Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

I read the sun provides some relief from mange. We had a fox in the same boat.

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It’s incurable in black bears according to the VA state bear biologist. We had a bad outbreak among the bears a few years back and they tried treating them for mange and then releasing them. Over 80% were re infested within 6 months. They get really sad in the end and lose all their fur before slowly starving. I got ahold of the game warden for our area and he’s going to stop by this weekend to see the pics and decide what we should do. They usually trap and euthanize them to put them out of the suffering and prevent it spreading. It’s so sad to see.


I know that it’s treatable in canines but I don’t know about foxes specifically. It’s intensive vet treatment but it can be cured in dogs.

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I didn’t realize that. That is sad.

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For the record, a fox is in the same family as a dog (canine / canidae).

The treatment has come long way. It now only takes one pill (Bravecto).

Finally got some better pics of the hummingbirds!

FYI: They’re Ruby-throated hummingbirds. The female has the white throat and the male has the red throat…


Nice…love hummingbirds.

One of the coolest things I’ve seen was in Monteverde Costa Rica and there was so many hummingbirds, and so many different kinds (I think they have over 50 species) some of them were huge with long curved bills, all iridescent colours, just buzzing in and out of all these flowers…it was amazing.


poor guy seems to be doing ok for one front leg. Nature is wild for sure



What the heck is this thing? One of the coolest Beetles I’ve seen all year.Looks like a ladybug that was around a Nuclear power plantimage image


It’s a Grapevine Beetle


That’s so beautiful…the nearest ‘Jewel like’ bird we get here is a Kingfisher, and definitely don’t get those unless one has a stream in one’s garden.

I’m new to the forum, and was absolutely riveted by your $500 Seed Junky grow- I just couldn’t believe the outcome. Many thanks for posting it- no way were those plants stressed or light leaked.


I don’t know what I’m more impressed by, the huge size of the beetle, or the tiny size of your vape :slight_smile:



Welcome! And thanks for checking out my Seed Junky / Wedding Cake grow show.

Thank YOU. Making that thread was a public service that I was happy to share. Of course, I was extremely disappointed and pissed off that I had that experience, so I just hope that thread educates and enlightens at least a few people who are seriously considering buying Seed Junky’s shitty genetics.


The Kindpen Mist is the most stealthy vape I’ve used yet 3 heat settings a warm up option and it gets huge blasts battery life is amazing and it hides right in your palm

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That is seriously amazing. Thanks for the name of it.

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Thier like 30 bucks worth every penny

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I’ve heard of a micro organism whose life cycle starts in bird poop (bird guts are i perfect for the first stage of its life, iirc), gets pooped out of the sky into wetlands, where it moves into frogs in such a way that it causes mutations (specifically, stunting legs) which makes these frogs easier for birds to catch, where it begins again.

But I came to post this:

Can you guys see it? Last picture is it flipped on its back


It’s stealing your weed.