Live & Reloaded

What a cake! looks like it’s coming out of a cartoon. Or like a big fuck off too this way :laughing: Very talented baker.

Maybe sensi messed up the seeds in the packs and you got something else.

Following the NL5/Haze quest, that’s interesting to get it deciphered “live”. Taking a lot of mental notes.

Same for the JH. At least on this side you have some luck in this round, there has to be some in this game :slight_smile:

I see why you like that particular SD, very nice structure.

Keep them green!


I was in the need to muscle a bit the productivity. Because …

Her fat ass take all the bed ^^ Do you believe it’s a cheap ass 18w panel ? I wasn’t until i figured out the output lol Not a reason to don’t blast the lights, next week i receive stuff 300% more kicking ass ^^

@FieldEffect , little dedication (dedicace?). Storing photos for the last wiki of the list, unfortunately the one you’re waiting for ^^

@funkyfunk , you know what ^^ One stone , two birds.

All germinated naturally and directly outdoor. 5:2500 ratio.
3th pics is a specimen that germinated and grown trough dry sift waste ^^
Last photo is a kind of miracle, i love it. These carpenter ants are dragsters (there is an anthill just beneath).

It’s how i started breeding in 91 exactly, and my biggest frustration since i’m no longer in alps … my sensation in breeding and the skills used are totally different. It’s a more “organic” approach but deeper on the genes balances, also it permit insane density when it’s not just the waste of seed’s calibration. Not saying i will dream to breed fully outdoor (in fact i love to play in all-seasons greenhouses more), i love to breed faster than light indoor. But this complementary is missing as fuck, i don’t like to breed Karen’s poodles.

ERSB donor. Before he look like shit. The three males i reserved today are in another attic, light deprivation, fucked cycle ^^ They will join a tent sequentially, when i receive the 60w panels. I expand dangerously my territory in the house lol


hehe is that for your project, the OD strengthening part?

I agree greenhouses is the best of all way to grow. Dreaming so much of a big one :smiley:

So the SD got you out of the all-in-one-tent challenge lol

1 Like

I want one too. I’ve already planted the seed of the idea already, when we move in a few years I’ll have free reign to build one. I want to grow equatorials.

Nice to see you actually pulled the trigger on the outdoor, what are they?

I’m in no hurry for wiki entries. I love reading them, but regardless of what I read there will be some thick-skulled mistakes and learning of my own. I appreciate greatly the information already present, I’ve got each entry bookmarked. I’ll print them to read more easily

^^^ Excited for you there!

It looks like a cartoon, incredible!

Bold, I’ve entertained the same. I think I need a chamber for flowering males.

Glad to see things are going well. Have a great weekend!


The conditions are strictly the same. The “sower timing” a bit different (one month and a bit more than “necessary”, i want them a bit bitten by the cold).
The genetic too ^^

This one is really for the wiki and my pleasure (making a 100% epigenetic F1). It’s always practical to have anyway. And also to map ^^ Which is the best mother overall before the ERSB/JH/NL5H/SS2/SD round. “Un-calibrated seeds” give more datas on it that good calibrated seeds, the starting block having only a partial care of the mother with improper endosperms. Here we go i digress.

God just to write the lines of this round and I realize it’s more pushy than the precedent. I will not complain to have too much jars filled to the neck this time ^^

The day i buy one (that will be off course too big for me alone lol), i make a phone call ^^

I can throw the full truth about it now. Bet win months ago, when i get out from the hospital.
It helped to buy a giant cat that is fascinated by breeding lol, some stuff to ease the transition (genpool’s curve) … and a part of the surgery. They aren’t even close friends, but the mutual respect is at a level i can’t describe. They just know me enough to push me to gulp my proudness. They got valuable intel i’ve not necessary shared too ^^ (boring productivity stuff);

“hi ha ànimes que només brillen quan tot va bé, després les que són capaces d’il·luminar la foscor.”

But technically you’re right, the SD symbolize the end of this more than the dead line.

Beside this, a couple of them are very interested to see if i can reverse-engineer a “super STS” we all have used by liters lol A lot of times that’s the big gap i feel between the stoners and the real industry, the relationship with money, with common interests and competitivity is totally different.

Specially here these last days, holly shit OG have to mature asap on this specific side. I will try to generate an emulation around the Cheese someday, in a true genuine tribute to Exodus. Maybe the real first since Cheese is know. It will be my last try before i just give up to recover a bit of the OGv1 ambient. Many people are claiming, but obviously they just lurked ^^

A second phone call to make too ^^ No stress, it’s a french manner to joke on fantasies lol

A bit early for the pronostic (part of the pleasure) but … ^^

For sure i’ve two selfed, the two mutants. Variegations are typical (much pronounced today) on genetic traces so by elimination it should be two different funnels of Big Bud “S2” F3.

The two big and vigorous are already obviously COB F2. The mystery stay plain for the last one, the elongated leaves look like to come from a BigB again but i don’t recognize the pattern of growth. Maybe a F2 of the fem of Shoes, more on the haze side of the NL5H part. Or the tall “hazey” pheno in S1, from the one I got with the second batch of Big Bud.

Sometimes you don’t have enough to screen lol Jah frustrated me on this round, very easy and pairing are set since a while now. My fear on the JH increase, two femals so far … 2 remaining to declare. I think i will have three females and one males, i just hope a male on my favorite pheno (the backwood receptors-bazooka).

Hell it’s a great idea. I will join a PDF for each. Thanks for the suggestion.

Some of her pastry have been used for weedings and events that i can’t post, but i will try to show the safe ones. She’s just amazing overall lol. And she rox at coco-coir-cloning, big arrays or not ^^

Finally !!! He’s intoxicated, my mission is accomplished. Don’t be lured, i make credits with Jah :innocent:

Well, it’s crazy how Chineses are faster than a French shop. Ordered the same day. Finally the males will not stay long in stasis. I can unleash the hell on my precious too.

Another exploit of my dear wifey, she found a deal with nice diodes. I prefer full white panels but at this price and considering what the 18w panel have done until now … hell, i’m drifting to LED for pollen and motherplants slightly. Not for my flower yet, i’m still waiting the “bud on the table” that will change my mind. I hope they do well the travel, i finish this post and i re-wire / re-solder them. Never trust cheap Chinese stuff on this ^^

Stay green !


Little feedback on these cheap ass panels, first it’s an hell to take a picture lit ^^

First : Dialed (potentiometer) minima and dialed maxima. It’s not very accurate, more a 50%-100%. “Full throttle” being religious here, not sure i will find an use of this.

Second : A little fragile switch to shut down the central diode (IR/UV). When shut down the other diodes get a boost, visually maybe 20%-30%. These gadgets look like to eat a lot. I’ll try on the pollen box just to see, it’s desactivated for the SD.

Third : How it look deactivated with the same camera settings;

Now it’s talking ^^

Just because i can’t resist. She’s mature now (you can take these shots as “definitive veg” shape) and is kicking all hormones and phenols you can dare to imagine lmao. Eat like an ogre, drink like an irish, supercharged in sugars and she already smell trough the tent under negative pressure, that’s what i call a SD lol American muscle ^^

I will clone her the fuck next week and SOG some in-between the giants in the 4x4. I’ve her old H&G schedule in mind, i hope to dial it perfectly this round to have some in the beach this summer. But i’ve to stay calm, a little too much SD in flowering stage and it can become dangerous. Seriously ^^


Disgress please, that’s interesting :smiley:

Would be happy to see (and smell) that!

Congrats! Seems to have been a real serious one given the outcome.

Well, dozens would be interested here :wink:

Sure, but I believe both have their own interest and reason to co-exist. And in the end everyone is a bit of both, at different degrees depending on the moment.

Still trying to really get what you find different between V1 and V2. Was it so much more focused on competition? :thinking:

There’s a bit of emultion around the cheese and old school UK skunks going on in the lost skunk repro thread if you wanna join :smiley:

Kinda funny watching you going LED, had to happen I guess. Welcome in the 2020s! :wink:

How’s the somatic mutation experiment going btw?


Better out than in, let’s start with the shitty part first ^^

The thing is that only one side represent the vast majority of the volumes and of the print-foot, for the better and the worse. It’s not a bit of both, it’s letting the major power of industrial methods crushing the creativity. I losted my soul in this, it’s a testimony that come from the heart. A rage too.

“Attitude Seedbank”, the marketing of the brits was quite “nostradamus” in fact. Let’s say it’s one of my grid.

It wasn’t the race it appear but hell … when two guys pretended to have the best “name what you want”, something was happening. It was groovy and all, but fuck something always was happening for the sake of everyone finally. Whatever the angle : new tech of production, experiments, strains fights … everything was an excuse to pass to the next step seeds and clones in hands. It wasn’t a competition of walls of smoke.

And it was a fucking good show also, in bonus to give fresh meat to the pack behind the Alphas. Historically, none place produced such a number of big actors for the next decades. It had a reason. At this time the american grows was mesmerizing us also, remember the insane growlogs lol. They was in the same shit than us but holly shit, they dialed it full throttle like it was the end of the world tomorrow.

The v2 have this potential, but we have to deal with a new wave of growers that were very minor in past : people discovering (obviously) everything on the late, but pretending the reverse. I don’t see the point to don’t play open poker seriously.

Let me throw a strict truth : You can pop up in the scene in saying openly you just begin to grow, or pretend to make seeds since 400 BC … none stoner on earth will ever truly give a fuck if the weed rox. Me first lol

That’s the concrete truth that make all these noises so ridiculous finally at the end of the chain. It work for the casual stoner, it work with the higher spheres of the industry, it even work for the streets. Since ever. With weed you don’t need marketing, you don’t need stories, you don’t need dramas … you just need a weed that is loving a niche. And eventually, that become more popular.

But you can’t win all the time, all catalogs have their highs and lows. It’s even not predictable when. One year you can push hard a line that no one give a fuck, then 5 years later get a rush on this one suddenly … without really knowing why. I’ve even a case i found by luck in getting intel on the Cheese yesterday :

I present you the Stargazer (AG). It’s a STK#4 x “ICM cut” given by a friend of my community. I sourced it three times when the friend told me he wasn’t very sure of the ID of the cut (during the process), i got it as SSH, Amnezia Haze and ECSD. lmao So who the fuck know, but the weed was dope at least. Names aren’t something that restrain me.

It was rockstable and supposed to be a grail for a niche : sativa flowers inside a fast indica backbone. The seed line falled flat. Big facepalm and i never knew why. I launch all i have for my stash and to share with friends … it finished by an insane demand of clones. The whole north Catalunia smoked Stargazer in 2009, i even smelled my weed on the beaches. I can’t even rationalize this on the personal selection, the line was stable as fuck just clones in seeds to the smoke. Pure nonsense.

This example is the most extreme i have, but i have plenty of derivative examples only in my own old genpools. It’s the game, and you’re not forced to answer to this with one bazillion of versions of the same thing. It’s more counterproductive than the reverse by the way, you’re reducing your chance to grasp a niche that will bump your lab this way. And you’re increasing the power of the lows, because your whole set is affected. Well i play captain obvious there lol

So any temptation to write strains in the marble is vain. It’s all about the zeitgeist and your faculty to understand the cycles by the ones you lived previously. As stoner, it’s not even a breeding question.

It make the emulation necessary and a positive dynamic, to get out from the “lost island syndrom” (a plague for breeders) but also from the auto-hype (never trust friends on your weed), even more toxic for your competitiveness. When this dynamic fall, the market is saturated with soups. And it’s even more a great opportunity to easily get out from the mud, if you have done your “home’s shores”. Sincerely everything is in the wikis i wrote lol I hide nothing on this part. What i’m hiding is what i transmit only to my successive padawans, and it’s not even secrets. But a method build on constraints depending on stricts contexts. Even if i wanted, i will not be able to share it. We have all our specific comfort zones, it’s just impossible past a point to don’t ultra-specialize the skills. And i swear, each stoner its pathway even taken from scratch without any hint of knowledge.

I hope they will join the “Exodus II Project” then. In force, with all these seeds. And learn maybe a bit more about the initial real spirit of the Cheese. It’s not only a funky and singular smoke, but a whole philosophy behind.

I can’t integrate this kind of project buddy, i probed. A lot are doing it by passion, if i start to imply myself technically in those repros … it will be all but well perceived. In OG it’s quite territorial also, and i’m very able to respect this even if it’s often hidden behind the little finger ^^ I find it very good, emulating trough a tacite competition of the most “reliable” reproducer. Just not for me for various reasons.

I let cool down the thing for now, it’s announced now so no one will say “WTF”. I hope. The more funny is that i will sweat blood to source the cut, to help anyone to enter in the game … for a weed i don’t even can smoke more than an half blunt. At this intensity of aromas, i prefer a SD by far. But i don’t pretend to be Jesus so no one will even understand that i don’t like the weed but the Exodus spirit as an ancient related to sound systems ^^ Very practical to hunt a cheese: you have to just ask description and details on persons to debunk instantly the “i was there, i’m the first, i made it” and all this shit. Even by the name of the sound system it’s very easy. I find it pathetic and unproductive, specifically for this cut.

lmao, replacing the neons with LED is something for me indeed. But hell, i’m impressed by the performances of this 18w panel of supermarket on the SD. My padawan is full LED, high density, i pump intel also directly from him since the start of this year. And I’ve that the datas are reliable and ego-free too. It help a lot to loose a bit my own obsessions.

Next week, i clone the SD and a true quest will start. I want to know the truth on this and nothing better that the SD to show it. If one of the three lines of cuts is drifting … i will directly know it.

I will refine my “SSTS” on this cut (and the Cheese ^^). Both are very technical to reverse, in doses but also in the timing of application. It mean a shit ton of clones to test different chemical strategies and tempo, i will quickly reach a critical point on the somatic drift subject. After this, no secret … if i have one formula for the SD and one formula for the Cheese … i’ve universal ones for the two main cases of phenos to reverse.

MTD V, section “Production - Seeds Production” (3 mouse scroll-down).
Feel free to expand if any.

I won ^^ The sat seedling was a BB#5 S1 lol



Temps are rising drastically here, solstice is close. The pack is well engaged hormonally now, a game of patience is starting. And it’s now that it become complicated for the feeding. Over the hell of these germinations, i’m quite satisfied by their synchros. It shouldn’t be a too much composite feeding next weeks.

To quote my great friend Cormoran, here is the impossible combo i never got and that i think i will never get again even with massive germinations. Jah play with my nerves, only the bazooka is not declared and all others are females.

Don’t listen him little dear bazooka, males are the pinnacle of Darwinian weeds. We understand each other buddy, show me your balls. The genotype count on you, and you have the most incredible harem i can not even dare to imagine.

NL5H doing its NL5H-things … i don’t really know why i kept the runt. It’s the only one not declared yet, so i’m curious ^^

I forgot to take a shot of the fat ass ERSB. So it’s the perfect excuse to show my precious. My hands still stink the SD from the maintenance, 2 hours ago. :heartpulse:

She answered very well to the light’s change, positive phototropism is integral now. Her behavior betrays his great age, i’m on the limit at one month. Tomorrow it’s the dance of the scalpels. And i’ve not yet ordered all the stuff for the STS damned … i guess i will make a blank rotation just for weed. It’s killing me ^^

Maybe trying a bastardization just to make a dominance test never tried with the ERSB, i know the results even at long term with all others.

And as usual Sensi is suprising me … one of their most vigorous line if not the most, is in stasis lol Gnats don’t helped, but damn. She need a couple of outdoor updates for sure. Disapointed, and not at the time to don’t have any C91 finally. This combo was doomed to don’t work by fate. Next.

One month of boring hazes that stretch, i’m glad i’ve the SD to play around during this time.

See you around, and just launch your most sexy seeds first. There is no “best time”, it’s always a journey.



After 20 clones taken, she look like sh1t now ^^ I don’t even know where i will put them in the 4x4 lol
They will go directly in flo at the first root for sure. I will use the ex-mother to really gauge the floral shape and tempo.

I wasn’t supposed to do it like this, but with a “secret medium” that beat them all. Forget the plugs of all types, this is the next level … of 20 years ago ^^ I tease but it’s a real good stuff i can’t wait to show at work, i will make a wiki when i receive the package and do a second batch.


Very interested to see this experiment as it progresses, different cut locations and hormonal activity.

It would be helpful if you could label your plants more visibly in your pictures. General request I guess. I study most of your pictures trying to distinguish traits you talk about in the text and also just the context of the grow. Frequently it takes me a sizeable amount of time decipher what exactly I’m looking at. The plant tags are frequently visible but barely out of focus. Just a quick position guide or something would be :+1::+1:

I’m definitely going to monitor these different cuts along their journey, especially following the discussions we’ve had on the topic


You mean tagging the plants on the general photo, just below the stats ?

For the clones i can’t wait to know more about this. This approach will get me out from the habits and help me to really understand if it’s only related to motherplants with bad health or more a general concern. I just stress for the apex clone, i’ve not your golden fingers for this lol The magic of OG buddy, always someone to push you beyond your comfort zone ^^


That would be really nice and helpful for me to keep track. I know I don’t post much in this thread but I do keep up with your log and enjoy reading it

Me neither, looking forward to seeing the results :sunglasses:

LOL on the golden fingers comment :rofl:


I can do this, no problemo. I think that i understand the concern. Thx for the suggestion btw.
This and PDFs are now in the list.

Don’t worry for the growlog, it’s the guts of inferno here lol Messy by definition ^^
I don’t count points too, i’m not this kind of guy ;o)


Yay, it has began! Curious to see the outcome. And the SD in action :wink:

20 clones from that little thing o_O

Speaking of which look at that (not mine):

Remind you of something? :smiley:

That’s the ECSD that was circulating years ago in France and Spain in the circles around the vibe collective. That’s supposed to be the chaco cut, obtained directly. Looks like the same plant.


Sans titre-2

Oh pt1, tu m’étonnes que ça rappelle des souvenirs lol Ce bon vieux lemarcel qui s’est méchemment chanvré aussi à un moment donné. Niveau scène FR/BE/CH par contre que des mauvais souvenirs à part les vrais-vrais qui étaient vraiment au turbin pour se nourrir, et que je pouvais voir au pied du mur en SP ^^

Toujours ce vieux débat des mecs trop matrixés pour se lancer malgré le potentiel fou, du coup ils passent leur temps a se bouffer le foie entre eux et se balancer aux flics par manque de perspective … on aurait pu tout défoncer durablement entre 2003-2010. On avait de la weed de tueur partout en backstage, des skills divers à la pelle, des tarés de tout genre … puis le goût du luxe en sélection même pour une banale release de Nirvana. On avait même des transfuges allemands qui envoyaient du lourd (lord preston and co). Putain de gachis retrospectivement.

T’as fait ma journée là lol

Mates bien si la lèvre des dentelures continue d’être exprimée à la base, et si elle garde sa densité de veines façon noisetier. D’ici deux semaines de veg, t’auras le coeur net. Elle aussi c’est un american muscle si c’est le Chaco, ça boit et bouffe tout ce que tu lui donnes même ton propre sang s’il faut lol

Elle fait des monstres de cross aussi, je l’ai trait jusqu’à l’os le Chaco ^^ Pour la petite histoire les catalans s’en battait les steacks méchant. Même en plaque de grodan lol Les cross par contre ils en bouffaient au petit dej’ en bulk. Les stoners restent des stoners lol Ben comme la Stargazer, si tu cherches à comprendre tu finis par courrir après des moulins lmao

Tu augmentes le rendement d’à peu près n’importe quoi en récupérant les belles couleurs de la senescence avec ce cut. Par contre pour les terps c’est le plus dur à mapper. Je sais pas ce que t’as prévu derrière, mais on a de quoi mettre le feu ^^ Va falloir faire tourner les blunts aussi un peu plus tôt que prévu du coup lol

Ici ça va rootser une a deux semaines, puis je vais avoir trop de weed à brûler avant la prochaine selecta comme d’hab’ ^^ Je pense vers Septembre max.

Allez j’arrétes mon french, mes félicitations pour l’accession quoi qu’il en soit. Il me tarde déjà le combat des titans :sunglasses:


Ahah oui cette bonne vieille scene FR… Je sais pas si c’est lemarcel cette photo, je l’ai piqué à felix sur cannabisonline. La vibe dans cette communauté me plaisait plus, beaucoup de transfuges FR des années sales :wink:

Mais non, je l’ai posté pour la comparaison, pas parce que je l’ai reçu. Je suis arrivé trop tard pour être vraiment en contact avec les gens et recevoir des cuts. Mais des graines oui. Dont des monstres de cross à base de cette ECSD effectivement. Un de mes projets est de refaire un de ces cross justement, c’était une tuerie.

Pour toi c’est pas le même que le tien?

Content d’avoir animé la journée! :laughing:


Bah c’est pas grave, le tournage de blunts tient toujours ^^ Faut que tu smokes cette beauté c’est impératif, en plus j’ai appris à la fleurir au petits oignons.

T’es pas prêt lol, tout ce que tu bouffes et boit pendant plus d’une heure à le goût de SD, même un sandwich au Munster ^^ Par contre c’est pas le smoke à tâter avant de prendre la route (même si pour le rallye c’est carrément du dopage), tu vas parfumer la caisse juste de l’avoir fumée. Hier (enfin ce matin), je puais la SD pendant plus de deux heures après avoir fait les clones … après m’être lavé les mains. C’est encore un truc que t’as pas sur l’ECSD, les pieds mères sentent pas grand chose.

Et mis à part en flo, c’est à l’intensité que tu reconnais une ECSD d’une SD à l’aveugle. En cross c’est bien plus difficile par contre, et l’ECSD prend généralement le pas au niveau de la qualité de l’heterosis.

C’est qu’au bout d’un mois de veg que tu peux spot un AJ, d’une Chaco , d’une “untagged” et en étant un peu familier. T’as Hapi ici qui a une superbe collection et que je motive pour continuer à poster des repères lol, par contre c’est des pieds à la “new school US” … ben tiens, je vais te montrer mon cut chez son daddy ^^

Il hallucine le pauvre (je l’update car il avait que dalle en traçabilité), je tires plus sur une naine de moins d’un mois que lui sur des machins de ce genre. C’est pas pour me la jouer, c’est vraiment pour présenter la difficulté que c’est maintenant de bien jauger tes sources. Heureusement que le type était super patient pour répondre à toute mes questions pièges, même s’il était bien plus confiant de me refiler une headbanger à prix cassé lol Il voulait même me rajouter un freebie wing wang ^^ Couillon, chaque jour qui passe je danse la gigue lol


Avec plaisir le blunt! La SD a toujours été au top de la liste après avoir gouté la progeniture de l’ECSD. Aucune idée d’un potentiel quand par contre :laughing:

Étonnant le changement de phéno entre vos plantes. Effectivement bien lanky à la mode US. Tu m’étonne qu’il hallucine :smiley:


A Rome fais comme les romains ^^ Même si on est en Tchéquie là lol Trêve de frencherie, sinon là je suis parti pour un roman en Français tu vas plus m’arrêter. Roms l’a pas encore intégré, mais ça fait bien une grosse décennie que je parle plus canna en Français. T’as pas idée à quelle point c’est frustrant d’abandonner nuances, paraboles et ref culturelles pour causer breeding et weed. Bref.

Cut’s hunting is also a minefield for this. I wasn’t in this hunt, but i crossed the path during the SD journey of genuine Thin Mints and Cherry Pie cuts possessed by people absolutely not aware of this lol Thinking it was a sub-par GSC … and running after a sherbert for their genetics. You read well. Just because a “wine” fucked motherplant … with some sort of fetichism with root masses. Pure non sense overall.

It’s really the golden age for those that don’t sleep ^^ Sincerely.