Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

I also use the yellow traps. They keep the numbers down pretty well. I am growing in flood and drain hydro, so my options are a little different. Neem isn’t something I can use, except in foliar spray.

I have been trying somewhat unsuccessfully to use “microbeLift BMC” BTi in my reservoir. But I think I have a better idea now to take the entire plant and dunk the roots in a more concentrated solution of it. That way I can also wash out some of the eggs and larvae.


I’m new to the new strains. Always a bag of seeds or clones. But I have heard of that year’s ago. When I was younger. You could go bye the way a leaf looked. I got some Dublin Poison seeds I’m not giving up on. And another auto bag of seeds from last year. I’ll be growing autos this winter. I’m going to try it.


To be honest. I didn’t know you could have that problem in hydro. I wonder if you got them in some cracks somewhere that’s like how I seem to get them sometimes. They will hide. How do they attack you? Carpet in your room? I’ve seen where some people said they’ve have use fly spray. I wouldn’t want that. Man i’m curious now.


If you want to try some Lebanese, just let me know. I’m just making hybrids between them right now to try and adapt them better for indoor growing, and make some selections toward what I am looking for. But at least the Black Lebanon BX are already in a “finished” state.

I am fairly new to hydro, but I can definitely say it’s possible. :joy: I am growing in hydroton (clay pebbles), and they just climb in there and eat the roots and lay their eggs. So it’s not much different, and maybe even worse, since they have large voids to crawl between. I have concrete floors outside my tent. I try to cover all the vents, but it hasn’t been effective. I think the best option for me next grow will be to put mosquito netting over the tops of the pots so they can’t get in.


I have had them in my water before. For some reason I thought you could add stuff to your water. My grow guy asks my about the neem oil I use from Home Depot. I tell him I see it in my drainage. Oil

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That quad top is amazing :kissing_heart:, I love the structure. As long as you’re feeding from the bottom you could add a helluva Diatomaceous Earth on top, that wouldn’t affect the plant and would be a mortal barrier for those little bastards … beer3|nullxnull


I tried some. Didn’t know what they where at first. Even out door grows years ago. I remember the autos. So big. I can tell I’m not ready for those yet. You got it going on.

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I would. I really would. I know I’m not ready for those. But maybe in water. I got a leaf chart the other day. Anyone have a picture of one. The Nutrition chart bay any chance. I’m sorry I’ll get in a topic sometimes and not see what’s going on at first. But you guys get me on the right path


Some pictures

Black Lebanon Buds

Leb27 x Black/Blue Leb

RSC x Black/Blue Leb

I have turned everything so far into dry ice hash, and I’m waiting for the hash to try enough to press it. It’s still rising in humidity. The Black Leb #2 produce a very dark colored hash, commensurate with the dark colors of the plant. I tried to press a bunch of Black Leb #1 hash too soon and it was way too watery. Whoops!

The Leb27 pheno isn’t especially exciting for smells or yields, but it’s cool how much trifolate bud and fan leaves are there. The RSC pheno had a nice yield in a small size. Buds were looser and leaves were narrower… a more “sativa” pheno that quad top.


Quad top chop

Here’s a big ass picture dump of quad top. Super cool plant, great yielder and very frosty. Unfortunately two big negatives as well – first that the fungus gnats created havoc and caused a lot of mold issues. The dense buds not so great for botrytis. Second – and perhaps worse is that I saw more nanners that I’m happy with. I’m not sure I’ll run the seeds off of it as a result… but maybe, just maybe I’ll consider trying it’s offspring if I feel like a gamble.

That said, I’ve really been happy to observe this plant grow. It’s such a wild and wacky cannabis expression. I can’t say I’ve grown seen anything quite like it.


I like what I see.


Nice work on your project Lefty!


Beautiful little plant with huge buds. It would make for a great patio container plant( indoors too of course) , with its ability to withstand high heat. Of course you would want to be in a drier region due to mold for outdoor… great work!
How many days veg for quad top?


Is that what you grow most of the time? Autos?

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A bit longer than usual. Maybe 5 weeks? I can’t remember exactly, but I ended up with a really weird M/F ratio and delayed flowering on it for a few weeks while I got a few more matured to fill in spots.

Right now, I’m only growing Lebanese. They are photoperiod though. They won’t flower until I change the lighting schedule.


I do believe that’s what I got. Dublin Poison. I’m sure of it. They didn’t turn at all until I flipped them.

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I’m god! I see the flys. O man. How many up your nose ? Man I’m sorry. I have seen them bad but never like that. peroxide with some soap. Will kill him if you see him crawling on the ground and stuff I hope it gets better for you image that one. I hope it was cool that I moved your picture like that I did not copy it. I did not save it


I had gotten rid of all mine. But then every now and then I would have them come back. I noticed some in the kitchen for some reason. I did some looking and found out where they were coming from. AC vent in the floor. They were able to keep a home in there and were living in some of my house plants. Before I knew it they have moved to them. They love cracks they were getting a crack in a room. Could see them run when I was spraying Dr. earth . It’s like they’re hibernate waiting for you not to see them. I seen some bugs in my garden yesterday I’m not sure what kind they were but I could tell they seen me. They’re not dumb or I don’t know I’m not a scientist they do have eyes some. Just trying to make conversation. I hate to say it every time I use miracle grow and do not use boiling water to treat the soil I get 🪰


They’re probably native to your area. We’ve got pitcher plants where I live that I think are exclusively pollinated by Fungus Gnats.
They’re called Jack-in-the-Pulpits


I do live in a hot and humid climate. At first I thought they were fruit flies. One tip. I’ve been hearing good things about it from some of my friends up north in states like New Hampshire and Maine. Spray starch. It traps the bugs especially spider mites. I haven’t tried it yet that’s one problem I haven’t had a problem with. I hear it works.

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