Light for a 4x2

I think code growcast15 works on Amazon for ac infinity stuff if you haven’t ordered yet.
Also a trick I got from @Pigeonman, if you’re dealing with cold temps get a 4x2 seed heating mat and use it to line the floor, that’s what I did this winter in a cold basement and it definitely helped! Still needed extra supplemental heat but the floor of the tent wasn’t radiating cold to the plants. Also have a carpet and a piece of wood under the tent to raise it off the stone


It’s a common issue many face. I went deep down the rabbit hole when I switched from MH/HPS to LED. Ended up with a very pricey HLG 600 Rspec and while it’s a great light, I did not need to go that way. I have kind of been blessed though as most of my tents and lights at this point were all given to me by sponsors. I do think you made good choices with the extended gorilla tent and VPS lights. Congrats, you will have a really nice setup working for you. :v:

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When I bought light:
Light $99.99
Shipping & handling $6.99
Promotion Applied $3.00
Coupon savings $10.00
Total $93.98
Tax $5.64

Final $99.62

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this is the stuff I’m worried about switching over to another brand of tent- Do you use the ACI fans with your gorilla tent? I wont ask anymore about tents after this one I swear I’m about to order.

lol- I’m fine with that price looks like they set it up to hit $100 either way

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The ac infinity clip fans work just fine in my gorilla.


Switching off the kindLED x420 and over to gorilla tent just halved the price… was at 1250 earlier

edit: changed to 2 vipras


If the poles are not thick enough for the clip I am sure you can rig something up easily to thicken the polls so they are sufficient. Even a few wraps of gorilla tape would take care of that for you.


Yeah man its all good I have a nice workbench down there and can make it work- just want to make sure I’m setting myself up for success with the purchases… really appreciate all the feedback it’s so valuable


Done. Went with the aci tent- the gorilla was only 8 inch taller and with all the discounts the aci 4x2 was less than $100… I’ll just buy a new tent if I need to if the plants really get out of control… lot of mixed feedback on gorilla tents these days anyway

Thank you to everyone. Can’t wait to start

MRGROWIT15 on Amazon for 15% anything aci


I have a vivosun tent with thinner poles and the new ACI clip fan was fine till about halfway up then it started slipping, just had to move the cord to run up and along the top of the tent to the power strip instead of down and back up to the power strip. No more issues now :ok_hand:
A shim or something wrapped around the pole would have worked too but moving the cord was way easier and now I can move it up and down without it slipping


Congrats spillz, I’m sure you won’t regret it.
Good luck with the grow :seedling: tag me if you start a journal :+1:
Dam, the price difference on products is insane between USA and Canada. Double on some stuff.
And don’t get me started on audio/video products. :roll_eyes::crazy_face:

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I feel ya man when I clicked the link for the mat heater I had to do a double take the price and check the URL.
At least we can legally grow, right?

Thanks for all the input- I’ll for sure do a grow log on here with it once I get everything.

Now I gotta start thinking genetics - GG4 has always been on the top of my list to grow… maybe a kush mintz … so fun.

We pick out what we do and make the best of it :slight_smile:

I ended up opting for the ACI tent, it was under $100 after all the rebates and only 8nches shorter than the gorilla… I was also exhausted shopping and thinking about it over and over.

i’ll mount the fan/filter outside the tent or buy a bigger tent if I have to if and when the time comes. all of our setups constantly evolve/change. gotta start somewhere.

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I think you’ll like em :+1:

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Ive been looking a big ne brand lights myself but havent been kn the budget. I grabbed a 200w Bestva board and pulled 10 oz on a test run in my 2 x 4 last year. Pics in link below. Bought another and ran 2 in my 4x4 with good results, well over a lb. Running one now in a 24 x 30 but turned down. Pretty cheap @ $150 each and on my 4th/5th run with em.

I run in my garage in the winter and ac cooled room in the summer, the attached driver helps with some heat.

I’m looking into exterior mounting options for the fan/filter- maybe out the top or off the side mounted on a wall… Is that something people do? Or even sitting on the floor inside the tent … I guess it depends on which way the air is flowing.

I just think having it right in the way of the plants seems … avoidable… with that thing out of the way, I wouldn’t need to worry about height issues.

Or do I have that wrong?

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Mine are all outside the tent, on top of the tent actually.

Do you have it mounted to the wall or just sitting up there resting on it with full weight?

I moved it over to this other thread with a pic of my garage: