Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

oh yea that was little disturbing, wanted to help Mr Frog but was not messing with that thing.

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It never had a chance. I can relate to his back pain… “wtf”

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the only help you could have given that frog would have been if you had a machete and cut the snake’s head off. i wouldn’t want to stick a hand anywhere near it. looks non-venomous, but so are boas - i had a 12ft one take a crack at my hand instead of a rat once and it hurt like hell. nice shot though, makes an interesting picture.

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Thanks, no venomous snakes in Maine and they say the garter snakes are pretty docile but let me tell you I have met at least 5 and they all were ready to strike at me or killin something. I like the northern ring necks they are chill and you can handle those.


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garter snakes are aggressive if they can’t get away since they’re so small and non-venomous. at least in my experience. i’ve picked up small ones before and had them bite the hell out of me, at least in their eyes as it didn’t hurt much but did draw blood and needed some bacitracin.


Yes! B & B was one of the funniest shows ever. This episode was one of the best.
“And yes, we will be spending a lot of time talking about masturbation!”


Ill toss another one out for you guys.Not a red vape sized beetle but this guy.What am i?



So… you’d smoke it if it was bigger? :joy:


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Oh no that would be wierd wouldnt it lol reminds me of when Tommy Chong snatched that cockroach out the Roach jar and packed it in that long pipe and blazed it and coughed his brains out.I had a visit from a huge red beetle that was the size of my Vape visit earlier this year and I believe that was identified as a Vineyard beetle.


A mother & her 3 cubs were feeding on some molasses coated corn

Something caught the attention of a couple of the cubs… It was a buck in a different part of the yard who probably also noticed the bears at that exact same moment…

The buck snorted and stomped, and the cubs immediately retreated…

…into the trees

Mother bear quickly walked over to investigate




About 4 inches long.
Mantis_01 a


euro. green woodpecker


Ghost Mantis


Makes defoliation a bit more exciting when there’s a chance the dead leaves may fight back. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love them!

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Coopers Hawk, sitting 8ft off the ground in our backyard in the middle of an urban sprawl because we’ve got so much wildlife on our small property that we now have established predators! :rofl:

It’s sitting on our raspberry trellis staring at a rose-hedge rife with finches to the point you think they are leaves.



Backyard Bucks

Backyard Deer

Backyard Turkeys

Front Yard Turkeys

The Muskrat is not the first thing one notices in this pic

Wood Ducks - Turtle

Turkeys - Muskrat

King Fisher

Barred Owl

Red Tailed Hawk


Indigo Bunting

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Two Toms Pruning

Baltimore Oriole


Bald Eagle

A Deer, a Great Blue Heron, and a Wood Duck walk into a bar.
Bartender says, … “Why the long faces?”

This killer will occasionally get into our home. She knocks out everyone in the room. Especially if your on the couch.