Let's talk aliens

The six million dollar can.


With inflation 6 million seems pretty cheap now

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no, it’s not. it changes depending on the medium it is traveling through as well as by other influences like gravity.


Aliens? I ate a grilled one and taste like chiken! NOT!

I guess that if and only if the stories are true, aliens are far more advanced, they mastered high speed traveling, and probably come from a much older galaxy, older in stellar time is billions of years.

Now I guess that they have been visiting us since ancient times, are we their pets? They got time to come and overtake the planet by being a more advanced life form but that didn’t happened so far unless we are result of their experiments.

This is a subject that brings many questions, I think we should be open minded and take for garanted that aliens exist, and as we watch the space, so they do with all the evolutionary advantage we don’t have yet.

I think that our goal is to evolte to a point we can just flee this planet and survive it’s deadth when the sun dies, we may be the aliens, we may have done that before, who knows? But I think it wouldn’t be possible for a pre homo sapiens to achieve that and history shows we have evolved here.

Now for the aliens: How much for a gram over there?



I agree that we need to get some human DNA off this rock.

Maybe we are a food source for migrating aliens. Humans… yummy

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The Speed of Light is another misnomer. Yes photons in a vacuum travel at 299,792,458 meters per second, but that’s not what the term actually means. The term means the speed of Cause & Effect in the multi/uni-verse. If something could go faster than that speed, then it would arrive before it was even sent, which breaks causality. It doesn’t actually have to do with actual meters per second speed as that can change depending on the medium the object is traveling through. Probably can go faster than that meters per second number, but can’t arrive before you left :yum:


When You get to Earth, Go Left at Lake Huron…




Don’t know if this is real or not

I’m gonna say it’s fake

But it looks kinda like an alteration of the sarcophagus lid of K’inich Janaab’ Pakal aka Pakal the Great.

This is one ancient astronaut theorists say is him flying away in a space ship, and I can kinda see that.


It’s beautiful artwork

100% real space cat:

And a sun based one because I think it’s cool.


This is actually on a Hindu temple. Was done during repairs. Should freak our archeologists in the future

Hey @Bert you ever check out what the ancients did with frequencies. Back in the 1800s there was a traveling scholar that wrote a paper on a tribe that used drums and horns arranged in a specific patter to lift boulders up a cliff face and deposit them above. Also many chambers that produce specific frequencies to evoke many physical, and meta physical responses


it´s not a hindu temple,it´s a cathedral in spain :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! I goofed that one up.

I have heard of that! There was a Why Files episode that covered that issue. Pretty cool if true.

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Just wanted to point out that this convo about aliens is guiding us through topics like turtle social abilities, frequency modulation alchemy, monkey love, DNA strands, illuminati, math, art…it’s harder to imagine they aren’t here and intrinsically interwoven into “all walks of life” than that they are.

It takes very little imaginating, actually, but it all might be due to the fact that people are capable of delusion, as well as possessing a large imaginarium in which all types of ficticious creatures reside



Mankind’s true analytical skills :clap: :grin:

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