Lets burn one togetheršŸ˜Ž

The GDP, nice smoke. Taste was the same from start to end, not skunky, old school, record/head shop days of old.
The taste reminds me of walking into the old hippie record/head shop with the killer incense.
Nice inhale taste, the exhale you get that old school taste.
Itā€™s got that upper respiratory tickle, had to wait a few between hits,
Real nice buzz, real physical behind the eyes type buzz, good night time smoke, I can tell already. It settles in nicely.
Iā€™m betting this frost monster would wash exceptionally well and provide a spectacular yield.
Another one I wouldnā€™t kick out of bed.
Frost covered, old school taste, real nice night time high, whatā€™s not to like, LOL


@Jetdro Wasnā€™t able to post last night on the last in the box, Triangle Kush. Had to run up north to help mom and dad for a few hours. Moms is recovering from a broken femur in August, and Dad just canā€™t do a lot of physical demanding things anymore, result of getting polio before the vaccine. Between the drive there, handling things, and driving back, didnā€™t get home until around 3:30am. Just starting the wind down from Ranger getting me up early, and doing stuff here at home.
Will post the smoke report on the Triangle Kush here in a little while after unwinding.


All good man do life buds will wait :sunglasses:


Zig Z** Classic

burn one by the fire.


My whole intention was to smoke the TK last night, after a long ass Friday with little sleep, wife made dinner, and next thing I knew, it was 1am when I woke up on the couch.
So, after a day full of yard work, sitting down and smoking the Triangle Kush tonight.

It had a very good smell when ground, even the tiny bit that fell out the end of the joint tasted good just eating it, LOL
Time to smoke some on it, then report back in.


Just saw this , im smoking her now myself

Finished it about 10 minutes ago. LOL
Real nice smell when broken up.
Has a real nice high, nicely balanced.
This one messed with my sinuses. Got my sinuses swollen.
Taste was nice, had kind of an incense kush taste on the exhale backend. Took a few hits to start feeling it, but it settled in rather nice.
The high sits nicely, another one I like the high on.
The only thing I donā€™t like, is that messed with my sinuses,.


Does same to me , hard for me to smoke but i love it , lol


Ok, then itā€™s just not me, LOL
I like the buzz, donā€™t get me wrong.
Just couldnā€™t taste much after the 1/2 joint mark, LOL
Other than my sinuses, I like this one too!!!


I donā€™t know if you know but Iā€™m allergic to marijuana some of it really affects me some of it doesnā€™t I was out with the pack right at sundown in the frisbee park sitting on a bench smoking a joint watching them play it was TK he gave me such a sneezing coughing spitting snot pouring out my nose attack it wasnā€™t funny I could only smoke half a joint

WC does not do that to me , neither does Lost Cap , Tahoe does the same to me . ICC does not . Mac gives the worst effects , running nose in 1 hit



Damn didnā€™t know that.
Yeah it had me hacking some too.
Iā€™m not ā€œallergicā€ but some does mess with my sinuses and upper respiratory tract more than others.
Itā€™s actually been a while since itā€™s happened since I primarily smoke hash.

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When I hit well cured Mack I can only take one hit about every three minutes because the rest of the time Iā€™m blowing my nose and coughing and gasping for air


TK was the only 1 of the 7 to affect me like that.
ST- canā€™t smoke, taste doesnā€™t cut it, horrible on my palette.
The other 6 are all awesome in their own way.
All have their cool differences which makes them unique in their own right.
ICC- huge taste
WC- nice taste, can see where the taste comes from in the ICC.
Lost Cap- Love this taste, so subtle and rich, could just keep smoking for the taste.
Tahoe- nice taste, very rich
GDP- to me, straight old school, reminds me of the late 70ā€™s early 80ā€™s.
Nice rich taste, started to tear me up (cough) about the 1/2 joint mark
You have a VERY nice lineup, the only one I wouldnā€™t keep is the ST.
Everything else is great, they all have their differences that serve their purposes.
Taste, high, and potency are all there.
Hard to say I ā€œwouldnā€™tā€ grow anymore of ā€œthisā€
Personally my top 3 would be:
Tahoe OG

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For me






From AF??? @Pawsfodocaws

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Yes sure is. Itā€™s some straight kill. @Jetdro

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So close tp pulling my first one, and looking REALLY NICEā€¦