Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

Yeah, agreed @DougDawson. I wish I had the ability to delete it…

Back on theme:


Nature ain’t all bunnies and squirrels :slight_smile:

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LOL, I am quite aware. As someone who has lived in the woods and hunted I have seen lots of what nature has to offer. Just don’t think the decapitated head of an animal is really in tune with the sentiment of the thread is all. Just my opinion. Might be somewhat of a turn off for some of the nature lovers that visit here :v:


Squirrels and bunnies it is then :slight_smile:


Awesome brother, appreciate it. Most would not blink an eye at your pic but I know of a few it might just bother. You are totally correct, that is nature for sure. Can’t argue about that.


Agree, and I wouldn’t include spiders and insects in the “wild animals” category too, we aren’t kids no more … frech|nullxnull

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Spiders, insects, snakes… are all “wild animals”. They are neither plant nor fungi therefore… animals.
I love a good friendly debate. :slight_smile:


Have you heard about arachnophobia? ejem|nullxnull Every night I take out my dog outdoors to pee I come back witn spiders crawling around my shoulders and webs tangled on my hair … :see_no_evil:


I have said for years that a good measure of manliness is how you react when you walk through a giant spider web haha.


Nothing special about this pic, but as I was working in the yard yesterday, she came running from about 50 yards away to get close to me! I wonder if she’s one of the lucky deer that was around me a couple weeks ago at the time I was in my garden and pulling out the plants and tossing the green tomatoes over the fence for the deer to eat…:thinking:

I had a fox walk right past me a few days ago as I was raking the leaves in another part of the yard. They’re normally skittish around humans, so it briefly freaked me out as I pondered if it had rabies. But then it started walking away, so I took out my phone to catch it on video. I created a GIF out of a few seconds of it…





Just came home and found this critter blocking me from my yard.


He heard about the multitude of skunk hunts we have going around here, and just wanted to help!


It’s funny, I’ve had a lot of run ins with skunks over my life. I’ve walked out my front door and almost tripped over one at 4am one morning. I hopped a fence and almost landed on one coming from a girlfriends when I was a teenager. I’ve had my dog sprayed. I’ve come close to running them over and had to live with the smell in my car for a week. But I’ve never had one spray me.


I have a young friend that traps during the season. He works his own hides… I told his Aunt that I wanted to find a good skunk hide to make a cap out of. The next think I know, he calls up and tells me he’ll try to live trap and work up a skunk for me. I’d like to see him do that without getting sprayed. lol
Now that’s a good kid.
He’s a 14 year old trapper. I think he’ll grow into the right sort of guy. IMO.


Skunks have been moving down into our area lately. A kid who used to work for me became certified in wildlife removal, and a licensed trapper. I call him kid, he’s 42 now, lol! He live traps skunks. Says if they can’t raise their tail, they can’t spray you! Small traps are the ticket, but I don’t want to find out!


I’m with you @HorseBadorites .


No need to fear a polecat unless they are rabid or you scare them. Then you are in for some Kentucky cologne you won’t forget, lol.


this guy has been haunting my swamp


The skunk hung around my driveway and along my fence for a couple hours. I gave it a bit of my lunch.
It was bright and sunny out. People out walking enjoying the weather. He/she didn’t care. I thought they were nocturnal. :thinking: