Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard

The dead tree in my yard finally fell this past winter. We still have woodpeckers, but way less than before :sob:


No bro I’m in NJ
At the Jersey shore



Yesterday i saved this lil green Woodpecker from a Crows Attack…

… Hope, this lil Fella will make it


Your images are remenicant of FLA suburbs with all their mini lakes and water gullies everywhere. :heart:

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Not in my yard but just stopped to usher this dinosaur off the road. Man what a powerful bite this thing has. Was not happy to be moved and took a few bites out of the trunk privacy board I used to move it, lol.


Good man.
He’s probably older than you think too.


Finally caught something other than a sunfish today :sunglasses:



Saw this little rabbit out back of my work early this morning


Lives under my deck, sunning itself in front of my shed. It was -30 and windy but it was calm before the door.

I was feeding it so it would not eat my shrubs. Was wondering if it would eat a banana peel.

And waiting in the morning for me. Had time to change the lens on the camera and snapped a quick one.


Captured this young wascaly wabbit on my camera. Super young I think. My wife thinks I’m crazy for getting happy everytime I see him/her. I actually run outside and try to shoo them out of the yard when I see a hawk fly by.

Not near as fat as yours @bunny :joy:


We get deer passing through our lot almost daily as well as the odd moose, black bear and cats like lynx, bobcat and cougar/mountain lion. This newborn mule deer was born in my backyard between the house and my boat and I took the picture about 30 minutes after birth… Despite my dog sharing the yard , momma hung around for several days until the fawn was strong enough to get over my fences. I think she knew that no predators would be hassling her and the newborn in a backyard where rottwiellers roam LOL I actually think that is why the deer spend so much time in my lot as my dogs respect them and leave them be and with dogs like mine I have a very safe back yard hehehe


here is a couple more… not exactly within the confines of my back yard but the wilderness here is all around us.
wild cat coming in for a ‘very’ close encounter LOL

and a friendly neighborhood bald eagle , one of many we have close encounters with while out ice fishing. Someone tossed a fish out on the ice and this one didn’t hesitate to swoop in and grab it. Quite the sight to see up close.
They sit on the ice maybe 100 feet away and start getting vocal when they see someone land a fish. I have seen them hop right up behind a fisherman and try to steal his catch while he is preoccupied trying to catch another LOL
Here is one in wait

then he goes airborn when a fish gets tossed his way, putting on a display that is truly priceless. Most people live a lifetime without such experriences.


Looks like you made a friend. lol


I’m a little green with envy right now. Even out here in the sticks, where I live, it’s getting too congested for my liking. I’d go much more remote if my health would permit.


I tossed the food out of the window, I had other bunnies in the yard and they ran hearing the window open. My bunny runs to where I toss the food. Had one of the other bunnies try to share the slice of bread (dried, also likes mixed grains bread rather than plain bread) and it chases them away. One day I caught this.

They look fluffy due to the nice winter coat. I think they are playing the old shell game with me. Which one is my rabbit?


Those are some incredible pics, must of been quiet the experience thanks for sharing :blush:


My wife puts out some of our leftovers that she knows the wildlife like. It brings in the critters in the Winter for sure. :slight_smile:


Some might think me a bid odd for this but when cutting the grass I noticed that it was moving. All of a sudden the grass was bouncing up and down. Went over and uncovered these little things bouncing around in a small hole they dug. Took a few pics and covered it back up for them cause well, why not.