Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

I have noticed in regular seeds I’m not getting many males.


Smoke report SyrianLeb

I’ve had a few days to smoke through some plants. Wow, this is some great weed… bordering on psychedelic. I smoked some and had a bit of an auditory hallucination. There was an appliance running somewhere in the house that was producing a rhythmic hum. At some point, it became very intense in my head and I could feel the vibrations through my body. I can’t say that I’ve had an experience like that outside of mushrooms.

In more “normal” aspects of smoking experiences, it produces a very clear and upper style high. It’s not drowsy or couchlocking at all. I could imagine that people who are sensitive to racy sativas could have a bit of a freak out with this.

I’m very happy with the result here, though it’s not without problems. There were several plants with unacceptable numbers of nanners. I’d advise a bit of caution to anyone who I gave pollen to. The male was pretty good looking, without any pistils, but given the rate of plants with nanners, I’d advise keeping an eye on your crosses.

On the way from Hoku seed co, I ordered some more Syrian from their open pollination. This is really a special strain.


Oh man, :heart: out of likes right now, but absolutely love the smoke report Lefty!! :heart_eyes:

Makes me really curious about the kind of cannabinoid profile it has.


I’d be curious to check it out as well. After I’ve smoked through a bit from all the plants, I might select one to take to a lab. I’m very curious what’s going on here.


Nice. I was wanting for you to post earlier. Looks great @lefthandseeds


Wish you could get 2 tested, for some comparison.

See if they have a 2 for 1 coupon, or get it tested on boxing day :joy:


@lefthandseeds this is you bro.


Nice nugs! :drooling_face: those from Black Leb?


I think it’s the haze. It’s got to be yours. The other stuff I believe is more on the indica side. More dominant. Like the ONI seeds I grew. It has you all over it. Good stuff. The others are more indica. Yours has the hemp cross. I can’t tell the difference. Smoke is good. Everything else has a fruity taste. What I’m saying is your cross is fluffy. You crossed it with hemp. It’s has a nice body high. Nice pain reliever. Nice and heavy also.


If it’s the haze, either everyday haze or panama haze bx2, then it’s crossed with Ace malawi/panama. It’s just fluffy buds because it’s mostly sativa (OT haze is very airy as well). It’s not a typical NL-haze.


@lefthandseeds today I was checking out some plants in my tents, and I’ve got a couple of Sebrings Point Break (High CBD) gals in flower and one of them smells amazing! And I though… “damn, wish I had a nice male to hit her with, might be a fun cross” but I have no male plants in flower now.
But then I remembered I had some of Blue/Black Lebanese pollen you sent me a while ago still in my freezer.
Bam! Awesome Point Break mom will now be starting a new project!
Hopefully the pollen was still viable, and something cool come out of this!

Thanks again!!


Awesome! Been a minute for that pollen, but I’d say there’s a decent chance it’ll take! I think it’s a great choice for mixed cannabinoids. Lebanese are often mixed. Hope it takes. :crossed_fingers:


Sounds like a great cross. Good luck

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We have seed development! The blue/black Lebanese pollen was still viable!


Awesome! I always like to see those types of results. I have a few in my fridge for a few years now, and a couple in vacuum sealed at room temp. It seems like I might have gotten that one, too. I need to locate it and use it. Best vibes on the project. peace


That’s exciting! You’re off to the races. :sunglasses:


My Leb/PointBreak plants got cut last week.
They were tiny, but that’s ok. I only grew them to see if the high CBD content would help my wife.
But about 20 seeds have fallen out while drying.
I’m sure I’ll get more, but that’s a perfect number for some fun with these offspring next winter! :sunglasses::tada:


Greetings, Mister Z!! If you need any more of those “Pink” or “GREEN”, I still have some from the Auction. More that willing to put 'em in your hands, if needed. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Thanks misterbee! I appreciate that. For now, it’s good to know that the line is safely backed up in your seed vault.