LED vs 1000w HID


You don’t need to go to the high track end of the LEDs out there now, just make sure you get ones that are effective and efficient. A lot of that sticker price is branding and hype. Just think these as upgraded and more powerful CFL or something, as long as the spectrum and intensity is there. Either way it uses less power then HID
Oh, that “array” cost me $110 bucks for the vanity light strips and led bulbs. Then add cost of a strip of wood, wires, wire nuts, and extension cord, and hangers.


Like the look of it @Oldjoints and a good price also ! Indeed interesting :face_with_monocle:

I’d switch to leds in a heartbeat if they weren’t so damn pricey, I’m not looking forward to electric bills this summer. Between 3 1000w lights, and air conditioning my bills gonna be higher than me.

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If your just wanting energy and heat reduction, again, you don’t need to go with these units. I know it’s unpopular, and not as cool as true diy, but my fixture and bulbs for my 3x3 only cost roughly $150, plus wires, wire nuts, extension coated, light hangers, and a strip of wood. Using 21 of the 25 sockets, with these bulbs using 15w each, I’m getting 315w spread evenly over the 3x3, giving me 35w/sqft.

The cfl are reptile uvb bulbs, not needed but I added them since they were on sale. The rest are these, mix of 2700k and 5000k bulbs for bloom. I just took the domes off.

With the tent closed, and exhaust fan on, the tent is about 10F° warmer than the ambient temp of the room.


I still have the misfortune to live in a prohibition state, and have to be extremely careful about what I do or say. The circumstances could be better, but it’s out of my hands.


as do I New York you have to still be careful :frowning:

and I do remember your handle from OG 1 :wink:

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Kansas is worse. Thankfully, Colorado is our neighbor! It’s still not the same, though. I really miss growing and am trying to get up to speed with the technology.

I remember when LEDs were just beginning to come on the market, and people were starting to experiment with them. This new stuff is fascinating!


When I started growing it was illegal in every state. Things improved very slowly at first. There is hope in a lot of places but your doing the right thing by being safe. Even though things have changed for me as far as legality I am still extremely careful about what I do and say, its an old habit that’s served me well.


because it is legal to grow does not mean the bad guy will not kick in your door and

drop a cap in you and your people over drugs :frowning:


That is very true. Cops will still bust your balls over weed legal or not. They use it to start searching your person or car or start asking a lot of questions that they’re not entitled to ask. laws may have changed quickly but cops minds will take a while.


Same build as a quantum board almost half the price. I’m running one now. I spent 180 on my 320w. I’ve ran legit quantum boards before so I know the comparison. They’re literally the same

I’ve never rand HID or HPS, so I have nothing to compare to. Even at my first grow ever with a bagseed and cheap meizhi blurple led I pulled over 1.3 gpw.
Now upgraded to higher end build LEDs . When I upgraded I was pulling around 1.8 to 2 without really trying ( dialing in environment with dehumidifiers and such)

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