Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

Had a deer munching on the, uh, backdoor food plot last night


Cool pics for sure


grade A shot of some fish


Mullet possibly?

I think they call em bunker. There are small ones that group in the hundreds of thousands and the bigger ones like those that school in the thousands


Foreplay for Wabbits

First the stare down.

Then the buck runs at the doe and she jumps over him.

This goes on for about 10 minutes

They ran into the tall grass and did the deed. Quick like a bunny is so true
as it took them all of 5 to 10 seconds. He looked like he wanted a smoke
when he came back out of the tall grass. Then they both made their way down to
feed on the spoils underneath the bird feeders.

It’s Wabbit season

It’s Duck season

Bunny - Black Squirrel
“Live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard
Oh Lord, why don’t we?” Paul McCartney - Ebony and Ivory


Your backyard must be some sort of a wildlife preserve sponsored by old Disney cartoons lol, amazing

here’s your song lol

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At a guitar forum where I’m a regular, another member said the wildlife around our home
reminded him of the movie Narnia. I laughed. It then reminded me of an older Johnsonville
sausage commercial. The guy in the commercial’s name is Jeff which is a coincidence
because my name is also Jeff.

Hen Turkey/Poults. She had 6 but lost one earlier, probably to a coyote

Foggy Bottom Boys - Backyard Turkeys

Front Yard Turkeys

Four Aces Beats a Full House

Turkey - Bald Eagle



Wood Ducks - Painted Turtles

Wood Duck Hen And Ducklings

Here Kitty, Kitty.

Three Amigos

Pileated Woodpecker - North America’s Largest - 16 1/2 inches
Red stripe on jaw line means it’s a male.

Hairy Woodpecker - Bird Whisperer

Blue Jay - Bird Whisperer

This Raccoon Came Close To Getting Stomped.

Find Waldo

Find All Four and Name Them

A Good Place To Lay Down

Orphaned fawn. My wife volunteers at a shelter for Australian cattle dogs. Blue Heelers and
Red Heelers, although they take in others breeds as well. She got an odd call the end of May last year about an abandoned fawn that the mom had abandoned in their yard. They didn’t touch it for three days hoping mom would come back at night to take him away. She had been taking care of it for about a week prior to that, and then disappeared.

The fawn was getting hungry and thirsty and with no mom, the people were concerned for the fawn and wanted to get it to a rescue center. In the interim, they fed it some goats milk to keep it going with hopes of mom returning.

After the call, my wife arranged to meet the woman and take it to
a rescue center about an hour away. WoJos God’s Grace wildlife rehabilitation.
This one was the sixth one they had taken in last year. This shot was taken at the parking lot where they met up with a lady from the rescue center. She said it looked great and was sure it would be OK. After rehabilitation, they are released. She called the next day to let us know that it was doing great, and was a young buck they named Sage. The area they
release them is a huge preserve with no hunting.
Flashing forward to last September when the rescue center called to let us know
they had successfully released him.


Very cool @belleswell


First time having a pileated woodpecker at the bird feeder this morning


Bald Eagle Getting a Drink


Hummingbird Getting Ready for Shriner Convention


I love the nuthatch birds. They run up and down the trees facing the ground. They’re crazy acrobats.


The first wood duck showed up yesterday. Others will follow. On the first we had a visit from
a pair of hooded mergansers. They usually stop for a few days before continuing their northward migration.

Hooded Mergansers

First Wood Duck - 3-5-24 More will follow

First Painted Turtle to awaken from hibernation - 3-5-24

Grackles and Red Winged Blackbirds have been here for over a week


Those wood ducks are soooo beautiful awesome colors…


My eyes are redder than a wood duck’s :laughing:


Very cool shot among the many incredible shots!

My mind went from Chiquita banana birdy then to the cordyceps mushroom.



Bald Eagle

Deer - Turkeys

Hooded Mergansers

Hairy Beaver :grinning:

Painted Turtles

Blue Jays

Some of the birds and critters get a portrait done by my wife. She mainly uses pastels and
acrylics, but watercolors and oils are also mediums that she uses.

Here is a red squirrel done on a rock with acrylics. The rock shape and the eye of the red squirrel always fools me at first glance. The rock looks like the shape of a largemouth
bass head.

Here is another done on a rock as well. A Nuthatch.


Wiley Coyote !