Legends never die

Oh hells ya brother! Shkunk tiiiiiiiime!


First time doing this kind of volume of seeds where its not all the same pairing. I was not ready, I’m not equipped for this, but I’ll make it work.

As for number, I’d say you’re about right. Between 1-2 shitloads to a metric fuckton :wink:

Also there’s more seeds being made at other patches so I’ll need a bigger fridge hah


Must be a couple keepers in there, no? :rofl:


Ummm YASSS! Oh brother this is gonna be so much fun now seeing these phenos/structure etc. in a better light has me stoked! Gonna be making carbon filters useless for years to come….


Gotta keep an eye on the spot on skunk but the line overall has zero fruit, I found 1 kind of sweet like whiskey or diesel is sweet. None is low odor, the average plant this time around is just as odorous as the smelliest I’ve grown, which was a freak bomb seeds kush bomb.

Chemd smells like gummybears next to this.


Yessssss! You know me and the dank! Not gonna lie my blood is pumping now! Let’s do this


I’ve used that…it IS perlite/peat/mycorrhizae. It works, but it’s cut, thats why its so cheap. You can get it from Indoor Farmer for under 10 bucks.

edit: its the orange one



That’s a lot of work @Mithridate ! But it looks/sounds like your attention to details should pay off.

Transporting big bags full of pot, with multiple bags inside, no less – even if it is full of seeds :wink: – would make me paranoid. :hushed: I’m glad to see you’ve got it to safety without catching any unwanted attention. That’s one of the risks of a guerilla grow.

…Reminds me of when I was younger and dumber, and brought a grocery bag FULL of homegrown into my college dorm. I thought nothing of it. Walking around with a couple pounds of weed in broad daylight, fellow students and administrators all around. I guess my nonchalance was a good thing. I didn’t bother to fathom the consequences, had I been stopped. :man_farmer:


I suspected it wasn’t pure comparing prices with other brands so thanks for confirming that :wink:

As much as I wish I could buy the high grade stuff, for how much I use, it definitely wouldn’t be financially responsible. I buy it 12 tubs at a time so no way hah

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I’ve used that stuff on my outdoor for years…it works fine!

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The work is only beginning :slightly_smiling_face: open pollination was the easy part!

Odor control is very important, the stronger it smells, the more on point your A game has to be.
For moderate loads, I go freezer bag into vacuum pillow bag into thick vinyl weatherproof sports bag. You can bring a couple hockey sticks for subterfuge.

Hidden in plain sight eh
Some years ago I was seeing this girl, she could steal anything, not even hide and walk off. Incredible. One time we go in a grocery store, she grabs a kart, fills it with 24s of beer and walks out like nothing. Security comes running. She just stood there cracking jokes, smiling. Security dudes look around don’t see her and leave. I was baffled. Complete shock.


My go to for decades!


Mines a tuna rod


From the bush…fishing rod. Always carried one going to my patch. From the car…in hockey bags with a hockey stick. It helps when your neighbors know you play too.


Always my go to , I have a bunch of simms bags, HUGE and small, they all have rod holders I’d put a fly rod and an old tuna or musky rod. The musky rods are unbreakable so it was there to break someone else :wink: plus everyone knows I fish so it was never suspect. Never used hockey bags tbh, we’d just pull up cube vans and pickups w cab as close as possible . Then you just see giant trees with a lean bouncing along the shrub/treetops until someone pops out with it over their shoulder, toss em in and continue. Then our trim house was on almost 2 acres so once there no one saw shit. Always used to howl when I’d be on lookout and watching the tops bounce along until they appeared with someone carrying them, especially mikes girlfriend as she’s like 5’ nothing and most plants were twice her height, it was comical in fact :rofl:


just ordered some of that Dynomycos
gonna try it :fire:

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You’ll love it @SamwellBB i promise you :wink:

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I wonder how beaver would be hmmm :stuck_out_tongue:.

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I tried beaver :joy: wasn’t too bad, tasted like lamb with pork texture

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this is why im afraid of culling