they are legit? There are some really nice selections there…


There is a really early also vibrant pink haired Alberta heirloom I think would be a smashing match for the Nepali.


Hey @TopicalWave just wanted to say that Seedheaven is legit. I’ve received 2 orders from them in the past couple months, great selections.


Great to know… off to do some shopping!