Lets talk about super high THC flower

I remember when medical shops first opened in LA thc was anywhere from 12 to 18 percent some barely passing 20. That weed would get me high for hours, like 5 or 6 hours, and even after it would slowly fade but even that took until the next morning. Almost like you were high all day and that’s just from 1 or 2 blunts. Shit that 12% weed high lasted so long many people will tell you we use to wake up still high from the night before. I never smoked more than a gram on a day. Most weed now 21% up and past 30% don’t get me high for more than an hour or 2 and then I’m completely sober without the slow fade I mentioned previously and this smoking 1 gram blunts all day long . The weed that gets you high all day is 5k a pound and I’m sure if anyone had those genetics/effects they could still easily fetch that price if not more through inflation. But all this 30% weed that gets you high for an hour can easily drop below 1k or just at 1k. The higher the thc the cheaper the weed, the onlynthing expensive is the seed :skull::skull:just because the seed is expensive don’t mean the weed is good. And thc % does not reflect on the effects of the strain at all.


Nailed it buddy.
I still don’t understand what people get outta saying this BS that weed is better today, they are not in touch with reality or smoked so much they forgot the good old days.
I remember waking up taking a shit and holy hell my shit smells like straight up jar of purple kush !
Probably from all the oil in the joints that gets into ur system, now nothing.
My friends used to tell me when they were 200m from my house that they think they arrived to a AMS neighborhood lol cuz these killer budz were top notch in all boxes, now my friend is sitting 1m from me asking me if I smoke a joint or a cig lolol, you really can’t tell as it’s all cardboard shoebox terps and effects.
A buddy went to thailand 2 weeks ago, I had high hopes but he said 95% of thailand bud is so lame he had to short his trip to come back and smoke something decent hahaha
My girl from TX visits the dispensaries in NM quite often, she says it’s all bunk, nothing like what she smoked at my place 5 years ago…
So, thailand, ams, usa, bunk.
But I already knew it, the ones that still survive this game are the ones who kept the seeds and clones of old, all of us are just hunting lame lines that no one even know where they came from.
Crack a pack, even if you didn’t get a good pheno, there’s seeds to make and money to be made !
Buy more packs in order to give my customers a good product or seed ? Fuck that I can make money just on the name haha that’s where the game is at today.
So to conclude this situation, opium. :rofl::rofl:


Just saw a segment on youtube channel chubbyemu about a guy who cheated on his wife. Got crabs and smothered himself with Paraquat, drenching his area then wearing a diaper in attempts to rid the itch and rash. Every single organ failed and he ended up passing away within days. Scary stuff that paraquat :nauseated_face:. I doubt that it was getting anyone high lol. But you did make me laugh lol

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Omg I’ve never seen this movie! Gonna stream it after i finish episode 7 of Shogun.

But me personally, I don’t go by thc% at all. There are still new strains I like and enjoy as well, just like the older ones. To name a few peanut butter breath, Georgia pie, blueberry muffins, electric blue whis is Big Devil auto x blueberry (removed from Homegrown cannabis co website :pleading_face:), pink rozay, and sundae driver. If anybody has any of those and got extras to sell, dm me and the prices! I’m not asking for no handouts!:no_good_man:. If we are talking terps, I like strains with that gassy skunky smell which I seem to find a lot here in LA or the ones that smell like soap.

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Yeah there are still good stuff just so rare it’s perplexing… it used to be all around…
I’m not dismissing new strains at all, I smoked most of them, gmo, cookies, thin mint, GG4, you name it, they were all killer in their own regards don’t get me wrong here, but they were like that 5 years ago.
Ever since everything that’s not outdoor grown (and even outdoor sometimes) is just meh 30 min effect with almost no high.
I know a lot of people are gonna diss this, but leds ruined a lot of the game.
I have endless pictures of crazy pro private grow ops here in my country, they all pump the same bud, stalks, almost no trichomes, no distinct taste, no insane smell when cracking a bud, no glue in fingers… wtf
You can bet it smokes the same as it looks.
So I doubt all the genetics are fucked… just a lot of reproductions that dilute the lines in the genetic side of things, and light systems that can’t even produce essential oils from lavander or allicin from garlic.

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LED = ruin everything


I’ve had an LED fixture fall from the high bay onto a plant.

Ruined the plant. But saved the fixture. Does that count?


It sounds like something was salvaged. So no. Ruin = everything.

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In that case I failed, again.

No doubt we’ll it try once more this year.


I have faith in your ability to ruin things. Just apply yourself.


not if you’ve ever been to the area. it is very much still there and they are very proud of it. at least last time i was there in 1992, much later than ww1.

I’m thinking more practice. We did explode two brand new fixtures last year, plants were fine though.


Practice makes imperfect.

I don’t want to blow up a light.

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My unsolicited, out of touch w reality .02; tolerance + nostalgia is a bitch.

I’m on the side that thinks we have the majority of the great weed from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s plus more, minus some individual plants, yes. But in general the trend w ganja is improvement upon itself. That does require understanding of proper selection and hunting however. With more access and legalization does come more imposters and fakes. But the real didn’t ever just disappear, there’s just more background chatter to make it hard to distinguish sometimes. Especially if you never had access, lol.

The main thing that drove all the great pheno hunting of the 90’s and early 2000’s was crazy inflated black market prices made it worth people’s time and resources to hunt for stellar cuts. And then keep them and fill rooms with them. That was done by relatively small scale operations around the world. Mass diversity and competition compared to what’s happening in the commercial market today. Centralized mono crop style farming doesn’t serve the same purpose in driving the cultivars towards excellence.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t still do it the old school way and fortunately many still do.

Also if weed doesn’t taste good, I want nothing to do w it. Love me some terpenes and thc 4ever✌️


:rofl: Tell them to fuck off

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I have yet to come across a supposed ‘elite cut’ for myself to judge (I’m really hard to please, but I wish I could familiarize myself with old and new classic strains revolving around in the scene). Wish I could afford things to try left and right in my effort to gain as much experience as possible in cannabis to have a more conclusive understanding and personal experience to back it up.

In the meantime, research helps a lot too.

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I’ve known some elite cuts through the years, most notably is the legendary SR purple kush which I smoked for more than 10 years straight and still will knockout me anytime if I even dare over do it, it’s gone for more than 5 years now, the crew that supplied it claim they still got it and it’s the same clone, could be, but it’s not the same bud no… not in a long shot, a pale shadow of what it used to be if any.
Many more, such as the Forum, damn that was a nice daytime smoke and I’m not a daytime strain guy I’m more into hard hitting kush and fainting out
But it was so good in its own aspect, you just crave smoking it for whatever
Florida og also very exotic smoke, very daytime heady, not couch loo lock or anything but all around solid potency and killer taste and smell
In AMS in 2005 I tried so much, the SLH back then was so trippy it was like cocaine I swear
The cheese oh how can one forget, 2005 AMS cheese, the very best until now no doubt, the king of them all, grew it and smoked it for a couple of years before had to shut down, 50 years from now I’ll still think of the moment I lost this clone.
No price I couldn’t get for it, 2 puffs and your on your way to the moon with the most exotic intense flavours imaginable.


I think the heirloom tomato analogy fits perfectly. You can buy a tomato from the grocery store and it is going to be watery and flavorless.

Or, you can grow your own heirloom tomatoes with cultivars that are bred for flavor and quality. It will literally be the best tomato you’ve had in your life and you will never, ever, get that same tomato from the grocery store.

The grocery store has different priorities. They don’t care about flavor. All they care about is the product surviving transportation and them getting a return on their yields. Quality isn’t even a thought on their mind.

The new commercial cannabis market is the exact same thing. They’re fucked purely from a macro, political, and systematic perspective because their priorities are returns from yields. Not quality. The bigger the player the worse it will be. The answer will NEVER come from commercial mass cultivators. They have dumbass investors who don’t give a shit and are purely content with pumping out crap.

The answer comes from the small guy and the home grower. It’s up to us to fix it.


That’s too bad, given the fact that eventually, all of the legal drug dealers will be international corporations.