Light for a 4x2

Which tent are you running it in?

I got them on the line but they wont tell me if it works/fits with ACInfinity. They want me to buy the gorilla tents. My only concern with ACI is the 6 foot height.

Pretty sure I’m going on 4 years daily use with mine.
Yea I flower with it
No issues at all.
I have dimmer always under 60%
I never turn up higher or I fry plants from far away
I know I could adjust the driver dimmer
I’m a stoner and I’ll get around to it :laughing: (not)

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Grab this. 640W of LM301h for $373.28 shipped. Takes about three-five days anywhere on earth.

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Here @spillz907

Check out @DougDawson posts on his. I haven’t seen a better grower on OG yet :ok_hand:


Ah, thanks @LzBoy , plenty on OG that are better growers than me but I do appreciate the kind words.

Hey @spillz907 , as @LzBoy tagged, I use 2 Viparspectra XS1500 pro lights in my 2x4 and they work great. Just daisy chain them together and you can control both from one adjustment knob. They are pretty cheap also which is a bonus. I have run them for a few runs now and have no complaints. That will give you 300 watts of light or 37.5 watts per square foot. I do have one other suggestion if you have not already purchased your 2x4. If not, try to get one that has an extended height. Most are only 5 to 5.5 feet tall but you can get an extension with some that will bring the height up to almost 8 feet. That extra couple feet of height could come in real handy.


Anyone have experience running AC infinity tech inside a gorilla tent? @Ris

Yeah it’s the one thing I’m hesitating on right now is the height limit on the ACI tent- though you can mount the fan/filter outside if you need to, that’s not ideal.

Or any other brand for that matter- I like ACI - I just don’t like the idea of being limited because the tent is a foot too short.

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Gorilla tent is expandable. You can put extensions on them to go from 6 ft to 7, 8, 9 or 10 feet so very adaptable. There are others that have taller 2x4’s as well but this is the first one I say when I googled it.

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I do run AC Infinity carbon filters in all my tents and love them. I have mounted the filter outside my 2x4 so I could get my lights up to the top as I don’t have an extension but since I run 3 tents I don’t worry about it.

My 4x4 is all ac infinity products in a gorilla tent. A tent is a tent.


Yeah - I’m considering their KindLED x420 so I like the idea of using their tent with it.

Am I still good using ACI tech like the fan and controller or should I switch everything over to gorilla?

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Those kind lights are so overpriced for what they are.


Excellent. Switched to gorilla 80” tall - there’s a $300 model and a newer $150 model - they are both taller than the ACI


Yeah- it seems like it. They have really good reviews and feedback but $600 420 watts seems extra for a 4x2 from what I’ve been reading… it’s a hard choice making all these decisions for the first time

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I just bought a Viparspectra xs1500 Pro about 2 1/2 weeks ago from Amazon. It had a $10 coupon and I found a discount code in Coco For Cannabis for a few more bucks off. IMO, best bang for the buck for that size light.


No reason you can’t put AC Infinity stuff in there, nothing wrong with mixing and matching some stuff. That KindLED X420 shows @ $595. The 2 ViparSpectra’s would run you $220 for the pair. The 420 watt light is pretty pricey and to be honest seems like overkill at 52.5 watts per square foot. Seems like more power than that space needs but it’s up to you which way you want to go. That light will work but I doubt you would get it anywhere near full power.

Buy two of those cheap vipraspectra like doug is recommending. Its your first go at it. Dont overthink it.


they were on sale for 89.99 yesterday - back up to 109.99 with a $20 rebate on one… so $99 each

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I had to overthink it to arrive here- I’m glad I did or I would have ended up with a ACI all in one kit with a shitty light

I’m going with the two vipras with a gorilla tent and ACI tech.


The ac infinity lights are good lights…just not cheap

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the one with the 2x4 bundle is only 200 watts tho. you have to buy their higher end lights seperately

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