Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

One of your creations


She’s looking proper my friend.


She’s a little hot right now she needs a good flushing. I can see the leaves getting a little hot. I’m going to go ahead and move her to a 5 gallon container. I’m not worried about the roots I can pull out on them enough it won’t hurt them

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I’m not really sure what to do but if I’m gonna do it I better do it now in the next couple of days after that it will be too late. I don’t have a problem transplanting during any cycle whatsoever. As long as I can pick it up without breaking it I’m good. I know if I don’t do something now I’m a run into problems. And I could be wrong the plant is not very bushy. In my opinion that also makes a difference

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I have only run them in coco and hydroton, so I’m not sure what help I can be. But in hydroton, I grow them in 2 gallon buckets, though there is a lot more space for the roots to grow densely.

In coco, I have grown the Black & Blue Lebanese in a 16oz container and it was happy.


I’m in a 3 gallon now.

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Amazing… Nice work


. Yea!!!


We’re about ready for transplant. I’ve thinned the herd, and there’s a few really vigorous black leb bx in the middle. I might keep those if they look good on close inspection.

I sprayed ipm today with agsil/neem. I might to ramp up the EC even, since a few are looking hungry. It’s a good sign.


It’s amazing their progress in just 4 days icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, really good genetics, your work behind is being rewarded with great results … beer3|nullxnull


Some observations about roots

One thing about some of these Lebs is that they grow really strong, prolific root systems. A few of the plants I had going had some of the most dense roots I’ve seen in my hydro system.

So that really triggered me to think about the connections with their insatiable phosphorous thirst. Plants use a lot of phos to grow their root systems, which is why it’s important mid-veg. Also, I think in the very early stages of flower, they put down a whole lotta roots to help support the major growth they’re about to support in budding their flowers.

Perhaps these Lebanese strains need these extensive root systems to pull resources over much larger areas – acclimation to soils with lower nutrient availability, or water resources. Or maybe their dense roots help them take up water more rapidly in an arid environment where a lot of water is evaporated in short periods of time after a rainfall.

Another thought I had was that these root systems have a very high surface area, as well as a high leaf area. The RSC Leb for instance, probably can support very high overall rates of transpiration. Perhaps this also contributes nutrient sensitivities to the strain when grown in more optimal environments where water and nutrients aren’t as scarce.

Whatever the case, I think mentally I’ve made a connection between the root systems of these strains and their phosphorous demands. Mentally, I feel like this is an important observation in understanding how to breed them for indoor growing.


The roots are very strong and thick. Especially the tap root


First transplants

The up-potted plants are my initial first round selections. The plants in the 8 person tent are all Syrian x Black/Blue Lebanese. I really like how these smell. They have a bit of a skunk vibe to them. I mostly picked ones that looked like they had longer branches emerging, but there were a few more apical plants that I couldn’t pass on. Those went into pots yesterday, so they’re mostly recovered and happy again.

In the 4 person cat litter tent, I have 3x of the (RSC Leb x BB Leb) x BB Leb and one of the Black Leb BX. The BX plant has crazy vigor and really dense roots. I think between what @Hemp has seen so far and I’ve already found, there’s going to be some real gold in them beans. I just transplanted these, so they’re still a little weepy.

The remainder of the backups are going to have to sit tight for a few days. Root space is getting tight in the treepots, and it’s starting to show in the leaves. But they just need to hang on long enough for me to try out @ReikoX early sexting method and probably pick a few more from the bin for musical chairs.


Yea. I was moving your BL to a bigger container. It smells like old school weed. I love it.


I think these are turning out really well. Two of the BX plants are extremely vigorous in my grow. They are an entire node ahead of all other plants, with really strong roots.


Lovely looking plants. I can’t want to pop the ones you sent me. Thanks again @lefthandseeds


Lefty droppin’ knowledge

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Cool. You will like them. I love the female I have. She is starting to turn colors. The smell is like old school weed. Imop it’s hard to explain. It has a nice smell.


Looking good Lefty!

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She is tall.