Live & Reloaded

being acadian jai aussis lhabitude de switcher de langue from english to french fluently i almost didnt notice it at first


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
dam dracula must of been the breeder


I’m dying to cant switch this often ^^ You just produced a kind of string theory “proof of concept” buddy without knowing it. All JH are females, i’m doomed to reconstruct it from a NL5H BX then a SK#1 BX. Kind of mystic lucky shot buddy lol

Seriously the SD is just … an impossible plant lol



Damn second update in time ^^ One of the worst week since a long time, sudden life’s worries I’ve to dial in emergency. The kind that make you mad. Just at the moment i’m dialing cuts of the SD and when i’ve to dial many things at a time of course, it couldn’t be otherwise. I’ve to move my ass next week in locations i hate and all, ultimate pain in the ass ever at the worse moment lol Back to the update, i no longer have any spare keyboard :exploding_head:

@FieldEffect , i swear i tried to tag the plants but it was totally messy ^^ Let me try again lol

My little favorite JH ^^

Not yet “lemoney-pronounced”, but i’m far from bud formation as well. Look at this high five.

Don’t take it at the letter, but it’s what i call the C99/Apollo phenos. It’s more a mnemonic for the structure than any strict identification of the phenos. Very much leaning on the NL5, if it’s necessary to mention ^^

The low rider is unexpected, i was waiting for two same shapes with variation. It’s quite segregated actually.
Guess what … i’m forced to seed them all, this quad-combo is just magic. Still choosing the NL5H male that will be used for the BX … not easy. And it’s asking focus i lack a bit this last week damned hell

I kept the NL5H freak ^^ Finally declared female, just the last to declare of all. Nothing is good with this poor little thing lol Phyllotaxy, shape, nodes … but this leaves shape is strange. Let smoke this for the science ^^

NL5H female planned to be seeded, you bet ^^

Another NL5H female planned to be seeded.

This one represent very well “the average”, not my poison but matter of personal taste.

The Shiva Shanti II expected as very vigorous and bushy ^^ Gnats magnet, the wave of this year is particularly intense. Still regulating it.

It’s really what i use all the time, and in a very economical way. PK and TS are almost full, only the AiO is at 30% of full volume. Since over a year.

I wanted to digress a bit and all, but very bad week i don’t have really the mind to this. Still cool to have something fun to share, OG always here when times are hard :heartpulse:

stay green bros, and don’t let little worries affect your babies. Plants have this advantage, it’s a chemically pure love. Their expressions are always pure, fascinating and teaching you something, the tempo of the rounds writing a story about passion, endangered states, last moment strategies … with big rewards. How to don’t be hooked to this lol

best vibes


Not sure what you are saying here other than bad week. Sorry to hear that :confused:

Do you have to change spots or was that more figurative?

I’d pick the lankier sativa-ish pheno as well. Knowing very little. One day I’ll be able to recognize the structure of plants, but that’ll be a good way in the future :rofl:

^^This :sunglasses:

Anyway, hope this week goes a bit better.

Joyeuse Fête des Pères!


thx buddy, it matter your kind words. Nothing really related no, a ghost from the past at worse. Just the timing make me crazy, some worries are talented to only annoy you at the worse moment possible each time … Jah giveh, Jah takeh ^^ :rofl:

It’s something i listen a lot about shapes, we even have talked about it last night with my padawan. For now i don’t found the best way to introduce people to this, beside forcing someone to grow all main classics before letting him grow what he like :rofl: Result … he want even more classics in his lungs lol


Always sucks when a bad week happens, plus when the timing is wrong (but is there a good one?). Hope it will be one of the short kind and you’ll be back in the garden in no time!

Looks beautiful by the way, indeed must bring a peaceful mind to open the tent. I like the stacking of the bigger one with the little shiva coming in their shadow :slight_smile:

Blast that next fscking week!


Lol another demonstration of mystic powers ^^ Totally nailed it bro.

I realized in typing that one more time i forgot to show the ERSB … kind of “plant-growing-on-top-of-a-bush” style. I’m loving her since the start overall. She start to stretch only now … lets say it look like a weird afghani, but when you get close you lost your shit. At this point i’m really waiting the flowers like the messiah lol


Back at home a lot faster than any expectation, one-day trip lol Jah don’t want me far from the plants obviously.

The little Darwinian corner with a guest star, the representation of phenos is quite funky. The little runt is just very impressive considering his capacity to answer to these hardcore conditions since the start. They eat the waste of the lab and hint of cat litter juice when i’m forced to water them lol What i presume is a male on rear right start to eat faster than he can process, maybe he will get some low release pellets for gardens (sheep poo dehydrated / compressed).



This week was a bit frustrating, just limited to dodge stems to give them food. Except the SSII, they are on the rails now. I pass from 10 liters to 15 liters a day of solution, with temperate temps for now. Seasonal storms here, rain, a bit cold the night (their day) and a lot of winds (god thx, it lower the pressure of gnats).

They got a 0.25 pre-shot of Super PK one day to engage faster the flowering stage, they need two more weeks to handle at first glance.

Let’s make a grand tour at this stage.

The ERSB first so i don’t forget it. She stopped to stretch and just elongate slowly, i’m waiting the right window to pollinate. She got two experimental tests of pollination on lower stems, unsuccessful. Can’t tell much, my wife handle fully the protocol and i serve as farmer only. I’ve another batch to test then i place her with her male in the pollination tent. I will stimulate her a bit this next week to get it done next sunday, maybe. Still in the enigma.

The terps start to kick on both and it’s absolutely not what i was expecting. The female is very earthy and kushy (not the US canon, the pure afghani one). Very interested ^^ The male just stink like a Garlic Bud. Exactly like. It’s starting to make sense considering the shape and the absence of NL1, i erased the theory of the NL5 too.

NL5H#2, starting badly to be my little favorite. It’s tight with another one.

NL5H#1, an hybrid form but that check every single fucking nice checkbox. So i choose both for the repro ^^

NL5H#8 that i’m glad to can flower lol Insured NL5 treat and deep couch-lock. Not my poison genetically.

The undetermined mutant is the only thing I’ve to read since a bunch of week so … i keep reading it ^^
Very active hormonally, longer than any other to flower, with some fuck at nodes. The last photo is a silenced desperation, if i share it openly i will get tons of questions on this “triploid”. It’s absolutely not a triploid, just a fucked to the bone phyllotaxy boosted by abnormal hormones activity.

The JH, it’s cousin, have also its own NL5ish expression. But always skunked. I prefer.
Let’s call it an “A13 lead”. Unable to don’t seed it.

Her sister, more “C99 lead”. One can see clearly that the NLish pheno on JH are always skunked.
Insured progeny too ^^

Basically the pheno that all Dam’ coffeeshop are selling in weed. This one is quite “cleaner”, a bit less fruity.
Seeds ? Hell yeah.

For those that remember the giant Big Bud i got on the second batch … it’s nothing compared to what will do this one lol Next week i’ve to start to transform her in a pylone, in bending a bit the trunk in zig-zag. I’m supposed to have pinched her on regular basis but … she just so beauttifull to my eyes. Later. Maybe. This pheno is just the best weed of the world for me. It’s for her that i assume plainly the “Jack Herer” in my profile.
it was also the weed of Kunaï, if he was still here you will see the lower leaves chewed.

I swear Muffin only chew the Sour Diesel. No shit. But i got instantly a weird feeling in seeing this lol
Pots damage when i’m watering i guess.

These two photos are more my desperation on boards now. You need a DNA engineering to explain just this … obsessional defoliators are everywhere now.

I swear i’m showing you the most resistant and vigorous line of Sensi. WTF Ben.
They get out gently from their stasis … sown at the same date than the JH. But it’s annoying me as hell.
I want to throw a bunch of seeds in the Darwinian corner to get back this line in its feets, so … i want to repro them. In another hand … the SD motherplant want to flower as fuck. When the pollination dense will be over maybe i will transfer them in the pollination tent and push. At this point i’m already overgrown anyway, a bit more or less will not change much.

Facepalm of the week, i push her and … i’ve not realized i cloned her while fed like an ogre. So slow rooting.
She transpirate sugars lmao, she can’t wait to flower and it make crazy to can’t even transplant her outside. Even now it’s fucking risky, she stink too much.

The little 60w panels are dope cranked 100%, for the SD tent 24/0 but also for the ERSB male i push aside in 12/12 (with red and UV activated). Exploring dirt cheap LEDs ^^ … she really need to flower asap how the fuck i will do this lol Most of clones (~20) will perish, i’ve a bunch of STS formula to test.

The first is an AKshish, no doubt. The second a COB. Sex declaration is coming gently.

The two mutants growing exactly aside the two big specimens. I don’t really from where it come from lol, no shape to examinate too. They will be culled …

… if these ones are surviving. The tempest helped them to born, thunder babies.

Big Bud S2, no doubt now. I expected a more disformed shape but hormons are not kicking yet for this one.
Can be a shit show from one week to another. The first brick of the outdoor blend promise to be funky ^^

Male’s tubes put them in stasis two good weeks but don’t stop them to stretch ^^ Noted lol

Stay green


I like that one to #2, not sure why but I do.

Quite interesting. Knuckles are crazy. Which plant/line is this?

So that’s it, eh? Very sativa-leaning. Makes sense I guess. What are the scents associated with that pheno?

:rofl: Holy shit I laughed at that. Shiva Shanti I can only assume. No further comment. That picture says it all.

Glad the cheap LEDs are working well. And the outdoor plants getting along.

Cheers man


I like this unexpected BB pheno. Don’t know why I’m not surprised you find kush nuances :wink:

Weather is shit here too, to the point I’m fighting with mold. We lost several plants already. Nice to see it’s not a problem in your over-engineered house lol

You’ll have some work with the most sat pheno it seems, but that SD looks like a very robust plant, love it.

Have a good week, seems weather will calm down for a bit.


Damn yeah, i guess it’s pretty hardcore on your latitude in bonus.

:point_up_2: Wait a bit before putting another coin in the jukebox, solstice is fresh. One time the “old-dirty” cloud mass is gone, you’re good until mid-autumn.

Tell me what you have lost, mildew or the black one ?

update : I’ve also farmer-cheated buddy, everything that grow atm can handle crazy RH. I’ve a 70% since three weeks, just today i won 5% ^^ It’s also why i found it perfect to bulletproof the pollen’s experiments on initially resistant strains.


A few peppers and ornementals. None of my plants luckily yet, but I have some clones fighting. I’m treating all of them with regular horsetail tea sprays and H2O2.

We were flirting with the 80%. One day with a bit of sun and warmth was enough for a big mold pop.

And now that the sun shows a bit we’re 50% :laughing:

Waiting for this clouds to go since a while now.


Jah said this year : grow hazes and sativas ^^ The fuck. I think the summer will be quite groovy, go to the beach at the first occasion.


haha @FieldEffect heard it too! :wink:

Yeah, have the feeling too this summer will be funky. We’ll see, nothing can stop us anyway, even jah!




In the name of constantly too short tents.


For the record … 14 damned days lol They are so greasy that they don’t even started to eat their leave’s stock.
At least they will restart like rockets. I’ve a lot of seeded buds to compensate.


Good old jiffy method! Well done!
