Light leaks on pollinated females

As has been stated by @Foreigner & @LonelyOC, I agree with both on this. A little light leak isn’t going to hurt. It doesn’t have to be tighter than a tick’s ass. Even then you can have hermies, it’s often in a particular strain’s nature to herm. Male/female plants both can herm, Seeds from this should be tossed, since any progeny will also have that disposition.
If you want to collect pollen, isolation of the male is best, and even then you may carry some pollen into the girls you’re growing, so don’t visit the boys first, or if you do, wash your hands/face & change clothes before going into the girls room.
Some strains have no problem handling a bit of stress, while others will stress if you look at them hard. It’s up to the individual grower as to whether or not they want to bother with such a fussy Personally, I don’t bother.


Just click on the little smiley face emoji at top of your post, that’s what I like to call the ‘Emoji bank’ lol When out of likes I just go there, the supply is unlimited.
:heart: :heart: :heart:


Preferably you’d know if your genetics are prone to herm prior to breeding with them.

If a small light leak causes balls then the plants go in the trash/compost IMO. Doesn’t matter how “fire” it supposedly is.

Males can herm and throw pistils/hairs in the same way females can herm and throw balls/nanners.

They can still herm after pollination but likely have less chance of it since the plant is mostly focused on making those beans instead of flowers.


Seems to be true. You just got one of my last available likes.


I agree with the above posters as well, @LonelyOC has said it perfectly in fact.


I was always was taught that if you could read by the light at lights out ,it’s too bright for your grow room. I do believe that red lights from surge protectors. If there’s a good deal of them, may have an issue. But I myself go in and out of my room at lights out several times to check on things with no issues .
I believe most of the Herme problems do come from heat stress , either lights or too close to the plant or way too powerful has been know to cause Hermes. Stress is the big thing to avoid both in plants and humans lol stress kills


I have read discussions about this several times but never heard of a general consensus on the subject. Personally my highly uneducated opinion is that it’s probably 90% genetics. Either a strain is predisposed to herm or not. If a plant that has that propensity, then stress of any kind may bring on the change. I’m also of the mind that a flowering plant that has not been pollinated will be more likely to use that stress to change in a last ditch effort for procreation.

That’s, again, my feeble attempt to add something to a conversation that I am extremely unqualified to voice an opinion on.


I grow outdoors in my back yard and have a dusk to dawn 100 watt MH light not far away on a pole and they flower without hermies and the vegetables grow fine too.I also go into my grow room during the dark cycle if I have to and have a heater with an indicator light on it, as well as 2 extension cords with lights on them and more than a few times I have forgotten to turn off the ceiling light until i noticed it the next day. For me if a strain is that sensitive to going hermy it’s dropped unless it has unique qualities I absolutely want and am willing to put up with the instability and I haven’t come across one yet.


I agree with the others. Small amounts of light are unlikely to cause you issues.


Thank you everyone for your contribution. :pray:t3::green_heart:
What I’ve learnt from you’ll is, genetics play an important part in selecting desirable traits and then comes the stress factor, predominantly heat.
So I believe mild to very little lights leaks really shouldn’t cause much of a problem then.

Will definitely keep this in mind. Seems like a better idea than what I intended to do and probably makes me be more aware and disciplined with this approach. :blush::pray:t3: