"...lessons of life can't be learned in a day" To grow or not to grow? That is "..." for life!

Hi everyone. This might end up as a long text, yet as soon as I notice it to be on the brink of redundancy, I’ll stop.

After having had three unsuccessful attempts at growing cannabis throughout my life (mostly due to fear, once in NYC), I finally took the courage to tell myself, “Screw this, I’m in my late 50s, have always been drawn to music and art, have never committed any crimes, a father of two, have been a teacher for at least 20 years, even considered moving back to the US literally to have a more intimate relationship with this herb… I’ll start growing my own weed right here and right now! Worst case scenario (if I happen to be facing charges and or persecution, I have the rest of my life to prove I’m innocent and an honest and dignified human being, and I mean no harm, either to myself or others!”

Enough said, let’s get to it.
Bathroom became makeshift growroom.
Samsung Quantum Full Spectrum 2000w.
6” Turbo exhaust fan (not installed yet).
6” Carbon filter (not installed yet).
A small fan.
Plastic pots full of holes (me trying to bridge the gap between an air pot with the cheapest bucket around).
Expanded clay and coco fiber at the bottom of pots.
Soil: Peat moss, worm castings, bone meal, castor beans meal, coffee powder, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium sulfate, perlite, vermiculite, ash powder, and regular soil. (Ph is 7.2)
Feed: A feeble, yet stubborn imitation of the organic line of growers (trying to learn from Elaine Ingham, Chris Trump and the like) using KNF (Korean Natural Farming) stuff: FPJ, FFJ, WCA, Aloe Vera (fermented and fresh in juice form), Magnesium sulfate (Ph is 6.4).
Plants are roughly a month and a half old.

Although I had been forewarned prior to starting, from the 3 autoflowers, Deimos Caramel, as a seedling, one got knocked down by my dogs (they broke the stem), and after watering the other 2, the one you’re looking at decided to go kaput and died on me, whereas the last one (with the lst wires in the image) keeps going, go figure…

You’re looking at 7 plants, 4 clones, and 1 corpse (Autofailure). From these 7 only 2 are legit, as far as feminized and known strains, one (SFV) OG Kush and the Deimos Caramel. The only one I know is the OG Kush by experience (unless I’d been fooled by the local dealer) with buds. The remaining 5 are what we can get our hands on around here, be it compressed seeds coming from Paraguay (prensado) or loose stuff from the northeast of Brazil. Despite the fact that they have been showing some signs of pistils sticking out more than anything, I honestly haven’t seen any sacks so I’m hoping to have struck complete luck and have 5 females (“you wish!”). Not that concerned about it because I guess I’m beginning to become a real grower after being told a few times by videos on youtube that I will indeed have enough time to notice the sacks way before they’d release pollen and then compromise the females, once they get into flowering.

The autoflower had its first lst today, whereas the others, if you’re able to see how thick the stems are, are full of leaves and tiny branches. I have a feeling that, after having read somewhere that when lights are too close to plants, they seem to have halted their growth. Right now I’m keeping the light at 2 feet from them. It was closer than this so I’ll keep you posted.

You will also notice the wires around the plants. Have learned from experts that the light has to reach as many parts of the plants as possible. But I’m taking my time, if needed, I’ll keep them longer in the vegetative stage, till I see’em buds coming in!!

The clones are all from the OG Kush, and that tiny one was nothing but an accident. I cut it unintentionally, so I’m hoping to make it come to life, knowing that out of these 4, I might get one or two. Must say I’m impressed to see how vigorous and daring they seem. Since it’s my first attempt at cloning, I’m thinking of turning one of them into my bonsai mum. Hope I’m not making a mistake for not using the original plant which came from the seed and one of its clones, completely unaware whether there is any loss to using a clone for a mother and not the original one, if that makes any sense. Oh well, living and learning…

I guess I’ve said most of it, and please, any suggestions, criticism, opinions, observation, tips, anything really, you’d like to say, you’re more than welcome to speak your mind. I humbly thank everyone for this amazing welcome I’ve received here, and believe it or not, I became a member three days ago and since then have learned a ton, besides being literally helped by other senior members. That’s all.

You guys are amazing! Thanks a million!


Does your temp/rh read 29c/71% ? If so, your right in the sweet spot according to the high times vpd chart! You should be seeing major growth daily!
Keep up the good work!!


Hey, thanks, it feels kind of warm inside the bathroom but I hope it’ll improve way more once I install the exhaust fan and filter. At least I hope it won’t be going into 31c, and actually it is so far merely accidental. Yep, 28.9c/71% inside. Thanks for the input!


This looks interesting, I’ll tag along. :sunglasses: :+1:



:popcorn: :beers: :headphones:


Interested… Watching… Waiting…


Thanks everyone. I’ll keep posting… Happy “new” growth!


If you don’t mind I will be tagging along on this one.
Nice to be in the VPD sweet-spot!


Hi folks, bringing two pics from the latest development…

This is the caramel, I guess three days after the first lst.

And this is the OG Kush. Hope I haven’t messed up with the topping. It seems strange. Any thoughts? Happy new strains everyone!


No worries, I’ve done worse :laughing: :+1:
It will ‘collate it’s feces’ and get moving shortly…



Hi everyone, this is the second lst, hope I haven’t bent it too far.
It was supposed to be only lst but newbies have a tendency to mess up, and nature teaches us…


Last one is the OG Kush. Love the thickness of the stem and hoping I’m not messing anything up.
the first one is the Deimos Caramel autoflower. the thick stem is from another plant, not the Kush. Living and learning…!


Hi everyone, updating my grow. Lst has been pushing the plants to branching out like crazy. This is the only auto from the bunch, a Deimos Caramel. Does anyone here know this strain? I’d love to hear something about it. Didn’t do any topping but lst has surely been used. All suggestions are welcome. This is the OG Kush…

The stem is getting thicker…Thanks.


Hi everyone, updating my project… all comments and suggestions welcome:

This is my only auto, it’s been growing fine, always responding to my pinning it down… and after checking it…

More unknown strains to follow (mostly sativas)…


This is probably my oldest one, about 2 months old. It does look like a sativa, and I hope I’m not speaking too soon, it looks like a female! Fingers crossed…
Another shot of the same plant…
And another one… Sativa possibly…

Please, experts, do tell!
another shot…

And here is my baby, the OG Kush…

another shot… they look like pre-flowers

The lady is clean underneath…

And before the last shot of all plants, this one is for @dequilo, @Shaggy450r, @Gpaw, @Seamonkey84, @corey, @Sasquatch and the experienced ones out there!
Thank you everyone! And the final one with all 7 plants…


Imo i believe its still too early to be 100% brotha… best to not rush them. Mom always told me “a watched pot never boils” :rofl: :rofl:… they are looking wonderful by all means. Your sativa one remind me of a plant I just finish last harvest. Perfect sativa leaves, but grew like a short fat bushy indica. I was at a loss with it. Just so hard to keep her looking nice. Just get bushy again. I just ended up letting her do her own thing. :laughing:


Beautiful flower, mouth salivates round here by just looking at it… and the thin leaves, like pointy knives. Thanks, wishful thinking… newbies, ahff!

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First off, you need to think about doing a thread demonstrating your plant training techniques (Brother, your Kung Foo is tenth Dan).

  • How much time left before going to flower?
  • Roughly how many bud sites on each plant?



Love it, but does it mean decent, good, or terrible? How about chaos? I mean it, no joking… for the past two weeks I’ve been digesting content as much and as fast as I possibly can, in fear of ending up without the lousy available local weed in these neighborhoods. Good questions, and I wouldn’t know what to answer to either one, rsrsrs… novice! @Gpaw, what I’ve been trying to do is to use clothesline wire to pin them down as I’ve been circling the stems around the pots, as though I’m shaping circular snakes. Other than that, trial and error on every corner of it. I’d love to know what you meant. Thanks!

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He’s its badass but in a cooler way!