Lets burn one together😎

Frankie: Super, super smooth . Very easy on my lungs. High is quick , feel her on 2 hits .

Little sweetness up front , then a nice lite lip smacking flavor i cant put a finger on .

Hits me WELL , 5 hits in , im there .

Really nice after taste in my mouth , really pleasant high , very soothing and chill , no up , but not down either , right down the middle for me . I like her


morning ya bunch of dope smokers hehehe
I’ve been up since 5am butchering deer… lots of work to do still.
But I’ll take a quick break and roll one up
Recently harvested light dep Oreoz
Still needs time to cure but it’s nice and smooth and has a nice energetic kick to it.


looks good :boom:



Dutch treat left and middle. Apple fritter on the right.

That’s because of the angle (but not of the dangle). I will note, however, it is the smaller of my two primary bongs. Ron Jeremy. HA! ROFLMAO

I love that charcoal filter.


Me neither! (I’m vaping a bowl of Frankie right now)
Darned if I can ID that flavour but it’s great.


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Is Edgefield just what the rippers get? …from the edges? Grey market tobacco? :rofl: :wind_face: :smirk:

Tempted to fly @Jetdro out here :volcano: for a day :sweat_smile:

LAX seems to tolerate up to an oz :man_shrugging: DFW probably cornhole you on the spot


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Making ICC rosin

8 grams , 160 bag , she what she returns

Really nice pull , really nice product , small blowout or would have been higher number ,


Taste like Marlboro at half price

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Nice smash. What press you use? Or is diy

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Looking to pick one up.

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Nugsmasher og 12 ton , all manual , way i like it , will never trade or sell it . Old original weighs 75 pounds , has a magic feel to it when pressing .


Hey @Kgrim
i just made some fresh rosin , gonna twist a J of ICC and put her own rosin on it .

Your invited :sunglasses:

Now thats a joint


lit em if ya got em @SHSC-1



Nice man thanks been looking for one, I have been eye balling them nug smashers. Thanks brother

ha! good timing… I just sat down to roll one :rofl:
I don’t have any rosin but I think I will try this Pre 98 Bubba Kush S1 from @VerdantGreen.
This stuff smells so good… the classic bubba mocha and coffee funk with a hint of berry sweetness. Still has to cure but I’m itchin to sample it so here goes :smiley:


i bought it used , came with 100 bags , all accessories offered, a new 4x 4 tent , all for 300 bucks . Possibly my best FB score to date .

Buy a used OG original , the heavy duty one

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Tell me as you smoke her

Mine tastes like ICC … lol , rosin is 100 percent same flavor as the bud

on a break :see_no_evil:

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never smoked bubba i dont think

one im smoking now is amazingly flavorful
So rich n creamy creamy creamy .Taste the WC in her , and the Cherry Pie influence , which i love . Tastes almost like candy on inhale , while holding in it changes , … oh Hell … head rush :boom:. Roasted nuts , sweet rosin finish

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