Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

The charts are rudimentary at best, only noting the place of origin, where it was grown and cannabinoids.

Large outdoor grows and soil analysis, hmm :thinking:

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:raised_hands: I could very well be mis-remembering :sweat_smile: I had the real Herojuana back in those days :joy: The results of this Maryland study do seem to fall into alignment with my recollection though :thinking: Thank you @Mithridate , I will see if I can dig up that study.


Haha, maybe.
I haven’t seen many books praise the merits of deficiencies :upside_down_face:

Coffman, C. B., & Gentner, W. A. (1975). Cannabinoid Profile and Elemental Uptake of Cannabis sativa L. as Influenced by Soil Characteristics1. Agronomy Journal, 67(4), 491. doi:10.2134/agronj1975.00021962006700040010x


coffman1975.pdf (207.9 KB)

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Wow I’ve never even seen this before

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That’s not mine, grabbed it from the internet.

Oh shoot… I was gonna say… I think he had 8 of those printed as his doctoral research paper… Thought you might have gone and pilfered it from his university or something! Ha ha…

That literally is the hens tooth of books… That and the bill Drake one your looking for!


Great book… Lovely…errrr subjects…


Great subject matter :point_up:Great stuff!

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Stoned Sex
Aquarius 7 Publications, unknown year.


The guy on the left is like… Wow there is a heaven and all it took was a few joints to get here…


I… choose…BOTH!


My newest acquisition… Some really wacky pictures inside. It was the 60/70s after all and they probably had been high on LSD for the last 5 years!

30p what a great price. Sadly that wasn’t what I paid for it!


That looks great- share a page or two from the guide! Thank you for sharing!


Your wish is my command

Love how they write any contact will be treated in strictest confidence…

Oh those were the days… Can’t imagine strictest confidence happens these days… I’m thinking Facebook, telegram, literally any other you care to name!

Love that centre fold!

Just if anyone from the publisher sees this… I don’t intend any infringement on copyright and am willing to take it down if you feel I have infringed or exceeded fair usage! Can’t imagine you are the type of people to care really though…



They make one every year and sadly it only gets smaller… Less and less coffeeshops every year


That’s too bad… I love coffee! Cool book!

I’m always stoned “it’s always stoned sex”


Lol, absolutely Cole! :sweat_smile:

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For some reason, the comment about the band of white around the border on the cover has me thinking of one of Laurence Cherniak’s publications, The Great Books of Hashish Volume 1 Book 1. Hope that helps. Much love


Thanks @Sbeanonnamellow! I remember reading through these at the Borderlands bookstore on Haight Street. Looking at their prices now, I wish I had bought them.

Thank you @Mithridate, I had already downloaded, read, and confirmed that this was the study I had been looking for as soon as I saw your post regarding Marijuana Chemistry. I always try to describe the results of this study to people and they always scoff at the premise that cannabis flowers can be steered to higher qualities when not provided a full and balanced nutritive feed. Now I have the study I needed and have also now found a lot more info regarding excessive Nitrogen lowering final THC levels. :v: