Let's talk aliens

It would be.


Time for the Siluruan hypothesis

Silurian hypothesis - Wikipedia.

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North and South american creation stories all refer to sky people, the thunderbird, ect ect.
I have mixed opinions on this topic because I also have christian beliefs.
Biblical records talk of the Nephylim
 who were the children of “angels” who defied God and took human women as wives. Those angels were cast down and bound to earth and thier leader , buried somewhere in the middle east Lets assume these stories have truth to them and those “angels” were cast down. Would they remain here on earth today? These are what I assume to be immortal beings. Some argue the Nephylim race survived the great flood. I think it’s feasable that the fallen angels are among us and have taken positions in our space industries, governments ect ect.
It would be easy to explain all the ancient sites around the world that share similar construction, carvings and designs and the massive scale of construction. It may well be that those fallen angels are the basis of all mythology on earth and also that they are responsible for man;s knowledge of technology, architecture and medicine. They would have spread out around the earth, each one potentially being responsible for construction of pyramids and other ancient sites around the world. Each location , the home of a fallen angel , built with thier knowledge and technology
 wild ideas but heck
 these days you never know.

They found something at Golbeki Tepe and now the site is owned by a private bunch of billionaires and managed by Klaus Schwab and the economic forum. The site has been closed to the expansion of the digs and they are altering the site in such a way as to hide and prevent the further uncovering of the ancient site. I believe they found ancient knowledge thier that puts everything we thought we knew about our ancient past into question
 It’s also possible that the “space race” and the advancement of private space programs might just be at the influence of the fallen angels and thier bid to return to wherever they came from.

Those are my far out stoner thoughts
 maybe the UFO’s were are seeing are just test flights by the fallen angels as they try and perfect a ship to escape thier earthly prison hehehe
puff puff pass


Those are not pant pucks the are upside down “Vs” you’re not fooling anyone.

But I like their contents.


@SHSC-1 - while you and I may not completely align on the religious aspect of the issue your points about there being more advanced (than we thought) civilizations in our past is well taken. The fact is that there are huge structures built with stones that our current machinery couldn’t move. That, in my opinion, is an undebateable fact. The stones exist, they are huge and heavy, and something other than the predictable forces of nature placed them there.

I’m not insinuating that something other than humans moved and built them, but how? And why? I hate simply saying it was non-human entities absent proof. But, I also require proof of human methods. Even as a child I read about scientific theories regarding the construction of the pyramids but none of them seem to make sense to me and none are even close to being definitive.

The one lesson I take away is that our distant ancestors may have been more complex than we give them credit for.


i watched a video of a guy who moved a several ton block with pebbles and digging. humans have a way of figuring things out and after the advent of language have kept pretty decent records. before that, when these things were constructed, there absolutely could have been a way for humans to do it that was lost to the sands of time. that’s why i have a hard time with the ‘humans can’t do that’ argument. they are there, and we have no proof that anyone other than humans did it, so that’s it - absent other proof if and when it becomes available.


Every religious text across the earth say beings came down from the sky or were inside the earth and made humans.

Most say humans are hybrids of the gods and whatever was already here.

Aliens aren’t visiting us. They live here!


I share your perspective. The null hypothesis is that humans built them. I’ll freely accept that, but the how and why are important questions.

While this is somewhat tangential to your point I do find it interesting that so many old legends talk about a great flood about 10,000 years ago.


I’m sure someone else has already mentioned the possibilities that are happening here, especially deep within the ocean. I’m with @HolyAngel in saying they live here!

A lot of money and time has been going into exploring deep space, yet there is so much of the ocean unexplored. There are definitely new findings all the time, it just seems less talked about and funded.

Also isn’t most of the Sahara Desert undocumented/explored? If we have rovers on the moon, do we have any out there? Even Antarctica seems like a total mystery. :thinking:

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Every ancient people across every continent, sans antartica for obvious reasons, have a flood story. It’s the younger dryas impact event.


Yeah Sahara and gobi are basically unmapped. There’s radiation spikes in the gobi like bombs were dropped. All the desserts were forests ~10kya ago. There were lakes and rivers all over the Sahara. Bet the gobi was the same. Likely whole civilizations buried in the sand out there.


Everyone thinks their civilization will last forever.


Due to the ever growing disparity between the rich and the poor is eventually what leads yo the end of most civilizations. The poor get so poor they starve, and then without the poor to do labour and supply the rich also starve to death.


With the proper methodology this can also lead to new, better civilizations. These of course corrode over time too, but once in awhile


The presence of a middle class seems to be a stabilizing force for societies. As the distance between the wealthy and poor increases societies tend to be less stable (my opinion, I have no references to cite).


The trick of the ultra wealthy is to trick the middle class into thinking they have more in common with the upper class than the lower class. This leverages the middle class against the lower class.


It’s a Turkish owned site

Göbekli Tepe is legally protected by Law 2863/1983 on the Protection of the Cultural and Natural Properties, amended in 1987 and 2004. In 2005, the tell and the limestone plateau were inscribed as a 1st Degree Archaeological Conservation Site by the decision of the Diyarbakır Council for Conservation of Cultural and Natural Properties. In 2016, the buffer zone was registered as a 3rd Degree Archaeological Conservation Site, by the decision of the Şanlıurfa Council for Conservation of Cultural Properties.

The institutional framework for the implementation of the protection measures consists at national level of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, at regional level of the Şanlıurfa Council for Conservation of Cultural Properties, and at local level of Şanlıurfa Museum. Since 2014 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has granted an excavation permit to Şanlıurfa Museum in collaboration with the German Archaeological Institute .


We should think expansively. I’m curious regarding y’all’s opinions of the types of cultures non-humans might have.

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Are they likely to be violent? Hive minds? Utopian socialists?

I ask because it seems like an advanced culture would have to have a cooperative element in order to create the technology they would have.