Light burn? Other issue?

My first post here and only my second grow attempt, I’m under prepared in some departments so work with me a bit lol. I unfortunately can’t currently check PH or TDS / EC but I will be able to I just a few days.

For some extra information, the strain here is supposably Jungle Cake and the goal here is to hopefully have one male, one female, and to get some seeds going. I started with 5 seeds and got 3 plants going in happy frog soil, upgraded my light to an AC Infinity S22 Iongrid and slight issues started before nutrients with plant number 1 mainly. I was also running the light on max at the time. I’ve since dimmed it to 4/10.

As far as I can tell, this plant has light burn when it was a little smaller, and mostly recovered but was looking more yellow not too long ago, specifically on the top leaves at the time. Since then I’ve added a small amount of Bushdoctor Microbrew and Fox Farm Grow Big, it was a weaker batch as it was the first time I gave them anything but water, and can’t currently check TDS or PH. All plants were showing yellow tips before adding nutrients at that time.

Plant number 2 has been the biggest, fastest growing plant, and the one that is showing the current problem.

And plant number 3 I haven’t really had much issues from, it’s got a small brown spot I’m not much worried about and that’s it

They’ve been given roughly the same amount of nutrients and water as well, tent temp range is between 78-85 degrees while humidity is about 58-70, usually 58-65. Any ideas currently? Could it still be light burn? Was it even light burn to begin with or is something else more likely the cause? Totally understandable if waiting for PH and TDS is the way here. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


They look just fine


Try and not to overthink it. Those plants look completely fine


They need a bit more food is all I see.


If you want to get down and dirty. Led light burn is often confused with a potassium deficiency as the plants under some led are being pushed harder and require more food so what is thought to be light burn is actually a K issue normally caused in conjunction with a calcium uptake, the “burn” on the one plant looks like very minor K deficiency from light intensity but not actually light burn. Again though they have already appear to have corrected though. Happy growing


I agree with my esteemed colleague GreenHighland.
This is a pic of LED light burn.
I did not have the twist lock fully engaged, after I removed them, then put them back up, in place.
The light came on, but it was like 4 days later that I saw this damage.

Also this one, under the same LED. I had picked a bunch of uglies off her already.

Now 2 ESB’s are next to these, under their own LED. All have the same medium.

The taller ESB, as you can see, no bad leaves, at all.

This was first experience with leaf burn from an LED, since I stated working them in around 2015 or so.
Take Care!! webe


For about 35 bucks you can get a pic meter that will let you know exactly how much light they are getting. Never guess when you can test!
No light burns on your plants, just a little shy on potassium.

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