Light for a 4x2

I noticed the 2500 is 50 watts lower than two of the 1500s

It’s between a
Migro array 4
Hlg 350 Diablo or 320 rspec FR (extra heat will help)
Two of the xs1500s
Or an acinfinity ionframe high end to plug into the aci controller so it all works together

All this feedback is invaluable. Thank you so much everyone.

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The viparspectra are on sale on Amazon at the moment.

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$85 each for the 2024 models… damn… less than my wife paid for our little aerogarden lettuce grower.

I think its down to between those and a quantum board HLG for the extra heat.

I still don’t want to rule out the migro Array but I have to make a choice lol

Im running leds in all my tents. 60 degree basement. All my tents hit high 70s to low 80s with the lights on. Leds produce heat no matter what some people say. Run the driver inside the tent.


Yes. Look at the par map for the xs1500 pro. 2 units makes complete coverage of 2x4. Unparalleled par distribution my pal has 2 in his 2x4 on my recommendation. They are nice. Others on OG have good results. There’s at least 1 thread about them here.


This is another reason I prefer and recommend 2 lights vs a single. I have a SF2000 in my veg tent and it works great in there, but I much fuller coverage with the 2 mars hydro ts1000 (sure they’re more watts, but I never even have them past 75% which would equal about 225w compared to the 200 of the SF light


ACI also has this so I’m good to go once it’s actually in stock:

@Ris - Do you get any sort of commission on here? I’m about to make a full ACI tent setup/accessories purchase
@BudLarfy - Is the install for two of those going to be pretty easy in an ACI 2x4 tent? I imagine only the ionframaes are usable with the ACI controllers though

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Pretty sure you have no problems in any 2x4. My guy that has xs1500 pros has a vivosun tent I think. I got it for him I should remember…
There should be some way to hook xs1500s to an aci controller 69. I know I can hook my viparspectra ks5000 to one.

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They’re rectangles. They mount longways in the tent. 9.4" apart per the manual

That sucks about the sx1500s - they don’t ship with mean well drivers anymore and not campatible with the controller… I thought I had it solved dang it

@spillz907 - I am an authorized AC Infinity dealer. I can probably save you a couple bucks.

I also have the heater in stock if you want to grab that.

Not that you would want to but you could connect the led to the ACI outlet and use that with the controller. you get on/off but no dimming

:call_me_hand:do you know if that goes for my viparspectra ks5000 also? Probably will replace my old molex aci controller with the 69 pro soon

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I’ve never used a controller - would you reconsider to something like an HLG 350 Diablo/320 Rspec if you were in my shoes here? Not feeling overly comfortable buying a light that is incompatable with the controls in my tent.

I do like the idea of the light producing some heat for my tent.

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Brother, all you need is a type a adapter.


I want that wifi. That way I can fuss over my environment remotely. Looked around and I’m really a fan boy it seems. Inline fans, big humidifier, 2 ion beam 16s, the bowl Trimmer, nursery bags, jewelers loupe, even the smell proof fanny pouch.

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like a sealed cabinet? because that’s the end of this road.

you’re indoors running more wattage. not applicable

he can mount it anywhere in Alaska he wants, and it won’t make a real difference. exchanging the air twice a minute…

No personal experience with hlg here except that they were the gold standard few years ago when there weren’t a ton of Chinese manufacturers making nice lights. They’re loot though.


The light seems to me to be one of the least important components to have connected to a controller. Timer is all you need. Controller just adds elegance in that case. If I understand correctly

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Currently running Viparspectra xs2000 in my 4x2
No issues.
Par values and “even-canopy lighting” are just selling points to make consumers spend more $.
It is a 4x2 we are talking here.
literally an area of 8 sqft
Do your thing;
But $300+ for light in that amount of space is outrageous
That is my opinion!
Good luck!

I mean isn’t that what a tent is?

I could frame this up with two by fours and plywood in my garage… a tent just seems easier consider the drill bit to make 6 inch duct holes would probably cost more than the tent itself

This is my garage right now: