Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Those sound righteous! I can’t wait to see more Lebanese influenced strains in the future. I’m really glad that guys like you and @lefthandseeds and @zephyr are breeding with them to make some great stuff. I can’t wait to start working with it too :grinning: it’s been something I’ve been wanting to do and dreaming of for many years. Thanks to @lefthandseeds, that dream will soon become reality!


I like to infuse coconut oil with Lebanese and add it to espresso coffee. Great for beach walks, substitute for 10 mg hydrocodone after cardiac bypass, smiles during vein exploration by phlebotomists.

I missed most of your work during hospital stat mid April through early May. Have been killing seeds but hopefully the tide is turning.

Looking forward to growing the Lebanese and Syrian seeds that I received from you. Both arms will have weight bearing restrictions after surgical fistula installation in left arm. Takes 3 to 4 months for hemodialysis access to mature. Waiting for surgery date and no heavy weight on right arm due to permacath. I am going to become Queen of 12/12 from seed until the winter holiday season.

I thank you, Zephyr, Sebring, DiggySoze and many other members for their generous seed runs and willingness to share. I have good seed cache and organic inputs for a perpetual 11/13 marathon. Looking forward to learning more about your Lebanese seeds development :grinning:


Glad to hear it! I think it has a lot to offer in a project. I’d love to see how your crosses turn out.


For sure! Really digging the black Leb. Looks like some awesome smoke :dash:!


Really cool thread man.
Great documentation and some beautiful plants too.
That chunky little quad headed plant was beautiful, sorry to hear it had a few issues at the end.
Red Leb was my absolute favourite hash of all time, wasnt the strongest, but smelt and tasted amazing. The yellow Leb hash was nice too, but loved the red.
Staying tuned for the rest of this.


Thanks for following along! I’m gonna resume the thread at the end of August, where I’ll be scoping out plants from the Syrian x Black & Blue Lebanese. Should be a pretty cool set! :v:


Lebanese from @lefthandseeds, in the left hand of a Lebanese :star_struck:



Awesome OTUG!


Absolutely beautiful stuff. Staying tuned for more!


Nice packaging . I was happy. Lol I have two of the black Lebanon going. I’m very excited. I’m hoping for one of each. I think we all do.


Oh, you mean the seeds. I just was in awe of the sticker, lol.


Traditional hash making

I thought this would be a fun thing to try, since I’m working on a traditional strain. I’m not sure if this is how they do it in Lebanon, but it is the Moroccan method. Since they’re pretty similar varieties, it seemed fitting anyway.

Here’s the materials I used:

  • Nylon mesh screen
  • Embroidery hoop
  • Steel mixing bowl
  • Tight weave nylon cover fabric (can use plastic or anything impermeable to the hash)
  • Wooden spoon

It’s a simple process. I used all the smaller lower buds from the Quad top that I didn’t feel like trimming as material (you want it pretty dry). Stretch the nylon mesh over the hoop and tighten it somehow. I used clips and doubled it over the edge to prevent slipping.

Put the mesh over the bowl with the bud on top. Pull the cover over the top and start beating the shit out of it with a wooden spoon. Beat beat beat! Beat it until it’s good and busted up. Then scrape it out with a credit card or scraping tool.

Since my mesh wasn’t stretched over the bowl, it got a little contaminated. Simple fix though, put the mesh over another bowl and work it through the mesh again with the credit card. Comes out clean on the other side.

Voila! Traditional hash.


I have a lot of traditional hash in my future. :sunglasses:

That’s the way I had intended to do it. Then, I got a 3 bag set of full mesh Bubble Magic. Haven’t used them yet. I was going to buy the silk screens online that @OleReynard showed. I still want to. Seems like the dry sieve would work as good as anything, but I have never done bubble. I want to get it to Frenchy stage one so I can do some temple balls.

Are you using the Lebanon weed? I suppose you are. Enjoy!


I would love to find an actual silk fabric to use for this. I had saved a bookmark for some real silk fabric, but that was years ago and I can’t find it now.

I did use real Lebanese buds there. It was the lower buds from the Lebanese “quad top” above – RSC Lebanese x (Black Lebanon x Blue Hemp Lebanese). Came out a nice blonde color. Tomorrow, maybe I’ll do a press in my little cylinder mold.


Robert Connell Clarke - ‘Hashish!’
Pages 154 and 157


Just found this thread. Really interesting stuff. I haven’t worked my way through the whole thing yet, but I will tomorrow when Im not so tired.


Way too much work and xtra parts

Cookie sheet and a framed silk screen
Gallon ziplock and a freezer


What if he used 2 wooden spoons to beat the buds? :thinking:


I think this would generate alot of kief


My way you don’t even need to learn how to play the drums.
Save money on drum sticks, they break you know