LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies 💚

Not much. What, maybe a week ± depending on how deep into amber you go?


Sorry about that @BigMike55 didn’t realize you were talking about the blue cookies. I didn’t remember who had the purple Kush autos.

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No big thing. I was worried about that. Honest mistake.


It was @Chronickyle man. It happens. The Blue Cookies are nice if you don’t already have some.

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Hey @BigMike55. Around what time did you see amber?

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She’s on day 70. I’m starting to get nervous. She barely has any white pistols. Maybe 1 or 2 through out a bud.
What do you think?


Hmm should be showing some amber by now.
You are probly days away. My first harvest, I left around 70-ish days. But by that time I had already started getting amber. Mostly on the sugar leaves but about 10-20% on the top buds. The smaller side buds had almost no amber. Smoked good and got a nice buzz and body felt really nice. The second time I ran her I let her go about 80 days. She thanked me by producing bigger, much more stickier buds. I am talking so sticky when you jar them up. They stick together like glue. Turn the jars upside down and the buds stay stuck together at the bottom of the jar. You have to shake the shit out of the jar to get them to come apart. And the smoke, to me, is borderline couch lock. Hope you do well LilJon.


Thanks man. I just wanted to check with you of corse. I’ll leave her in there a little longer. I’m going to give her 5 more days like I had originally planned.


I think you are ok. Patience, my friend.


I wanted to wait to Day 75 but my I won’t have the free time to spend in TJ so one day won’t hurt. This will be the last grow journal I will be posting until we get legal here.
Anyway this is what we got growing on!

I will post final trichome pics here soon.


Nice fuzzy bud there. I am confused though. Wonder why the purple never showed up? Go and look at the first post on my thread. That’s what I expected to show.
Nice plants but, I’m kinda disappointed for you. They look like entirely different plants than what I had Hope the smoke gets you there.


Oh I know. I used it in the first post of this thread. I’m going to try again not this next run but the following.


I zoomed in, best I could, and man that’s one wooly bud! The trichomes are long!
Even if not what’s expected I bet it does the job.


:scream: Oh no! Say it ain’t so!!

Does that mean you won’t be posting pics of any kind, or not just a start to finish journal? Also - I don’t know where you are, but do you know if/when you’ll be legal?

BTW - how do you like that Black Candyland? I grew out a bunch of it after our JOTI group buys, and I liked it. Sweet smelling, but literally like candy, not berries or anything else. At least that’s what I got. Here are a few pics…


I live in Maryland. They have been talking about legalization for a while, but been dragging there feet. I really don’t understand the hold up. Everyone that really feels Cannabis is a problem I’m sure has mostly died off. At this point I feel like there stanfing around scratching there asses trying to figure out the best way they (Government) can capitalize on it.
Unless there’s something I’m missing…

The Black Candyland turned out pretty good. My yields on both plants was terrible.
I just wanted to make that clear.
There was a couple of things that went wrong.
Some over feeding feeding on the Blue Cookies.
So to fix this mistake so it don’t happen again I’m going to start using what I dub the STATIC CHART

Now for the Black Candyland I had to transfer her from coco to WC. When she was in coco she wasn’t really giving that much attention.
So to to not make this mistake I made a 4 spot DWC in a small rubbermaid.

I have to Black it out so no light leeks in. For now I just slid it in a contractor bag with holes cut out for the plants.
Now the only other thing that was different then any other grow was the switch to GH Maxi Grow Bloom. So I’m probably going to switch again. I was really considering the Technaflora line but now I’m looking a REMO. I want something that is a little more PH stable.
The yield is sad. I’m looking at 2.5 oz. Smh. The smoke is great tho. No complaints there at all. For the extra 15 days I put into them was not worth it.
I will do a full weigh up when both are done drying.


The smoke is great. My yields just suck.
Time to do some things different.


@BigMike55 everyone preferred the Blue Cookies over the Black Candyland :+1:


Has anyone ever had plants that look like they just stop growing?
I have a GG#4 auto that has not grown anymore in the past 3 weeks. Even the trichomes seem to stop maturing.
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She’s coming up on 90 days in a week.


The GG#4 autos my son and I grew outside this summer were crap. Grew stringy shit flowers that never filled in. All four went straight into the bubble bags. Where did you get yours? Maybe the same genetics.


Glad you got some good smoke from her at least. But now you know her growth patterns you should get a really good one next time