Let's talk thug pug genetics

Hey guys. First post here…
I’ve been growing for a few years now, indoors and out. Ive purchased some barneys farms seeds which turned out really well… and I’ve also planted some bag seeds from some crazy good flower I purchased. I’ve kept the bag seed the entire time. Its gushers… super good strain easy to grow and keep happy and the flower is just fantastic. Anyways I recently purchased some thug pug beans. I got bubblegum breath and garlic breath and I’ve popped a few of each.

Ive worked with alot of thug pugs strains (not growing) and they’re all fantastic but now thst I’m doing research on his seeds it seems he has a religious following of solid supporters but he also has quite a few people that claim every babies full of hermies and males and it’s all shit. I guess my question is is it unreasonable to expect to find atleast 1 keeper female out of 4 regular seeds.


It is not unreasonable to expect 1 keeper female out of 4 regular seeds, but it is also not unreasonable to get 4 males out of 4 regular seeds.
I don’t know about Thug Pug Genetics but it is not unreasonable to expect a wide range of opinions on most any breeder’s gear. Some will love some will hate. Grow those 4 seeds and find out for yourself. I hope you find treasure.

Welcome to Overgrow.


High @Cannabliss4.2 welcome to overgrow!

You have a really really good chance of having 1 female out of 4 seeds, but like @buzzmobile they can be all males, grow them out :wink:


It really depends on how picky you are and what you’re looking for in a keeper. Most modern seeds are going ot be pretty potent and vigorous, but if you’re looking for that unicorn that’s dank, tastes great, yields well and is easy to grow you could go through hundreds or thousands of seeds to find it.

If there were no limits on plant numbers and I had unlimited $ I would probably start 100 at a time of any strain to hunt for a mother.


Hi @Cannabliss4.2. I’ve heard good things about them I’ve never tried their gear though
I usually crack 4 of each strain and sometimes I get all female and sometimes I get all males sometimes lucky to get one
I broke open a pack of Novacane all 10 seeds only found 1 female out of it and it was a keeper made some killer f2’s
Now remember one thing stress on young seeds ( to much fertilizer , heat ect ) can produce more males so treat them nice lol


Thug pug has great gear. Out of your 4 beans I’m sure you will find a female. Might not be a keeper. Only way to knownis to grow em out. Hope you find something you like :v:


I grew out a freebee Thug Pug Sorbet fem seed recently and had good results.

I don’t know if their stuff has issues with hermies, but people say that about almost every breeder, so don’t be too concerned.

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I I’m watching a clone if there peanut butter breath growing and it looks impressive so far.


This part is of the utmost importance. Great advice:)


That one is nice. Not a massive producer though.

first it says its your first post, so Welcome to OG!

then while i have no first hand knowledge of their gear, I want to run peanut butter breath

you know i think it could be dependant on your setup the environment maybe, I always get more females, always read 50:50 maybe for someone else right now 5 pack of seeds one male that is a freak and now developing both sex flowers

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The odds of four random, equally healthy, seeds all being male is roughly 1 in 16. So getting no females at all is not likely, but it has better odds than say rolling a pair of ones with dice (1 in 36). If you do get a female plant, the odds of it being a keeper are going to really depend a lot on the parent’s genetics, what you personally consider a keeper, and the growing conditions. It is possible to find a keeper out of four reg seeds, but definitely far from guaranteed. If you define keeper as a female plant that represents the best of the parents genetics, the odds of finding her are very low without far more seeds.


There are some insane thugpug strains and cuts out there.
Meatbreath, Peanut butter breath, sophies breath, garlic breath etc are some very popular ones.

Old packs cost a fortune if you can find em


Consider putting it up on Strainly, some of the Thug Pug stuff is commanding quite the mark-up these days…


Cool, I’ve sent a message on their website to see if I can put a listing up.

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Never ran any ThugPug gear however, from what I seen on his IG and elsewhere does look like some fire. Me personally will not fuck wih him because he seems very childish and rude to people. Always very curt and short with his customers. Just a nasty individual who I would never support. I like to have good karma floating around me and my plants so, I avoid characters like this! I don’t care how fire it is. There’s great stuff to be had elsewhere and I would rather support those types or breed my own creations. Fuck the hype and price gouging and ego maniacal assholes. Just throwing my two pennies from the peanut gallery. Take it as you will…



Yeah man, I kinda jumped on the thugpug band wagon just as he was retiring due to back issues. I learned of his gear from the owner of nectar and because we are on the same page and I have a bit of a rapport w him, so I only spoke highly of pugs gear, despite the only dm or contact at all was, just as you said, curt, rude, passive aggressive, judgemental and cryptic. I merely asked where i can find his gear, as I see that you’re retiring, and would love to get some if possible. Ok, maybe it was a bad day. But again, when he answered someone who asked in the comments if he was retired or not… They got their head bit off,and the implication was the person was a dumb ass for even asking a rather salient question. My last rant will be, we all see the crazy prices, but he claims that he never changed them, that’s completely on the banks, his price has been 80 or 100 since day 1…well that may be true, but i doubt that you’re comfortable with seedbanks making 4x more, and no work… I mean grow work, the back breaking part, plus his prowess. On one hand, he helps cancer charity with packs of beans others are asking 2to5k on, and does an auction, or he’ll play easter egg hunts w something too. I personally love the cryptic pics of seeds in bags, of unicorn poop, stankasaurus, pbb and something new… So hints are coming. He doesn’t write much, regarding drops, so if you want to maybe get a pack at 250,you can live on ig and wait, but I can’t do that, so I miss them. Somewhere up top he informed people that his ig page went down /hacked, idk, but not much info, just here we go again and beware of scammers and betties. One of these times, timed perfectly after the 2month cryptic set up, a direct link on his ig page brought you to the best looking and absolutely believable website that appears to be run by him… They had all the names corresponding with the hints, 100bux a pack… Made sense after the clap back at the high price comment… I got taken for 1500 and didn’t know it for awhile… Waited for a email receipt, eventually nicely dm’d him, nada. I was getting pissed, as i still didn’t know, and not one breeder i can think of had ever firmly made it clear that if you don’t purchase from, blah blah blah, it is not mine, and can’t vouch for it. So beware of scammers and betties did not cut it for a warning people are using his credibility, and ig acct to perpetrate the scam… Worst, no reply… I found out about 2 weeks later from terpy seeds. Some people didn’t get why i was a bit pissed at him, but when you’re a target for knockoffs, do what you can to warn, have an app like jungle boys, but definitely don’t get you’re “fan boys” pissed, because other than the non denial of his quality, after spending 2500 on actual packs, plus ripped off 1500,i have enough ill ever need, ill never find the unicorn, and I won’t participate in his narcissistic bullshit either. Best way to get a fool to part with his money? Dont piss them off… If you need to warn people that you’re gear is being toyed w in any way, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your customers are aware. You can take the stand of, i didn’t rip you off and i didn’t tell you to buy from “my website from my ig account” instead of, hear we go again about a breach. Most importantly, there is so much fire out there, miserable ass gromer can stay just the way he is, i have more freebies from neptune and some other banks then i can grow before im dead, forget about the packs that i bought :rofl:… I have seen enough fuckery, scumbaggery on ig, I really don’t like it much, too much backstabbing, under the guise of peace&rainbows… Scam artists, mediocre to poor breeders making their way onto the banks i fully trusted… Now, just by the sheer amount of breeders , there cannot be a bar that a breeder must meet to even be on some banks. Where are all these expert breeders, half my age have big menus, lots of f2s and only been growing for 5to10yrs​:rofl:… Sorry to hijack your post, but u touched on a sore spot, and I get all nutty thinking about that month of loss, not just pug bean scam, but a person who claimed not to receive 500 on venmo, but wouldn’t show a screenshot, long story, but I think we can agree on the increase in marketing and all the snake oil products… Prices eeking up to a standard 200 starting point, regardless of who knows the breeder or not. Here’s a breeder i can get behind, covert genetics, started with the creme brulee, or lemon brulee at 60 for 10,now that his work speaks for itself, he is priced in a bank at 150…I don’t know the mark up, but considering if you don’t buy from a reputable bank, who knows what you might get. I was lucky to find covert, and several other really great breeders, took an educated gamble on some, and have way too much now. I guess that’s hardly a bad thing, but I can’t look at bud porn… I have a problem with it. I admit that I am powerless over beans and leds my finances are unmanageable!,


id be pissed too, sorry man that is hard/ fucked up. there are so many scams out there, from beans to whatever else these clever thieves try to make money. its all fuckery at the top to the bottom.
i ren some in house stuff, i didnt get scammed but some hermed out and others did not, i suppose it happens but those beans are pricey too, its like they dont test those seeds, again sorry it happened to you


Well months later,and I’m long over that,live and learn…but I haven’t heard of or seen a Hermie…I don’t know if thugpug is your cup of tea…but it is absolutely stable as hell, and really good…if you like indica leaning…I also can’t imagine that his beans that are hard to find are going for outrageous prices,but someone buys them…there really is a huge difference between grade AAA genetics and everything else…that much I’ve confirmed for me anyhow. I would expect to get one female at least… hopefully,and you’ll see the vigor in which they grow,not huge yields,but not expected either.:v:

You people are hynotized by god knows what. Great genetics? He has some elite stuff, but its all mixed with crap, everythign recreated and crossed to something else, labled with stupid strain names. Hey, even the logo and name are corny…

But I can’t hate on people doing there own thing. But $200-$2000??? for 10 seeds??

You better have something serious for that price… much more than peanut butter breath or whatever gelato strawberry cake frosting…