LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies šŸ’š

Just take a cut as early as u can and put it in water under 12/12 and sex it instead of your original plant.


Better luck next time friend! thinking about repotting and putting them, still young into 12/12 literally to kill that anxiety to know their sex as soon as possible LOL :bomb: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face: :thinking: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :pray:

Hey @Chronickyle, you mean just a cut in water in the 12/12 area? Are you serious?, no cloning capping with either plastic or plastic bottle upside down!? Way more doable than what I had in mind!! Awesome!


Lots of time I push mine in bubbling water my buddy just uses a cup. Should show within 10 days. Not always tho.


that is a heck of a tip!! Iā€™ll do.

Probably no need to cut the leaves in half? Just asking LOL

Thanks @Chronickyle !!
Maybe some Aloe Vera in the water!? My mind working it already!!!

Awaiting your answer @Chronickyle! Apologies @LilJonB for clogging up your thread!! All for the benefit of learning!!! theyā€™ll soon go to the 12/12!!! :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :joy: :upside_down_face: :hugs: :pray:
Get a kick out of taking a bite from the new plants!! They get angry at me by growing like crazy!! LOL!


Just treat them like u were taking clones.


I donā€™t mind man. As long as itā€™s about growing we all good :+1::green_heart:


Did a little bit of night fishing. Didnā€™t catch anything. My brother did tho. A big Cat Fish.


That was the last time I sent seeds like that. Coin flips and washers is the way. :smiley:


I just thought it a little funny that the ones not protected made it. You are right about the coin flips. I wouldnā€™t send seeds any other way.

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I chopped down the last Godā€™s Space Needle. Might need to take it out of the thread title. The other Black Candyland in coco fell over while I was away. Smh. I thought I was a plant short. Lol. I will put her in DWC tomorrow. I just donā€™t feel like going through the motions today.


I am most defiantly going to do this when my airstones die


There was no way I was getting the Coco out of these Black Candyland roots. Luckily for me the pot they were in is the same size as the net pot.

I filled the bucket up so the net pot is about 2" in the water. Letā€™s see what happens.


Iā€™m beginning to get really mad. The other Black Candyland looks like itā€™s going to be a male. Thatā€™s 2 of 2 Godā€™s Space Needle male. 1 of 1 Black Candyland. If I know it was going to be this rough o would have planted more. Smh.


I hear you brother!! Likewise! Happened to me, from 5, 4 males and a fem (hermie?) LOL! Keep on trucking!! Soon youā€™ll find the pearl of your eyes!!! :hugs: :sunglasses: :pray:


Iā€™m mad. I shouldnā€™t have been as optimistic. Guess Iā€™m going to have to put an auto in that bucket to keep everything on schedule.


It can be hard to tell with the human eye when they are small like that. Thus the crazy process I use to weed out the males and hermies while keeping the grow flowing smoothly.

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Itā€™s cool. Next time Iā€™m going to run at least 4 to sex. She is actually big. If you go up a few posts to the full tent shot itā€™s the one all the way on the left. Every JOTI plant I started in WC was male. Gerrr. Heā€™s still in there. Iā€™m going to take him down tomorrow and figure out what Auto I want to put in itā€™s place. I might do a GG4 or Purple Kush.


The sad garden. :disappointed_relieved:

I still canā€™t figure out whatā€™s going on with the Blue Cookies. It looks like sheā€™s over watered.

Black Candyland is lanky AF. Iā€™m sure she will fill out. Her roots are making her way out of the net pot into the water.
Fucking JOTI. Smh.
And my 4 little autos. Iā€™m sure they would be bigger by now if they were not under 12/12.
Good news is I know the sex of all my plants now. :man_shrugging:


Since you mentioned, maybe ask Doug, he had had some similar problem with Paonia in the beginningā€¦ Later on I recall everyone hitting on overwatering being an issue due to leaves being pretty wide and, thus, retaining more water, getting a bit too much of itā€¦ Now, I would not know how that applies to hydroponicsā€¦ Thankfully youā€™re safe here!! Keep up the good work!! BTW, I see a green, happy garden! Half cup full!! Good day friend! :pray: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@LilJonB I feel your pain brother remember I had those 4 elderberry cream soda males. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m staying away from regs for a while. Gonna do a couple of fem runs to get my stash up and then I will start messing with the regs again .