Lets talk about super high THC flower

And then they will lobby to make all homegrows illegal and “dangerous” and BAM. Back to square one…


the entire model is flawed; and it’s due to politics. we have two political parties in this country:

one wants to control everything and everybody with top down systems

one wants to keep pot illegal

so what we’ve wound up with shouldnt be surprising. the only people participating in the legal market are control freaks. they come from academia, they dont have any real world experience, and the shit they design on powerpoint decks falls apart in the real world.


Did you know, or ever hear of NOODLE, from Meigs? RIP. AKA William Keith Hayes… He was responsible for Meigs County Gold. His son, is a member on RIP. And I believe his nephew, gave COPA some of Noodle’s seeds, and he went through some, and has some crosses. Someone said they hunt, together. I didnt know him, but my older buddy-RIP, knew him, but hadnt spoken to him in decades. He passed in 2020, at St Mary’s Medical Center, in Huntington, Wva. My buddy passed Oct-22. He met Noodle, in 71-72. My buddy was playing in a band -Appalachian Mainline-opening for James Gang, at Ohio University-Athens. Which has probably the longest history of one of, if not, hardest partying college in the USA. He gave my buddy the first Indica ( 1972 ) we had ever seen, or heard of. My buddy called it. Beach Ball Indica, because in its natural state, it grew like a round hedge/Forsythia Bush. Dried to a deep brick red. Thumb sized buds. Blow your lungs out, headrush, every hit.
He also gave my buddy, the first Skunk, we ever saw, or heard of. This was 78-79. Buddy grew it, until 84, when an alleged friend, ratted him out, and he lost the strain. It was a large, Narrow Leaf structured plant, and finished last of October, in Northeast, Ky-Big Sandy River-Levisa Fork. Noodle, said it was a cross of some kind of Kerela, and some unnamed Indica. Buddy said Noodle, just called it Kerela. Willie Nelson, used to get weed from Noodle. Meigs, back in the 70s-80s, was known as the Humboldt county of the East. And the weed was cheap. We got it $30oz, all day. Noodle, is legend, in Appalachia.


He does have some crosses! I was curious about how Copa got ahold of some Meigs when I saw the crosses in his selections. Right now they’re available thru @Great_lakes_Genetics, I only saw Meigs crosses being sold in farmer packs instead of regular packs. Maybe as a community we should pool resources and buy some? :thinking:


i never knew him but smoked some of his shit. i never knew the names of any of the growers there. back then i had the habit of not learning, knowing, or asking anyone’s last name anyway. i graduated in '88 and started smoking in '84 i guess.


If you’re interested in Meigs crosses.
Send a message to sales@greatlakesgenetics.com. Attention, Dave and he can check and see if they’re regular size packs. I would assume they are available.

And to address where Copa may have received these. Copa is the only person I know that may have a larger seed collection than I do. He has an endless supply of older genetics. He makes great gear for outdoors, especially. In a moisture climate.

I definitely consider him a top-notch breeder. He also test all of his gear.

Hope that helps.


I’m a huge fan of super critical bud cbd with a .9 to 1 ratio 21 to 23 cbd and 23 to 25 thc