Let's see your worm bins!

Hey all you worm wizards! Let’s get this thread going again! I’m currently walking a baby around in a bjorn, so I can’t really add too much to the conversation other than to just let y’all know that it would be cool to have a more active community of vermicomposters on here. If I didn’t tag someone make sure to spread the good word far and wide!!!

Here is a diy 27gal worm bin that I made recently CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread - #318 by CrunchBerries

@BeagleZ @Maddawg @HeadyBearAdventures @syzygy @Cartwright @Greasy @ReikoX @iamyou_youareme @nube @Dirt_Wizard @HorseBadorites @LegsMahoney @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @ElGalloBlanco @tresbundles @unomas @Vagabond_Windy @ramblinrose @herojuana.tom @Indicana_Jones. @zephyr