Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

Tho not really an old grow guide it stems from the old Grow Yer Own Stone grow guide by Alexander Sumach.

Not my old book lost in the sands of time but a pic off the 'web.


Anyone familiar with the book will recall the centrefold was an application to the Bureau of Dangerous Drugs in Ottawa to grow your own pot. I filled that out claiming to be a pot researcher and was of course refused. I still have the letter, censored to protect the guilty. :smiley:

I wrote to Mr. Sumach asking permission to copy the application to hand them out to others and got a reply, also censored.

Also had written him prior to that about maybe growing an acre of pot and making it all into oil. He was not very supportive. :smiley:

A little bit about my pot history.



His penmanship it’s incredible.
Seems like he was a total character.
There’s a great website devoted to his books. Can’t remember the name but has a great interview with him on it


If you scroll up a bit I put a link to the original book from eBay if you’re interested

Go get a great book and relive some memory’s


As much as I like to trip down memory lane I have other needs/desires, like a small boat to go fishing in, that the memories are enough for me now and lots cheaper. :slight_smile:

I think I already have a PDF of it somewhere and likely found it on PDFdrive.com which is a great place to find lots of free e-books on every subject imaginable in a few different formats.

Thanks for the tip tho!


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The whole book is written in that script as well. Was my first grow book at the time I believe.



The first printing was in 1987 I believe.
Correction, March 1985. But that spiral bound one was 1992, 7th printing.


Good to see that… Hope he did well on the effort put into that book.

Hashish is probably one of my favourite books in my collection… The style, the drawings and the balls to produce something like that when it could of got you hard time in the 70s jail system!


I just grabbed this off the web, I think this is it.


The crazy amount of cookbooks there astounds me… But some are really good and some it’s literally make pasta but put ghee in… Errr I could have done that when I was 15 and learning to cook!

I’ve stopped buying cookbooks now unless it’s to much of a bargain… Like the one above was.

A while ago I made some cakes that no one could taste, see, smell the product in… Didn’t work out to well when some got moved from one table to another and several straight edge friends ended up a bit …:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Still they forgave me… But the person who moved the cakes not so much…


Love that the pamphlet comes from apartment 9… Some guy sitting there educating his little corner of the world in growing. What a legend

And the other item needs no introduction… Very happy to have that now


Is that one of the signed ones?


What a find on The Botany and Ecology of Cannabis. I’m so stoked for you. I had just sort of figured something like that wouldn’t really pop up so nonchalantly for sale but I seem to have been mistaken. Posts and comments like yours are incredibly refreshing. The artwork and drawings are so cool. Much love


Here’s a cross post of me rhapsodizing about my one of my favorite books:

Good price on a decent copy of that edition:


Killer price on the home library two-book set of an earlier edition:



Dutch pharmacopoeia 1934 with medical Cannabis preparations from the East Indies.


I knew a Dutch guy that made some of these type things… 3drops hash oil, six Oz of rice alcohol, three grains of Iranian hero…in…

Honestly you never knew who was going to turn up to the party… Crazy do anything arjen or sit in the corner not move Zombie arjen.

Still nice guy but my god I had some strange nights out with that guy!


I thought this was cool and the price was good so I grabbed it…

Axel Delmar, 1st edition, 1897, an opera about hashish I believe. German language.


Got this from eBay a few days ago. Pretty hard to find and in really great condition for being over forty years old!

The company mentioned in the edge were really at the forefront of new wave comics etc in Amsterdam in the eighties. They put out some great stuff!


This isn’t mine, but also rare and cool….


old Marc Emory seed catalog and grow guide. Vintage 2000-2002.


I have a bunch of old High Times Cannabis Culture and Heads magazines from about 1999-2005.