Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

I do have my dog on a leash normally but in nature i like to have her on a long line that i let go when the coast is clear. The worst the could happen is a close encounter with another dog or a deer. In your environment that would probably be a little risky then and i think i would not let go of the leash.


We have dogs too, and the wildlife is always a concern as the dogs are off leash while at home. But honestly, the bears are pretty low on the “oh shit” list as far as the dogs go.

Wolves, coyotes, eagles, badgers, bobcats - all more likely to go after my dogs. Even the deer will stomp at the dogs once they’ve had enough. It’s all good fun though :grinning:


LOL. Your post can read for living in a part of downtown Toronto… but then you start talking about female bears and those don’t exist where I’m talking aboot so it must be bear-bears and not just “bears”.



Haha…yeah - I’m not personally familiar with that type of bear…



Black Bears are seldom dangerous,when we went to Maine the bear hunters know the Moose is the real danger.edited




if you got a smart dog,it will stay away.
but black bears not that dangerous,i´d say.
“…if it´s black,fight back
…if it´s brown,lay down
…if it´s white,good night”…"


Whenever I hear bear attack, I think of the movie The Revenant. Ouch!


I know. Never. I went to high school with someone who was eaten by a grizzly bear in Alaska. Not just killed - eaten. And her boyfriend, too. But lets be honest, they were lucky to have survived as long as they did with all those moose up there. I’m pretty sure everyone knows that grizzlies aren’t dangerous, they just get hungry sometimes and sh!t happens.

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Edited to say Black Bears,my Condolences to your friend.


No worries - and thanks.

I thought you were joking - being sarcastic with “Bears are never dangerous”. But living where black bears live, I agree that they’re seldom dangerous in general, but they’re usually dangerous if they’re mothers with their young cubs and you get too close. We have attacks happen all the time in the spring and early summer where I live. They’re not usually fatal, but I’m pretty sure they’re always super painful and really f*cking terrifying.

I had a run-in late last summer with a cub and mother. I saw the cub and thought “oh, how cute”, immediately followed by - “oh, sh!t - where’s momma?” As I was backing away from the cub, the momma comes out of the woods and stands straight up. I continued backing up until I could climb up on an outside deck. It wasn’t even my house, but I was ready to kick open the door if that bear charged at me! Thankfully, she and the little one went back into the woods. I’ve had other close calls with black bears, but that was the closest one with a cub and momma bear in my immediate proximity.


Here’s a good read:

List of fatal bear attacks in North America - Wikipedia

My new yard camera. Unlikely to attack :grin:


damn, now that’s the dangerous part of that story! with all the folks getting shot turning the cars around in the wrong driveway i’m surprised as hell you didn’t get a face full of buckshot.

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So the setting is this: I rode one of my Harleys to the lake near my home so I could take pics of it with the lake in the background. It’s a dead end street that ends at the shore of the lake, and there’s only one home on that street. The home is a vacation home and the owners were not there. I was keenly aware that the property had security cameras, and I quickly calculated that if a bear forced me to break into the home, it would be on video and my actions would’ve been forgiven. Either way, I was gonna break in if that bear charged me.


We went for a walk down by the Berkeley Marina, specifically the Berkeley Meadow. We walk there pretty regularly. The number of wild turkeys in the general area has increased exponentially in the last decade or so.

It was a nice day. That’s part of SF Bay.


My chickens with a doe. If you look close on the right, her two fawns are waiting on the other side of the fence. They are not quite big enough to jump the fence. It’s like a reverse playpen. Momma gets a little alone time.


Female Eastern Hercules Beetle.

I was afraid she was going to pick up the lighter and start beating me with it.

