Lets burn one together😎

This Dosi Punch is really good vaped. Can really taste the dosido. :yum:

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we will get lumpy’s cut one day man. but i read good thinks about the ogkb 2.0 pretty popular cultivar in breeding few years back. but you have so much options in your seed fridge so for it to stand out to you shows why its popular

This should be fun…


:alien::electric_plug:= AlienTechnology!


ooooh, looks interesting

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Out here burnin’ alone!! wtf!, Dr.Greenthumb will burn 1 w/ me!


looks nice i will end up popping the pack of those i have next summer maybe!


It’s just after 4:20 somewhere I’m tokin on this tasty wedding cake. It’s store bought but not bad at all


Ok folks. Kinda been out of the loop a little bit.
Had family stuff to take care of all weekend, and wasn’t home. The Ford doors are kicking me in the ass, but HOPEFULLY got the last of the issues worked out. Got a phone call this morning from the Fort Gratiot FD to make them a mock up door for presentation of the new “lock out” system that the county is implementing in all the schools for an “Intruder” emergency, and didn’t get home until late tonight, but, I’m back to the care package that @Jetdro sent me home with.
Tonight, we will be trying the “Lost Cap”
Report coming up shortly.


Tonight, I smoked the “Lost Cap”
Taste started out skunky for about 2 hits, then settled into a powdered, strawberries & cream undertone, REALLY liked this. Has a different buzz, feel it in the brain, physically. Took a bit to settle in, like most flower does to me anymore, but the buzz is nice. More heady than physical, I would say 80/20.
The taste I like, leaves a nice aftertaste. I smoked some, let it settle in s bit, and then just kept smoking for the taste, the creamy flavor is kind of addictive. The wife even said she liked the smell of it too, which is saying a lot, LOL
Hit one again tomorrow night and report.


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Smoking some of that.

Whatever that was.


This is Kandy Kush mixed with Gelati shake


gg4 11 weeks flower from a buddy. not a special cut just something he has around. havent been able to smoke much but feeling back to good health. mostly


Jungle scout


Ok folks, tonight out of the smuggled home container from @Jetdro, we are smoking the Tahoe OG.
Had to let Ranger outside, and when I walked back into the living room, had a very nice smell of freshly ground marijuana.
Let’s smoke on this for a bit, and report back in a few.


Well, the Tahoe OG. Interesting. Smell after breaking up, Loud, stunk up the living room.
Started to hit me around the 3rd hit, quickest so far of the 4 I’ve smoked. Nice buzz, physical feels right, and has a nice head to it. Settled in nice, would be very good for arthritis sufferers, IMO, definitely good for my arthritic ankle.
Most potent so far, IMO.
Taste was skunky on the first hit with and undertone of, the best I can describe is PEZ candy from my childhood.
Second hit, PEZ was in the forefront, with a skunky undertone. As it burned, got the tastes but it added that nice resin richness, like dark roast coffee compared to breakfast blend. One thing I do miss about smoking flower is trying to figure out and describe the taste, I primarily smoke hash, mostly due to business, smoking a joint doesn’t go well when customers are walking the floor doing a shop walkthrough.
This is also the 1st one to give me a touch of cottonmouth.
On another note, Skunk Tangerine to me is NASTY, one hit out of the kids clean bowl, won’t be smoking anymore of that, it’s not for me.
Rotten orange rinds and earth ass, just horrible to me.
Snobbish, sure, back in the day, it would have been the whip compared to the brick weed, but this is today, and with what’s available now, why smoke something that doesn’t taste good to ya.
You weren’t wrong one bit on that one @Jetdro.
Tomorrow night will probably smoke the GDP and report on that one.
5 down, 2 more to go.


Smoking some Kinky Cheese growing outdoor… Gonna make some icolator out of it 4 sure


On deck tonight from the smuggled home @Jetdro pack is the GDP. Absolutely trichome covered, think this would be a killer yielding washer, as it’s that packed with trichomes.
Very nice bouquet on the grind. Time to smoke some, and report back in a few.

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Nighty night


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