Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!


Great book/pamphlet… Great price at the moment


I was just checking that one out. Definitely a good price at the moment :+1:

Really that should sell for what maybe 50usd. Maybe a little more, condition considered and in the US it’s a bit rarer than here not twenty miles from where it was published!

On the other hand a true first edition could be 150 if not more… But that was maybe 4,5 years ago that I last saw one of those sold in anything like good condition.

Unicorn books… That’s a name to remember. Great stuff from them back in… The day.

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Not in the best of condition but a great piece of history and not a bad price… And make an offer.


I’ve been watching this one out of a morbid curiosity…. @Sbeanonnamellow pointed it out to me….$250 and still hasn’t met the reserve? Jeez, for a 1st revised edition? How high will it go? Lucky I got my 1st proof edition for $100…lol :laughing:

That’s probably someone looking for the reserve price then will withdraw Thier bid. It happens far too much on eBay.
But yeah if it sells for that it seems like you and me have spent our money well in the last few years… If only my gf would believe that. Ha ha

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More money than sense comes to mind…I just found two of those for significantly less than that price already

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It sure is an interesting tactic. I didn’t follow it too closely but saw it ended without passing their reserve price. I just noticed it relisted for what appears to be $250 with a buy it now at $325. I wonder if they set an astronomical reserve price just to test the market and once they did that they adjusted their pricing to what we see now. The starting bid is conveniently close to the ending bid amount that didn’t surpass the set reserve in the original auction.

I love looking at past sold items and seeing people get really good items for a great price. Even if it isn’t me it’s still pretty cool to know that they’re out there and people are enjoying them.

After @buckaroobonsai mentioned that Dru West book I’ve been looking for a copy as clean and maybe a little cheaper. Someone wise once told me it’s all about being patient. Much love

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Sold! $325, that’s some crazy stuff!

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Todd McCormick of ag seeds bought it


That’s wild, I thought to myself the price was more than I think it’s worth but surely there are avid collectors out there willing to pay it and then some. No joke I thought to myself “someone like Todd” probably bid on it. So cool to see it was actually him! His posts a while back about the Murphy Stevens books were a significant part in me finding myself more immersed in collecting books in the genre. Appreciate you for the neat tidbit @Ziggy77. Nice stuff @AmazingLarry , going to be Googling about that Kamstra publication it looks neat.
Much love


I stand by my statement… But if your time is worth more per hour than you would save then capitalism says spend the money!

I think I enjoy the hunt more than the money so I will stick with a million Google searches and eBay sniping!
Sucker for a bargain I am…


Very common… I’ve won so many eBay auctions only for the seller to withdraw, then a day, week, month later see that same book as buy it now for maybe 20-50pc more than the original sale price.

It’s very cheeky but if you want it you will pay it and most people don’t give a fffiddlesticks about scruples when it comes to £££ etc!

Usually I just move on and spend my money wisely elsewhere!

Hey if prices are going crazy high… Which they are for lots of really quite average items… Then that’s great for me,buckaroo etc… We cornered the market!!!


Lol,I’ve been using that term for years, I’ll have to poke around for a print run on that revised edition…. I’m curious how many were made vs. the price paid for an unsigned VG copy.


Reissue so popular book. Like your holy grail… If it sells well a lot of second third fourth print of the first edition goes on… I wouldn’t be surprised if there were 5,7,8000 printed of that herer book. Not a price I would pay for it but want and need are different things!


Just picked this up….$23 shipped, these are the kind of deals I look for these days…

How To Grow Marijuana Hydroponically
Patrick Daniels
Sun Magic Publishing Co., 1st printing, December, 1976. Fine+.

An iconic cover, 1st printing in great condition, I’m very happy about this one. :sunglasses:


This is another grail book imo, I picked this up dirt cheap as well….

How To Grow Marijuana Indoors Under Lights
Murphy Stevens
Sun Magic Publishing Co., 1st printing, 1973. Fine.


Another fairly recent grab…

Indoor Sinsemilla
Anthony Burgess, 1984, fine+.


I love looking at the price tags of these books… In 11 years a book went from 3… To ten USD.

The Murphy Stevens was niche and by the time you get to indoor sinse it’s… Pardon the pun… Bloomed!

A real piece of social history in a couple of price tags.

Both books were at the fore of waves of growing… The first really good lights with ms then the explosion of growing that came about from various laws changing across America with the indoor sinse one.