LED vs 1000w HID

Yeppers thats for sure :joy:

what are you showing ? … I can walk up to my lit LED and handle them bare handed without any issue… try to do the same with your HID ?


nor am I

take a picture of the ballast running the single ended bulb

so you can compare it to the picture you took of the driver running

those LEDs

just so not to be apple and orange

all the best



8020.net has aluminum extrusion that can be pressurized. so if you could attach fittings you can run water through out the whole length of the extrusion


That is surprisingly affordable- whenever I’ve bought extrusion like that it’s been an arm and a leg. Have you purchased from there?

Welcome by the way!

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yes i am currently in the process of a build now, was looking into water cooling myself132661556_159998115878112_3316280754544843794_n 132941481_1495392880644248_1453731587837353461_n 133068384_400263341028530_3318719001862912381_n


and for power


I’ll defiantly take a look, although actually I could use the heat this winter, lol.

8020 is awesome, i first came across them when i was building my hobby cnc machine. they’re a great company and have many options


Yes, very many. Hobbyist myself, my LED build probably is a little more engineered than it needs to be. I’m not going to water cool it… but affordable T rail? Ok, beats the shit out of whatever I poorly fabricate. If it also allows water cooling if I ever need it? Well that’s just fucking cool.

Ohh… on further review (you know, actually reading it) the price is per INCH. I just glossed over it… but very cool company, and still at $6 USD a foot isn’t bad.


I’d like to add my own pic of my plants under my lights to this now. 21 of the 15w (watts used not equivalent) bulbs over a 3x3 area (35w/sq.ft). Plus 4x 13w CFL reptile uvb bulbs (tropical version not desert) for extra spectrum supplementation.

Unfortunately can’t give a yield report, got hit with bud rot just before harvest, my own fault for not controlling humidity.



Watch his channel. You can find ppfd, light penetration, spectrum, etc. etc. etc. Just look for the model your interested in. He does testing on mainly high end led panels. He actually has released his own quantum array not too long ago (I know what I’m saving up for).

All the info is out there, you just have to actually look, posting the same questions repeatedly without getting an adequate answer makes me hit the stacks and reseatch.

I haven’t owned anything HID since 2011 and I couldn’t be happier. Really with a 40 or 50,000 hour burn time on led panels I haven’t ever had to" run for an emergency repair", now and then a single chip might burn out, but you have literally hundreds more on a small quantum board, all of which are being under driven (which makes them more efficient and helps lower speed of burn out).

I will say that I find a combination of led and HO T5 flourescents give me the highest quality and largest yield, versus either independently. I also use a light mover to move my 2 mars hydro ts1000’s.


Quantum boards are where its at. I have used pretty much every style of led grow light and nothing compares to the lm301 quantum boards. Highest yields and quality per watt.


I’ve come to the conclusion, use them both…far superior to one or the other.


I am with you on that lighting is lighting

use it correctly and it does what it is suppose to, use it incorrectly and your plant do not grow

I am building a 2 foot by 4 foot LED array to try it to do Sea of Green on a shelf in six inch square

pots with rooted clones with no veg

but I have lots going on so in time



I do like these diy led kits. I may change my layout up. Go length wise with them, so the are 4ft strips like you mentioned. Just so undecided,and it probably doesn’t really make a difference…just one of those ocd things :joy::rofl:

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I’m getting these for 200 bucks a piece from the manufacturer. They are pulling a little over 200w at the wall. I couldn’t build them for less than these kits. Though, they are my first foray into LEDs.

Ha, they are even the Samsung…how about that…haha

  • Powerful and Wide Distribution: This LED plant grow light is built with 624pcs LED diodes, it used Samsung lm301b diodes (high efficiency 2.9umol/J) and Mean Well driver; the distributed 4 LED boards provide wide light distribution and excellent uniformity; this design also improved heat dissipation and decreased weight of the grow light fixture

which kit you looking at?

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Here it is set up as 4ft strips in my veg room.