Let's talk aliens

Over look the obvious I have. @Foreigner I now get it. Outer space Foreigner. Those naked calendars threw me off. :alien: :space_invader: :eyes:

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Iā€™ve seen that series three times. I personally think thereā€™s a link between the ancient teachers and the Old Testament.

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They were deliberate subterfuge to secure your undying allegiance :joy:

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Now weā€™re back to lizard ppl

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The BBC now has a UFO section


This is completely true. Everyone says they are upper middle class even if they are poor. I always say that if they owe more money ( mortgage, car loan, ectā€¦) than they have on hand that they are poor. You can not be wealthy if you are in debt.


I agree with most of this but rich people leverage debt to their advantage.

For normal people though I agree. The amount of money wasted on mortgage interest is insane. If you can buy a house for cash you can save so much money.

If the bank can take it from you then you donā€™t own it.


Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

Now I want you all to look at this:



I think itā€™s arrogant of us to believe weā€™re alone in the universe. Weā€™re not that special. The issue for me believing aliens have visited us from another planet is travel. Weā€™re 26,000 light years from the center of our own galaxy. If SETI sends a message to a planet near the center of the milky way, it will take approximately 26,000 years to get there and another 26,000 years for a reply to make it back. I just donā€™t see it happening.

As far as the Standard Model of physics, I think itā€™s served us well. Relativity has been proven time and time again by the simple things we do in life like GPS. If we didnā€™t understand relativity, our GPS would be off by miles from our destination. A simple example, but predictable and accurately measured. Things get weird at the quantum level, but without a way to measure the existence of more dimensions we are left to hypotheses.

Weā€™re rapidly reaching or have reached the end of the usefulness of our current particle accelerators. Larger, more powerful accelerators are probably not going to be funded any time soon for obvious cost reasons. We need a breakthrough in new technology.

I really enjoy the shows about aliens and some of the stories are intriguing, but there just isnā€™t enough data for me take them too seriously. I do believe the people that report them really believe them. Who would make up a story about being anally probed? (Aside from Foreigner).


Damn it! Outta likes! :rofl:

there are many states in the us that can take your shit if you donā€™t pay your taxes. does that mean you donā€™t own it?


Yes, thatā€™s exactly what it means.


so much for ā€œmuh freedumbā€ā€¦


Yes. It does!

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that got me wondering and i asked larry how many states in the us can seize your property for unpaid taxes or any other reasons, and it surprised me. turns out all 50 of them and there are about six other reasons they can also seize your property. yet everyone raves about how free they are here. well, all the idiots rave about it. this is what larry said for those interested or anyone willing to fact check the answer:

"In the United States, the power of the government to seize property, known as eminent domain, can be exercised in every state under certain conditions. Hereā€™s a breakdown:

Seizure for Unpaid Property Taxes

All 50 states have laws allowing local governments to seize property if the owner fails to pay property taxes. This process is generally referred to as a ā€œtax lienā€ or ā€œtax deedā€ foreclosure. If property taxes remain unpaid for a certain period, the government can place a lien on the property and eventually foreclose on it, resulting in the seizure and sale of the property to satisfy the tax debt.

Seizure for Other Reasons

In addition to unpaid property taxes, property can be seized for other reasons under various laws and regulations. These include:

  1. Eminent Domain (All 50 States):

    • The government can seize private property for public use, provided that the property owner is given just compensation. This is covered under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Reasons for eminent domain can include public infrastructure projects, such as roads, schools, and parks.
  2. Asset Forfeiture (All 50 States):

    • State and federal laws allow for the seizure of property connected to criminal activity, particularly in cases involving drug trafficking, money laundering, and other serious crimes. The specifics and requirements for asset forfeiture can vary significantly between states.
  3. Civil Judgment (All 50 States):

    • Courts can order the seizure of property to satisfy a civil judgment, such as unpaid debts or damages awarded in a lawsuit. This process can include wage garnishment, bank account levies, and real estate liens, eventually leading to foreclosure if debts are not paid.
  4. Zoning and Building Code Violations (All 50 States):

    • Local governments can sometimes seize property that is in violation of zoning laws or building codes if the property poses a significant threat to health and safety and the owner fails to remedy the issues.
  5. Environmental Violations (All 50 States):

    • Properties can be seized due to violations of environmental regulations, particularly if the property is causing significant harm to the environment and the owner does not take corrective action.


  • Unpaid Property Taxes: All 50 states can seize property for unpaid property taxes.
  • Other Reasons: All 50 states can also seize property for other reasons, including eminent domain, asset forfeiture, civil judgments, zoning/building code violations, and environmental violations.

Itā€™s important for property owners to be aware of their stateā€™s specific laws and regulations regarding property seizure to avoid potential loss of their property."

in wv, the time for selling the property is about 2 years, since we went through that when morgan failed to pay the taxes on the farm before leaving for basic training and ait.

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EU would have a word on that :sweat_smile:

Itā€™s not funded yet and if it is itā€™ll be mid century before itā€™s completed and 2070 before itā€™s at full energy, but it makes the LHC look small.

I always wonder on those Ben Rich quotes too. Director of Lockheed Martin saying we have the tech to take ET home back in the early 90s :eyes:


Donā€™t they know particles are colliding all the time?

Thereā€™s one now.


Our technology is still in its infancy. 200 years ago it was impossible to travel coast to coast . Itā€™s not so tough to imagine an intelligent well established civilization that has been working at this for a few thousand years. Maybe the ships have been developed with some kind of sentient consciousness and contain no pilots?


It was the damndest thingā€¦I was minding my own businessā€¦


Right, like the 3-body problem. Just unfold a proton until itā€™s bigger than your planet. Etch a computer with AI into the entire surface. Then fold it back up and launch it at light speed at your nearest frenemy for loads of fun!

Edit: My bad, thatā€™s two protons you etch the computer onto. Then fold them backup and entangle them. THEN you launch one to your favorite planet. easy peasy :joy: