Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

I have junipers covering a good bit of my front yard and in summer have seen deer sleeping on it. Makes a nice bed. One time I went to drive out my driveway and a few of them were standing in my way. My headlights were one and they just stared at my car. Now if I still had a bow and arrows…


This guy/gal was walking across my frozen pond last winter.

Saved this Red shoulder hawk from some fishing line at my neighbors house.


Awesome - great job :raised_hands:


Way to go with the hawk… is that a bobcat on the cam?


Living in Canada’s largest city most wouldn’t believe how much wildlife shares our space.

In our yard alone we’ve seen: groundhogs, bunnies, squirrels (all types), feral cats, birds (song, and pray) to start. We KNOW Coyotes do occasionally come through as there’s a breeding population in the neighbourhood now so we’re diligent with Celia (our doggo) and got shelters and a feeding station for our feral cats (aka: keepers of the peace).

Permanent Feral; A Domesticated Miniature Lion Wizard (We call him Heathcliff):

Permanent Feral; the Loveable & Survivor Idiot (We call her Cilantro):

Hundreds of birds daily, hawks daily, and as a bonus we are on the migration path and get seasonal visitors… except for rats or mice now… thanks to both Heathcliff and Cilantro + their “buddies” that pop in and out of the yard.


here’s a wolf that kept coming up to our ice fishing hut at Lake of Bays, he poked his head in the window first, scared the crap out of us! Then proceeded to steal our bait, and a couple fish we had on the ice, he would not leave so the one pic is me chasing it away on the ski doo. He came back another time the next day but we were prepared and fired off a shot, he never came back after that. In the second pic you can see our tip up behind him which he just ripped out of the ice trying to get at the bait. Which for some reason he would roll around on before eating…. Odd but cool, must be the scent from us I suppose


Thanks friend. I’m just glad the hawk was still alive. I’ve seen a few hanging from line that weren’t found in time.

And yes! Bobcat. We’ve seen mountain lion tracks on our land also, but so far they have evaded the trail cameras.


here’s one of the many coyotes that live in a ravine next to my home, they raise pups, eat rabbits and I watch the youngins grow, only been here a few months but the wildlife is abundant.


Sounds like the breeding pair in the graveyard a block away from me… it’s about the size of Mount Pleasant Cemetery (huuuge) and has a creek winding through 2/3 of it’s space. It’s such a sanctuary for life that it was bound to happen as developers keep taking away their living spaces.


That sounds awesome, I have a place near by me that’s similar as well and has an abundance of animals, coyotes, foxes, hawks, turkey vultures, turkeys, rabbits, deer etc. I love walking in those type of places.


and a falcon about to pounce on a pigeon it just knocked out of the sky right out front of my old place.


Hunting dogs do this too; I took care of a pair of dachshunds for a while, and they’d always sniff around for extra-stinky patches of ground and then proceed to roll around in it for a while before popping up and wanting to run. Apparently it’s an instinct to mask their scent from prey.


Ahhhhh makes total sense now! Very cool, thanks for clarifying that!


We used to go lamping a lot when I was living in Stoke on Trent (england) got a lot more wildlife up in Scotland now though :grin:


That is pretty awesome of you. I’ve been a hardcore fisherman since about 12 years old. (Since I could take the aluminum out solo) and over the years the destruction and death I’ve seen caused by fishing line is ridiculous. I’m sponsored by a few companies and one Creek Candy Beads started an initiative where they make line disposal units out of pvc and place them at popular spots and collect them monthly. I’ve went on collection runs many times in the fall and it’s incredible how much line ends up in each one, thousands of feet, THOUSANDS! Easy! I’ve seen fish caught in old lines dead with the line severing parts of their bodies, squirrels, frogs, a fox once caught in some line(he’s a local celebrity and we helped him easily as he was used to people) I’ve been told of turkey vultures being tangled and injuring themselves to the point of no return trying to get themselves free. The worst was a beaver we found, dead and bloated, WAY BLOATED (it looked like a small bear until u saw the tail) it was obviously dead but it’s body was wrapped about 40-50 times with this insane braided line that looked like it was for tuna fishing ffs (in the mighty Niagara) and had cut into its body and exposed its insides, clearly it had been wrapped a long time, but at one point became lodged between a huge boulder and the slate bottom and drowned the beautiful creature. That was a sad moment and I fished beside, around that guy and his family/siblings for a damn decade and knew exactly where his home was about 15 ft from my favourite hole at the glen.


Write The Caption!!


Man, was that the famed Girl Scout Cookies we just ate, I can’t feel my face…


This guys stopped by for a nap :slight_smile:


LOL…that’s a good “insider” caption (for those who know about my GSC).


Great spot to take a nap. So well camouflaged, I can hardly see him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I hope he’s OK, though - and his tail is super fluffy, which is usually a good sign.