LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies 💚

Looks like there revegging to me have him check his timer!


He’s actually 13.5 hours dark. I blame the genetics. I told him not to grow those shitty seeds again.


Hey @JoeCrowe. I modified the T to spread it out for equal distribution of air in both sides of the bucket since I noticed that the bubbles like to congregate to one side of the bucket. So I upped it a little bit to this:

The bubbles went from this:

To this :+1:

I made sure I got bubbles on each side of the bucket.
I hope grasshopper did well. :green_heart:


I like it! Much like the air stone you have to feel the outside of the bucket once in a while to make sure the bubbles are still flowing. Or look in there. Upside is you can clean the bugger with a tooth pick if the salts crust in there.


I think my God’s Space Needle is a male. What do you guys think?


100% male on this last photo @LilJonB


I agree with Cadman. :100:


Hopefully the other GSN is a female.


That def looks like reveg, bro

@LilJonB … the only other thing that can be is if they got pollenated… some strains will start that weird stretch shit if they did… But I’d still say reveg.


Yeah I don’t know what he’s doing. Every time I try to help he gets mad and wants to do it his way. My yields should speak for itself.



Ten chars


Today I was spraying my Forest Candy with CS and was freaking out cause his plants are in the next room. I told him it don’t work like that. “Why don’t you spray it in your room?” He asks. Because I don’t want the shit dripping on my floor.


I went fishing to clear my head.

Got 20 little White Perch and a big Cat.

I thought it might have been a turtle lol.


Not trying to be mean, but with what you’ve said here of late, sounds like your cousin needs to get his shit together! ‘Reality check time’

edit… I’d sit him down and talk to him in a conversation, non-confrontational tone. Give him facts and tell him to stop being close-minded, open his eyes and see if he isn’t possibly doing something wrong

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Our relationship has been extremely strained. I all started when I bought Xanax and didn’t offer to get him any because he has his son for the rest of the summer. His son doesn’t need to see him with his head in his lap. I was doing him a favor.
The next morning I went to take a shower to rinse off before I left the house he said something along the lines of I could have taken it last night.
Later I opened up a half gallon of ice coffee. The night prior I had walked an hour to the store to buy it for my grandmother with my $. In passing my cousin stopped and looked at me and says “well I guess its OK that you have some.” What?!!! I told him I bought it myself. He said that they always buy it. I might drink a cup every other day. And if I do I ask if I can have some before I drink any of it. I know my grandmother dose not like hot coffee.
Yes I’m not working right now. But I have been paying back all the $ I owe for rent. When I was working I was the only person working in the house. I cut the grass. No one does. I clean the bathroom top to bottom that 4 other people use. I do everyone’s dishes. No one cleans my dishes. It all fucks with me. I want to move out. I’m afraid that if I do the things that I do will fall onto my grandmother.
I’m afraid to grow outside because my cousin and his father.


I have tried.
I was cutting the grass and saw the lawn mower oil was low. I asked if there was oil for the mower. He replied “you have never put oil in your car before? You don’t know what oil looks like?” I almost lost my shit. Very nicely I tried to explain to him I didn’t know if there was a certain type or a designated bottle of oil for the lawn mower. It’s been little shit like that here and there. My depression has been really bad lately. He’s not helping it.


Well, hopefully your situation will get better soon for ya, my friend. That doesn’t sound good.

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Calm down brother. This too shall pass!


Well the Coco Gods Space Needle is a male as well.

So the GSN will have to wait until next grow. I will try to grow one outside just for shits and giggles. I always have issues with JOTI gear. I tried to grow the Black Candyland last run. The first 3 we thought could be crushed in the mail. So @Floyd sent me 3 more in a mini centerfuge container. Funny part about that is the ones he just threw in a envelope made it fine. The ones he had sent in the centerfuge container were smashed. Long story short I couldn’t get the three good ones to germ. I felt bad because Floyd went through the trouble for nothing.
Well now I’m waiting for the Hydro Black Candyland to show. I could put the Coco into hydro. I got a Purple Kush Auto I would like to keep in the tent. We will see.


Better luck next time friend! thinking about repotting and putting them, still young into 12/12 literally to kill that anxiety to know their sex as soon as possible LOL :bomb: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face: :thinking: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :pray: