Light leaks on pollinated females

Hello OG fam,
Got curious on this topic and would like your views on the same.
While I understand that prevention of light leaks results in sensimilla bud and failure to do so results in hermies, what happens in the case of pollinated females? Would minor light leaks make them hermie as well?
Also another doubt regarding males when identified, after isolating them, would minor light leaks make any difference (do males herm?) in the isolated space?
I’ve only run feminised beans in the past and in the last couple of months have received quite a bit from many wonderful members here. It’s about time I get down to growing these from now on. I had initially thought of discarding the males but something seems incomplete on my part. Nothing shall go to waste is what I’ve decided. I thought of isolating the males with cloned females (bukake style😁) in a separate space thereby continuing the project of the sender’s seeds or possibly making crosses etc. I’m just a little worried on minor light leaks as whatever equipment (tents etc) I have now is just about right for growing only bud. I need to create a pollination zone and hope to do so without tents. How bad can it get?
Thank you for stopping by to read and hope you have a wonderful day! :v:t3::herb:


I’m in the minority perhaps but I believe a little light leakage is no big deal.


I agree with this to a point. As with so many things I believe genetics may play a role here too?
@iceman I know males can herm. I believe it’s a much rarer occurrence than females. But stress herm on males that’s a good question. I have no idea. I suspect so. I also heard male herm pollen was special and “good”. I have no idea on that either. Sorry not much help but I’m interested to see what others can share. I’m also interested in the answer to the initial question about pollinated females herming.

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I sometimes flower in my veg cab and you should see how leaky it is. It’s hilarious.


I have grown some you can’t even look at and they herm. While others were abused so bad and they didn’t. I guess that’s why I lean towards genetic predisposition. I wonder if the whole if you can read a book that’s too much light thing is true. If that’s accurate that is a fair amount of light.


I wouldn’t suggest blasting anything with full sun on purpose during the dark cycle but I do believe a little is no big deal. Full moon light and the like.


Agreed. Where are y’all getting these damn likes at? Is there a Friggin store I haven’t run across yet?


It’s counterintuitive but the more of a misanthrope you are the more likes you get.


Well I’m fairly down with that lifestyle. Why don’t I have more love to share. I can love you and hate you at the same time. I’m a multitasker.
Wait wait wait! Are we screwing up another thread?
Apologies @iceman


Chill bro… you’re taking the time to contribute and that’s all that matters. Really appreciate it. :blush::v:t3:


Yeah stop being so agreeable @NDNCHILD it’s disgusting.

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Yeah but all you need is a couple more wackos to join in our shenanigans and the thread is doomed! :rofl: I’m NOT gonna tag them!
All in good fun though. I Appreciate your tolerance.


My bad. Trying to work on my people pleasing tendencies.


I was told the other day that I’m not a people pleaser. I said “you’re people yes? You’re pleased yes? Therefore people pleaser” :joy:

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No no I mean I’ve been telling them all to fuck off for so long now I’m working on pleasing a few.

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@Budderton @JohnnyPotseed @MoBilly @DougDawson @LonelyOC @HolyAngel @TopShelfTrees1 @Papalag @Jetdro @Habitt
Would like your views on this topic. :pray:t3::blush:

I’d like to tag along many others…just not sure if it’s the right thing to do…
Anyone else who’d like to chime in, you’re more than welcome to do so…
Have a great day everyone!


Light leaks are not the real issue, stress is, or rather an imbalance in hormones which is caused by. So with a light leak your plant will know that it still have partial photosynthesis going, this will slightly drop the local ethylene production and if this occur for a longer period of time, the girl will start to grow balls. It doesn’t matter if your plant is preggo or not.

Pz :v:t2:


I want to develop further, as of my understanding of this issue. Different genetics have different sensitivity to ethylene. So some plants will be able to take light leaks like a champ, other goes straight into herm.

It’s in a sense a bit like why some men loose hair.

Pz :v:t2:


you can go outside and read a book by the full moon so i don’t think it is accurate.

This is from “Marijuana Botany” by Robert Clarke.
I don’t know if it is valid, but it would be interesting to use it as a prevention on plants prone to hermaphrodism. If they are worth…

If the selected staminate parent drops pollen when there are only a few primordial flowers on the pistillate seed parent, then only a few seeds will form in the basal flowers and the rest of the flower cluster will be seedles. Early fertilization might also help fix the sex of pistillate plant, helping to prevent hermaphrodism

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