LED 350w test run

You’re right on what you say, you should fluctuate pH so the plants are able to assimilate different nutes, here’s the range for all:

Soil pH chart

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Gave 'em 2.5 EC 6.4 pH this morning. Soil pH was a bit higher than I need, so I guess 6.4 pH should do the work. Going to handle like 6.6-6.8 after all

Left one still sleeping. Come on wakie wakie! Don’t you wanna start flowering, silly? It’s not flowering, its slowering!!! :rofl:

Right one already on track. :partying_face: and already look like a week 1 plant

I don’t know. It seems that they have too way different flowering cycles, should I count days for them separately? I think left one would need another week to actually begin forming buds