Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

@belleswell .u must live on a preservation u got some amazing wild life there my friend… Stunning pictures as well. Thank you for sharing


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Congratulations on the retirement and big move to the country. You have a beautiful place. :heart_decoration: :heart:


@belleswell . congrats on ur retirement. I love ur spot… It looks so peaceful. Im jealous.:flushed:.:grin:.:trophy:.:trophy:.:trophy:.
Enjoy nature is truly the way for peaceful days… Congrats buddy




A young Red Tailed Hawk gets a mole. I took these pics last Saturday.


Here is a mature Red Tailed Hawk.
There a good chance that this one is his mommy. She perched for a half
hour 50 feet from our home last fall.

More turtles awakening on the day of the partial eclipse. It was our first 70 degree
day this year. Soon we will have a dozen or more on the four basking logs we put in
the pond for them. Although all of the wildlife uses them from a long list of bird and animals
including the top predator of them all, Bald Eagles.

Here is one of the Eagles on his favorite log.


You seem to be an amazing photographer! When I enlarge the pictures you can see great detail. Are you a professional photographer?


Just an average one I’d say, but we have a wonderful piece of property with a nice pond,
which is a wildlife magnet. The section we live on is mostly wooded and our closest neighbor is almost a half mile away. Country living at it’s finest.

All of the pics were shot from inside our home which sits right next to the pond.
The camera is a Canon SX60 which has 65x zoom. I also use a tripod and a shutter release to keep the camera movement to a minimum. The logs where the hawk and eagle
were at is about 50 yards from where I’m at inside taking pics. I’m shooting through two
panes of insulated glass window, so I try to keep them clean, but if I were to step outside for the shots they would definitely be sharper. Thanks for the kind words.

Although retired, I’m a very good electrician. I’m also a fairly good guitarist working
on my 4th solo lp. Click on belleswell in the link below to go to my SC page where
I have over 50 songs.


I admire your talents! I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.

I’ll check out your music for sure


Listening now. You are talented and that’s no joke!


Thank so much. My last three cds were done in our wonderful country home as just looking out the window is all the inspiration I need to pick up the guitar and start playing.

I can’t tell you how many times I was recording in my man cave studio and looked out the window to see yet another wonderful Marty Stauffer moment. Hit stop on the recording. Set guitar down, and turn on the camera and start taking pics.

We’ve been here almost 7 years, and I’m still like a kid in a candy store when it comes to taking pics of the wildlife happening just outside the window. If you go back to the post I did at 922, I list all of my posts in this thread. I have over 10 of them. Check a few of them you’ll see the sheer number of animals and birds just outside our windows. Serenity now. :grinning:


with toys like this average looks professional.

Pretty cool spidey from a couple summers ago, I think he had walked through some sawdust or something -


Yeah man… thank you for turning us on to that. Enjoying it very much!

I am getting hints of KWS in the first track, perhaps it’s the “crossroads” in title that’s suggesting that? Either way very nice…

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Thanks so much for the listen. I started playing in '64 and took lessons for a few years
and have been self taught ever since. I try to play all styles of music nowadays, where it used to be just blues and rock. I’ve got some jazzy stuff, country stuff, rock, progressive rock, and ballads at my soundcloud page. One toward the bottom of the list is “Saying Goodbye” which has the most listens of all of them. Newer stuff at the top, older stuff toward the bottom.

Satriani cover at my Youtube page.


crocodile with a tag in his tail.


Oh heell no.


They won’t mess with you, it was maybe 20feet away from the walking path we were on. I wouldn’t recommend walking a dog or child that close… but a “normal” size person they don’t mess with.


^^^^ This… this right here… ^^^^