Let's talk aliens

If the laws of physics break down at a sub atomic level, they’re not really laws right?

What are those subatomic switches that alternate pos and neg across the universe?


things that throw me a little… and sorry I don’t have links but I think many answers modern day humans seek with regards to where we came from and are we alone in the universe can be discovered by researching the ancient Sumarians and the writings describing how we all got put here. Now saying that I do have my christian beliefs but I also know that “the bible” in modern times, may not have been translated as it was intended. That and the fact that many chapters and verses are omitted and stored away from the public.
The book of Enoch comes to mind and I enjoy going down rabit holes watching videos and reading on that topic as well as the Ancient Sumarians, the Annunaki … as well as the biblical watchers and thier offspring the Nephylim. Another thing that fascinates me is that guy that goes around the middle east trying to find and document places and occurances in the biblical stories like Sodom and Gehmorra (spelling?) and other place where “God” or the Holy Spirit is said to have left evidence on earth.

I was raised in church , protestant, but I always have an open mind and do not let the scriptures blind me to my own path of discovery and understanding of what we are and were we might have come from.
My ex borther inlaw came from a Mennonite family and was a staunch christian with a very closed mind. I posed the question one day… Hey Jeff, doesn’t God qualify as an Alien. The guy lost his shit on me LOL Aliens are demons and so are the ufo;s and other things people see like bigfoot and other things… I was a little taken aback but I told him that God must be an Alien because he resides somewhere and that is not on earth as far as we know. I tried to bring up the book of Enoch where it describes his travel from earth the the heavenly realm… He basically walked out of the room and would not hear it LOL

I don’t have any answers but I do absolutely believe that we are not alone in our known universe. I am a skeptic of the multiple dimension theories but still keep a wide open mind to those possibilities. I have not seen an alien but I swear on my own life I have seen what I will call a ghost/human-like entity and I have seen what could only have been a bigfoot


that we know of…

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Hi . My name is Magu and Im an alcoholic. Wait !! What ???..…… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Sorry, wrong meeting. 🫣


Oh yeah, Book of Enoch is a big one! Also, the Secrets of the Book of Enoch. The Book of Adam. There’s some other apocrypha too worth reading.


I have this one in my garden.


It’s a scout.




I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that’s a cannabis plant.

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It’s space cannibus!

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Speaking of space cannabis…


They were amazing partiers

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Is Bigfoot really a alien?

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We actually have a Bigfoot thread where that issue has come up. We also discussed it above when we talked about the 6 million dollar man. Join in!

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“These friendly humanoids, who have come in peace, are heading west to Roswell, NM for a festival. There was a brief conversation about his out of space, correction, out of state registration, but he assured us that he would take care of that issue when he returned to Krypton. He was also warned about our strict enforcement of warp speed on the interstate and to keep his phasers on stun only while traveling,” the sheriff’s office said.

Excellent. Good to know they’re taking these things seriously. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This may be especially true if their exploratory vessels require long time travel durations or accelerate/decelerate at speeds organic organisms can’t endure.

I wonder if our initial exploratory vessels might not be AI staffed as well? Certainly AI will be needed to run the complex ships.

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