Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Tux babies looking nice, and holy shit look at the clusters on that guy! Beautiful work brother. Hope you wear a mask when you chop him down today, the amount of pollen he dropped had to be monumental!! Friggen TANK!!


Wow, that is a nice male.

What’s in the Tux? Just curious.

Man, that haze I sent you seeds of is curing out nice and it got seeds more than I expected. It still kept a beautiful structure and the buds were full of trichs. It smokes real nice and seems potent. I’m pretty sure I’m going to explore this one and try and find some keepers to make some parents.

The other, largest volunteer, would have had the 4P haze as dad, too, but it got so seeded that I just put it all just in a bag to shuck later. But, I did put the clone of it in flower and it’s pretty amazing in the smell department. 99% sure it would be one of Sam’s strains. I have to shuck the seeds from those crosses from last year now that I know that 4P Haze is turning out to be a great dad. I’ll keep you up on any work done with this haze of 4P and Todd’s Haze. It’s sure been a pleasant surprise.

I’m loving watching these projects of yours regarding these Lebs and Syrians. I hope you find the prize! I want to try it some day. I have to do a Space Monkey seed run for @misterbee. I’ll be running more of those haze as soon as I can, too. It should be real nice without seeds. Most don’t come out very well after building seeds. This one is still really nice a smokeable. peace


Thanks for the update @GMan. Sounds like things are going pretty good over there. I want to go back to my 4P seeds and hunt around a bit. Shame most of them got lost in the whole event.

The tux is black lebanon x black afghan. It’s a really interesting and potent hybrid. Strong, unusual terpenes, heavy stone, hood yields and resin and black foliage. I hope to share it eventually, I just have to find good selections that don’t have intersex traits. I think I made good progress last time I grew it, but I’m going to find out pretty soon here.


I should have some seeds of the Afghan CBD x Black Afghani from @Cristalin from USC, if you ever want to introduce CBD. They were cool plants and some turned nice colors.


Thanks, I might take you up on that offer sometime. I’m going to spend some time this year using CBD strains to see how I like it, and also maybe some tests with CBG strains.


She is still green. But nice. Viagra strains. Lol. I got to get busy. Lol

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A shot of the tuxlings. I need to ramp them up a little more in ec this weekend. I think they’re still a touch on the hungry side, but they started growing rapidly this week.


Coming soon to a Lebathon near you. I think these ought to make some nice cbd hemp babies. I’ve been curious about this HSC Willy Gs, and what better to go with it than the famous BaOx (Hindu Kush x OTTO II).


Looks friggin awesome :+1:t4:


I’ve seen those. Cool Wild Willy something like that. Was one I seen. I’ve never done Humboldt seeds. I have my reasons not that I dislike their product


Well I know you lads and lasses aren’t going to believe it, but these Syrian x Leb are still sub-40 days. I could cut this one now and not regret it too much. I’ll leave it the rest of the week though. :relieved:


In three words: IM PRE SSIVE woot|nullxnull, that leb influss has really awaken that Syrian, congrats … beer3|nullxnull


Took me by surprise honestly. I thought they were going to be done around 52 days but they’re finishing as early as the Syrian and maybe earlier.

I completely missed the nutrient ramp and they’re already finishing up. They’ve a few white hairs on the top still, but most are looking like they’re going to be done before 45 days.

I’m going to have to break the news to them that they graduated too quickly and I didn’t save enough for them to go to college.


These are the little tux pups. Some have very big leaves! I’m running them on a tomato recipe with boosted boron. Hopefully it works.

I gave them a neem/silica foliar spray today. Seems to repel fungus gnats at least a little.


No worries lefty. I’m just glad we kept that precious lebanese genepool safe.

good point gugumelo. You could always just return the seeds he sent you. You could just say you changed your mind, and are sending back his trade to make things right.

(I’m following up here because I can no longer access the private lounge.)


That is great news. Speedy ladies and beautiful :heart_eyes:


So I’m potting up my Black Lebs now (x10). Some have fat leaves, half are medium, and 3-4 are embarrassingly nutrient deficient… hence the lack of pics. Gonna try to correct that (or cull) first before showing off — Then flip.

I’m typing this because several have this really peculiar musty, incense-y fruit smell in veg :thinking: I’d have to say this is atypical from what 99% of my plants have smelled like in Veg.

Culled the two worst ones; they had weak root systems. The other two actually had healthy roots with regular/healthy upper-growth. Still, I’ll pamper them until 100% healthy


:eyes: @lefthandseeds :rofl:

@lambchopedd please don’t be offended …I have been laughing at (myself included) trying to describe that smell for about 2 and a half years now.


Black Lebanon


They’re unique for sure. Just wait until you get more smells from the flowers. @Herbie and I have been at a loss to really describe it well for a couple years now. :joy: