Light for a 4x2

I have a Migro Aray 4 and I like it.

Way back when when he recommended the mars tsl I bought that too.

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How many plants do you run off the sf2000?
That’s a very afforable light and only 200 watts.

I run 2 females in each 2x4 and I got 3-4oz each + half oz to 1 oz of trim so great yield for 200W. About 2g/w so double what my 300w blurple LED did ten years ago.


Would you say it’s limited on the flowering front?
Would I get more weight/quality out of something like an HLG 320 Rspec FR?

I do tend to overanalyze… but I’ve been waiting quite literally 20 years to do this so I want to make sure I’m not regretting buying a budget light

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Appreciate the feedback man

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I have an HLG board as well, great light. But, it’s got a big hotspot in the middle and the coverage in the corners is not so good.

The Migro has zero dead spots so if you can fill your footprint effectively/uniformly I’d say the Migro is better.


that’s very cold for ganja. are you going to be heating it somehow? LED won’t do it.


Quantum boards are nice. I have a 2x triple slate array in my 3x3 running 640w. It’s overkill at 100% in there 1700+ppfd. Normally turn it down to 1000-1200ppfd. If you’re crafty you can build one for cheaper than any of the ones you listed. I have the links to the strips and drivers. You can make one that puts out about 192lm/w

I want high 70s low 80s so whatever it takes to get there… I mean maybe a quantum board would be a bonus in this case? I’ll definitely run the driver in the tent and then probably ask this forum for advice on heating tents :slight_smile: - I imagine AC infinity or somebody has a device out there for that.

I find adding heat much easier than removing. I ran nothing but CFL bulbs years ago and had too much heat in there… it’s definitely possible

Array 4 ROCKS !!!


Not to be contrary and all… :pinching_hand: :wink:

…but with those temperatures… maybe old school HIDs might be in order. Efficiency sucks compared to LEDs but the extra heat could be a plus.



I have 2 2x4 tents, a veg and flower tent and I like having my 2 150w mars hydro ts1000 lights in my flower tent so if a plant or plants or 1 side are stretching more I can have lights at different heights. Even running the same strain some phenos stretch a bit more or faster. 300w total and in a 5 foot high tent I never get it up to 100%, currently maxed out on height, full canopy and I’m at 75% power to give 1000ppfd at the top of the canopy


For anyone running HLG boards- What kind of temp increase are we looking at for say, 350 watts of quantum board in 8 square feet?

Is that going to bring the tent up by 20 degrees? I’ll probably just run a carbon filter out and passive intake

I have an HLG whose model # I can’t remember but it’s basically two ~150w QBs on a long heat sink w one driver in the middle. It bumps temps up mayyybe 5 degrees. My plants grew very slowly in my MN basement in the early spring when ambient temps were barely over 60F. Still made good bud but I’m honestly considering adding an HID to my arsenal for next winter because I figure it’s a wash energy wise running that vs. LED + supplemental heat.


You might want to consider the HLG blackbird as well, being in Alaska I don’t think :face_with_monocle: the heat will
Be an issue for you and may very well help in the winter. I have 2 and the canopy penetration is great without the plants 🪴 getting burned. Just a thought :thought_balloon:! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I always recommend 2 viparspectra xs1500 pro for a 2x4. They slap trust me.
Shane from migro did a glowing review. Can’t get better distribution from a qb.
They retail for less than a benjamin
Edited to say that a spider farmer sf 2000 lights my 2x4 veg tent but if I got new lights I’d go with the xs1500s


They do have a dedicated tent heater

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You’d recommend two of the singles over the xs2500?

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I’m thinking an hlg 350 Diablo right now to help heat the tent… it’s overkill but it will double as a heater…

Either that or one of these bar setups with some serious supplemental heating in the winter. I don’t want to mess with hid lighting

I’ve got a p2500. The version just prior to the xs2500. I much prefer my xs1500 and I’d use two of those over one xs2500. P/xs2500 is very intense near the light. This is viparspectra

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