Let's talk aliens

Not easy for us at this stage of our civilization. Cavemen didn’t know about microwaves, same thing here.


however you look at the ‘aliens vs no aliens’ debate it simply comes down to faith. you either believe they exist or don’t. there’s enough information discussed on both sides of the coin. if you believe they exist you will find a wealth of information affirming their [aliens] existence. if you believe they don’t exist you will find a wealth of information denying their [aliens] existence. it ultimately depends on what you believe.

fact: any event two people can agree on… not necessarily truth. everyone ‘knows’ the sky is blue but if you’re on the opposite side of the planet and it’s dark out, you won’t see blue sky – it will appear black/transparent due to the absence of light. most facts can be disregarded with an unbiased observer. the problem is, we know we physically change the world we interact with (double slit experiment), so it’s impossible to know how we are changing it. one thing to you might mean something entirely different to me.

this is why i focus my studies on truth. truth is all-encompassing. even the lies are part of the truth and that’s the tricky part… we never know what to believe. there’s so many conflicting informations and ideologies it’s impossible to say which is ‘true, correct, real’

most proof isn’t proof unless the observer believes it to be, then for him/her it is. faith can move mountains.

EDIT - also, keep in mind every time you’ve seen a publication regarding “extraterrestrials” it’s ALWAYS in a commercial interest. the question i would like an answer to is “why?”


I think “why” is always the most important question. If they do indeed exist then why are they here? What are their motives?

I hope that we are are in our dark ages regarding physics and medicine. We truly know so little and a lot of observations still surprise us, which is good.

Since I am driven by a scientific perspective my mind requires verifiable proof that these beings exist. Therefore I neither believe nor disbelieve in their existence. Beliefs are really a trap for me. How can you argue with a belief? That’s why I shy away from religious arguments.

I do enjoy the fringe aspects of science and I think that this alien phenomenon requires study. Even if no aliens exist then what are these ppl experiencing and why? This is especially true with those who report abductions. That phenomenon alone is worthy of study from a psychological perspective.


Depends if they’re real or not. My thoughts:
If they’re not real, it could be a Project Blue Beam type thing. Build-up to an eventual false-flag holographic alien attack on the planet using drones and other tech to perpetuate the lie(Think spiderman far from home) all to bring in the New World Order and One World Government. Honestly, I think I might prefer a OWG. Maybe we can finally get off this rock and colonize space…

Anyways, if they are real, it’s a slow build-up to disclosure. The media has been desensitizing the populace to aliens since at least the 1940s. Especially these days. This way when it does happen, no one will freak out when the aliens are revealed or show up.

What I wonder about, is why the constant rhetoric about humans being dumb nomads for 150k-290k years before someone figured out language, fire, and how to farm. Any archeological site dated older than younger dryas gets buried. Sometimes literally. Meanwhile Neanderthals that were around for an additional 500k years before us already had fire and burial rituals and stuff. Not even getting to Denisovans that produced complex art and jewelry long before we officially ever did anything. Idk about you guys, but if the same people like you and me were around 300k years ago, I think we would’ve figured out most of the beginning of civilization in the first generation without needing any help from other hominids that we know already had things we’d need to start civilization. Not to mention, again, every religious text on the planet says beings showed up and gave us all the knowledge. I think we’ve had civilization like ours at least 4 times prior to now. There’s been a ton of mistakes and disasters over the eons, and this time someone decided to try having us start over like we evolved from apes instead of all the stories saying we were created by other beings. Like maybe it might work out better this time, or something :man_shrugging:


Project Blue Beam

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Xenomorphs all the way! Game over man!


Hell yeah! Still kind of like lizard ppl.



It is very likely that other planets/moons in our solar system support life.

Maybe not the sentient humanoid life you want, but life.


I agree!


At the absolute very least. The seismic/tectonic environment that leads to these would also create what we would consider a habitable zone.



you know it’s interesting your viewpoint on belief because that in itself is a belief. also, most religious texts are built around allegory so the lessons to be learned are life lessons, not “xyz procedure”.

experience is a good analogy here. you can never see someone’s experience you observe their knowledge and skills. try to tell a 35 yr carpenter though he has no experience and see what happens. similarly, you can call a woman crazy and see what happens. you can’t ever prove crazy and you can’t prove experience, because those are internal. so much of life is internal but we as human beings seek externally for solutions to internal problems.

aliens is an internal problem. does the subject in question believe or not believe? it doesn’t matter because you can’t prove it either way.

this is my problem from the base. we don’t know the words we think we do because our culture has warped the english language. if one searches the etymology of the word - “study” you can find definitions such as: early 12c [1100-1200AD] “to strive toward, devote oneself to, cultivate”

without getting too deep into this… a couple random thoughts to invoke thought.

we learned in public school [skule] how to read and write, correct? sch makes a shhh phonetic right? so why we don’t call it ‘shule’ instead of school? grammatically some of the words we use are incorrect, both phonetically, and from an etymologic standpoint.

next point, we learned 1 x 0 = 0 right? you can NEVER multiply ‘some thing’ by ‘no thing’ and end up with nothing. 1 apple x 0 apples = 1 apple in the real world. there’s no proof of existence for the number 0 and any negative integer. negatives don’t exist in nature.

when one really thinks about the state of affairs of the world, extraterrestrials is a gossip topic, and nothing more. until they invade and wage war… it’s all head games.


I predict there is bred in my freezer. I’m not there to prove it, but I believe it.


i predict there is bread in Foreigner. i’m not there to prove it, but i believe it. :grin:


I agree, but the speed of light is a constant.


Shroedingers bread :rofl:


No this bread is definitely dead :joy:


That flood would be the last pole shift. And we’re way overdue for the next pole shift. It also explains the remnants of tropical plants found in ice core samples taken from the poles and evidence of lakes and rivers in the Sahara that @HolyAngel mentioned.

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That just hit me, the pole shift is what influences the arctic ice sheets. Guess I’ve never put that together.

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Earth’s tilt changes over a cycle that lasts about 41,000 years. During this cycle, the tilt of Earth’s axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. This is what causes the Ice to form over Southern Canada and Northern USA. The Earth wobble over time moves North America to the Top of the World to become a frozen waste land. It also moves the Sahara to a more climate friendly position to become a green paradise.


Outta likes but I love the insights y’all are sharing!