Live & Reloaded

Which cuts rooted first?

Glad to see!

Regarding the tents too high thing, I’m thinking it’s about time to just convert my whole closet. I need more bays, more height. Lights in strips up the walls. 2 flower chambers. Growing weed is more addictive than smoking the stuff :rofl:

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We need more. Of everything. All the time. It’s a true testimony of someone that have known all kind of scales indoor ^^

Actually i “need” two additional 60w 1x1. It’s moronic, i just need to calm down the tempo.
The Stoner and the Farmer are both against me, too in hurry to make protos. Now that all repros are almost done … impossible to fight against them. I’ve no argument.

The clones that are rooting aside the motherplant are a batch I’ve made “normally”. The others dedicated to my experiment of renewal, of course, don’t show any root yet and look like shit ^^


LOL I think I have the same problem. I want to increase tempo. My sane “farmer” brain pops in from time-to-time and reminds me I don’t have infinite time to play with plants in my closet.

Damn, was really hoping the renewal experiment was showing it’s first results!


Only the apex cut don’t have backup on this batch, finger crossed.
4 clones to maintain at a time in motherplants : the “usual tech”, the apex, the 5th node and the 1st node.
Another moronic idea.

In the same time, i’m reverse-engineering a “super STS” that cost a kidney in Spain. I pass my nights on it lastly. Because another moronic and non sense layer was necessary ^^

Will be reversal and renewal at a time ^^ Poor SD lol


hehe 4 mothers plus the beginning of the protoypes coming, I can see why you need more space. :laughing:

I haven’t really finished my cab yet but I’m already thinking about how I could modify it to host more plants. Luckily prohibition helps to remain rational :smiley:


Just because i find this photo beautifully ridiculous. New motherplant on the go “my way”, others clones will be forced the time to receive some chemical toys. Under the neon, it still look like shit. Maybe it will accelerate the comparisons who know.

It mean also that the ex-mother will finally flower lol I’m like a kid before Christmas. She start to be very annoyed to don’t flower, she cry each time i open the tent.


:rofl: Poor thing she doesn’t know her dessicated flowers are going to be promptly crumbled into a tobacco leaf and lit ablaze

Excited to see the experiments to follow, and happy you have the new mother happy


Well, i don’t think I’ve enough said that i love this plant i think ^^ Fcking hell i become a fanboy against my will … it’s just the euphoria to have the time to work it the way i want.

The new motherplant colonized his seedling pot overnight :sweat_smile:
So …

Let’s dance hell yeah (front left).

I think that if i stacked more sugar, she will become a artificially a Blueberry lol

(zoom, worth the ride) Over a month still the limit for her. I really waited the last hour, poor lady.
The more i digg everywhere, the more i’m unable to find a single trait that don’t fit ^^ Happy.

At this point i’m supposed to transplant in C30 but i’m just overgrown the hell. to place the SD, i was forced to adopt the ghanian style with the shiva shanti II :

Grown behind the shadow of the trees ^^

I still have this one to put back in the tent

Each time i say it will be a cool and calm round … it’s the riot. Next time i will announce that i will overgrow the hell, maybe it will work.


What does this mean?

Those are the suffering ones. SD has usurped the mutant Shivas.

LOL. This happens to me every year outside. I think I’ll start late, small plants, less plants, etc by August I’m always kicking myself. You are literally overgrown at the moment though :rofl:


Sorry the C30 is a particular pot. I’m sure you already saw it.

We are faithful to the place at least, you too you’re overgrown indoor but you don’t see it yet ^^
The bazooka JH will make you laugh and relativize.


I’m just not familiar with pots I guess.

I’m pretty curious to watch this :cowboy_hat_face:



It’s becoming slowly more interresting, and the first seeds of the round are maded and formed. ERSB on the go, the less probable repro. I took two stems to sample it, let’s continue the log on the tablet in smoking some.

Unexpected smoke, as hard to describe that the plants. It’s why i sample it early again today, non sense. Strong league and terpy, but following nothing that Sensi is describing. At all. By insane epigenetic leverage maybe i got something not even supposed to exist lol Sexually rockstable in bonus, for a line known for its herms. With three embryos maintained in life during … i don’t remember, maybe two weeks on 25 seeds.

A very bad new too, the sequence of storms here carried bad stuff in the attic i reserved the two NL5H males. The last is dead today, fungi attack. A violent one, impossible to restart. But let’s roll some ERSB, insanely good for nerves.

Impossible to don’t start by the SS2, i’ve complicated the game a bit. They are growing under the canopee."In the shadow! will be abusive.

The apocalypse after this, let’s be progressive. Cascading bad decisions in plain rush like … shit happens sometimes lol Wifey harvested a sample to bench refrigeration. Fingers crossed the hell.

My lil girl. I know, ni bondage and all, but she’s so beauttifull. I can’t for the moment.

Her lemoney sister. I will clone the both. A bit late but no choice.

Hard to believe it’s a NLish pheno at this stage but still one ^^ She will finally make weed.

Her sister. Maybe i will throw manually some ERSB pollen on both just see. The male is quite productive and the pollen agressive.

Finally the only NL5H pheno that will be reproduced, if the NL5H#3 pollen reserved work. The male was very terpy, lemoney side.

Repro canceled, it’s disapointing. Maybe some stems with ERSB pollen too.

This NL5H was doomed to make weed. No change.

The freak still in the run lol She’s now packed somewhere between two giants. I still want to taste what cost the mutation. Phyllotaxy totally fucked.

The good old SD, with a LED syndrom that i missed to catch in photo, she recover very fast.
The previous canopy was like PH-burnt + chlorosis, quite frankly. The motherplant reached the feet below the 60W panel dialed 100%, then started to show these signs. Then in moving under the 750W of neons, she get back in her feets more than i thinked, with clean new canopy.

I think the phenomenon was increased with my cheap panel, something to watch closely when they are so close to the lights.

The ERSB just before her shower to clean the mess. I sampled again two lower stems to be certain on the smoke and it’s disorienting lol

On terps I can’t really take the risk to throw a description with the maturity of flowers but it’s not fruity at all. The plant just smell like an old Masterkush Sensi. Overall, not a single note of the fruity/sugared scents sold.
Considering the extreme epigenetic factors at work, there is a lot of chance that i got something not planned and screened by highly lethal tension.

On the smoke, it’s strong as fuck. She just kicked my ass last night with two stupid cones of immature stems fast dried. She just put me OFF-GRID after a second cone, extinct by saturation. I’m really shocked lol

During the first half of the cone, she progress in melting the nerves with a combo i still have hard time to decipher. I was thinking some CBD last night but definitively not, way too strong for this. Maybe a weird combo of THCv/THC/CBN, balanced to just put you down. All i have in mind is “indikhaze”, like if you imagine in the world of hazes a new category that is it’s own indica sub-class. Very weird experience lol The indica of hazes, or the hazes of indicas … choose your interpretation. It’s as strong that my favorites JH phenos, but in a complete different style. She’s already at a 4/5 on potency, in being very severe with this exact notation. It’s equivalent to an early 2000’s Sensi Star or AK47, but with an haze torque.

It start mellow and kill all your defense patiently the first part of the cone, then unleash the hell on you until you fall with the second part. Bended by two shitty cones lol, i’m just shocked and why i keep the option in mind to test more the pollen around. I still feel at breakfast the claws of the weed.

On the scents and aromas perceived during the tasting, it’s as crazy that describing you the plant. Very similar to the SPG in the dynamic : the aromas change with almost each toke, very reactive to temps of combustion. Still not fruity but extremely complex even immature. It’s totally different that the scents perceived from the plant, zero sensation to smoke a masterkush or any kush either. Actually the chemotype close to nothing i known, globaly lol I will risk a description later, with the seeded weed.

I think that my surprise come from my lack of background on asians strains but the Dalat. And i don’t find any link with this last in the style of the chemotype perceived.

Well the hell to keep these two ERSB alive have paid more than i imagined. I wasn’t expecting a weed of this grade contained in plants of this grade honestly. The probability to repro them was low too, and it finally saving the ass of everybody if shit happen with the stored NL5H pollen ^^ The male is in bonus quite good, and he still stink the Garlic Bud as fuck.

More to come on the subject … just imagine an AK47 with chainsaw to the stone but a “something else haze-stone”, zero % muscular all in nerves, that finish like a Sensi Star over-maturated full of CBN. But with again the edge of a Haze in term of saturation style. You’re OFF with zero stone in fact, very strange to describe.

The Darwinian corner continue its funk.

The first that i planned to be a male is a female, i’m now very doubtfully about a COB with hormonal maturity. Maybe an AK x COB, i need flowers.

The second is totally an AKshish. I recognize the weird terp of the trunk even more now, and leaves shape don’t let any doubt. Big chances it’s a male, i thinked the structure very female lol

The Big Bud S2 continue its journey, like the two new seedlings. Not enough developed to kill the two mutants for now.

I’m still baked it’s disturbing lol

Groovy week, but that’s the game.

More than OK finally, something unplanned start to “end”. From the plant to the chemotype.
I was really expecting a variation of the Juicy Fruit, absolutely nothing like this ^^

I can take the description, overall and just put it in the trash bin. Nothing correspond ^^
But the extreme leverages at work during the first stage can totally explain this. It’s almost as strong than when I just throw seeds in the garden without any care.

The structure overall is very close to an Hempstar. With the same vigor and tempo. But very differeent on RH.
One week i reached a 75% RH, she never stopped to drink as fuck. As much that the SD motherplant, but all the time. Also the more high the RH, the more she thrive. Totally opposed of an Hempstar.

The SS2 is too in late, still in stasis. I will try to pollinate the first priority pheno with what remain from the NL5H#3 male after have secure the repro for the NL5H line. Or with the ERSB pollen, but i can’t even imagine the bulldozer it can build.

Still processing the whole, this night i take actions. Not arranging my planing, i was supposed to keep in cuts only the SD. A lab expansion is now urgent lol, a 3th revision of the lab.

Anyway i hate this solstice, always bringing worries ^^ But yes, spores have done their shit.
I’ve generated the situation, i kept the males way too long in an extra space without much light. They stay inactive (in stasis) a too long time. At one point i removed the tubes to let them spread, i think it was the fatal error. It protected them somehow.

Unexpected discover overall, will not be a daily for sure ^^ But i love her. This kind of weed that don’t joke is my poison. In bonus I’ve a stone hammer of hell, that put you down without any stone …

Will be an hell, both kept. But more my favorite, i suspect an “infinite flowering” pheno.

Lets drive the car to change the fuel filter now lmao

See ya !


Unfortunate to hear about the NL5H males. Fuck.

At least the ERSB turned out OK. What’s the smell like? Curious how it differs from the Sensi description. I expected a much more sativa-leaning plant than what I saw in your pictures

Are you going to BX your favorite JH pheno with the SS?


Mold! So I’m not the only one to have lived through such a sudden attack. Bad news for the males.

That’s quite packed in there, poor little SS2 :laughing: Their time will come soon enough.

That ERSB is intriguing, that’s cool you seeded her.

That JH really has some majesty to her, I’m looking forward her flowers, will be something. To manage it too. Another nice finding there.


Little entracte between two crop’s emergencies, to present quickly a stuff i like a lot : the foam of florists, the Oasis. Wifey liked a lot the compressed coco pellets (but not the peat ones) to make batches of clones, i dislike them ^^

This foam is an old stuff I used and that i appreciate for a bunch of advantages :

More stable and practical for long/problematic rooting (like in the actual example). The material, its inherent dry cycles and its properties permit more margin and zero radial preservation of the RH inside. After a while with the pellets, the core can start to smell bad (bacterias). Also there is not much living worries that can survive in this medium.

It’s not cheap, but you can do a lot of cubes and tailored to the clone you make.

Super easy to check the RH visually.

Degrade quite fast when transplanted, it don’t restrain the “core” root ball to eventually become a true “ball”. In majority of cases i obtain better anchors with this.

Just ready to use, and fast. You don’t have to wait that the pellet get a shape, no buffering like rockwhool and the watering is extremly fast (almost instant).

Take care to buy only the “wet foam” to root your clones, the dry one degrade too fast and have different properties not very helping this kind of use.

It’s the sweet spot i modify for various clone’s shape and node’s placement. I find the max thickness shown quite universal and stable : just a bit less than 1" or 2 centimeters. Thin shape work very good but ask more watching and a support.

The sound it make when you cut is awful but it’s quite easy to do any shape you want with it.

It’s the shapes i use the most. The tall one can be useful for woody cuts that need to be well covered but ask a greenhouse with good height that aren’t easy to find. The half block enter in any greenhouse you can buy generally (~15cm height).

Prepare your block in making a hole to fit the clone. It maintain very well the clone like this. Personally i prefer to don’t go all the length to expose the wound. I let a few millimeters in the bottom.

Prepare you clone’s sauce and just throw the block. Quite fast to saturate, less than 5 seconds.

The last shot show also how it look when it’s drying and need a shot of sprayer (or not, if you dry a bit the block on purpose).

The retention is very good. You can be surprised by the difference of weight between the dry and wet state.

Desperate JH flowered clones that i hope will made it ^^ Not the best example to present the material but I’ve catched the opportunity to show the stuff.

Nothing new, ground breaking or vanguard … just an old forgotten stuff i like.


I’m going to see if I can find any of this stuff locally.

Nice tutorial I like the idea of it. Fingers crossed for the JH clones :pray::crossed_fingers:

This is the brand available everywhere in the US: Artesia WetFōM® - FloraCraft Even Wal-Mart has it. Few bucks for an individual brick. Was hoping to find the Oasis brand available somewhere in single-quantity.

Here’s for the Oasis 6-pack from Amazon for $20 (works out to about $0.06 per 2cm x 2cm x 7cm rooting rectangle - 4-8x cheaper than rooting plugs)

The price for the Oasis is economical overall - the case of 48 bricks ~$50, each brick essentially 36-55 rooting plugs, means about $0.02 each. Way cheaper than the rooting plugs I use now. Not even close. I just want to buy a single block to experiment with.


Florist should have them as it is used for flower arrangements :slightly_smiling_face:


The artesia is the right foam, not even sure it’s not a rebranded.

In general cloning is the territory of my wife, mine more the seeds. I learned to clone with this stuff without much stress. Less easy/fast-to-root than an hydro cloner without dome, but way faster transplant time/recovery point. And really an edge to build better forced root mass in seedlings pots.



Plants are in the starting block, i play a bit razor edge with the nutes in keeping them greasy until the last second. They started to switch the uptake only two days ago, they enjoy the sun ^^ Still waiting the perfect window to start the PK boost, diva-bitches. I will lower by a quart the amendments this week and fade a bit the plants to prepare them for their week of PK.

The floral still very active and is preparing the colonization of stems, worth the shots. Phenotypes are fully expressed also, “i can see the future buds” like will say Neo ^^

The #5. Cloned. I’m growing almost only for this one this round, in term of weed. The #5 is what i suspected, a combo of bazooka + perpetual [flo/growth]. The plant is already the head in the reflector, i still haven’t the guts to modify her superb shape lol This one is going to be long, and it will explain also why this line is often out-crossed “for yield” by innocent souls. To stay short and don’t fall in phythormones slang, this pheno have a tropical character. Thin powerful stretch, then when the floral start to kick she become just fat in continuing her growth until the senescence. You’re not ready for the look of the plant just before the harvest ^^

The #7. Cloned. Always more generous, she will start to populate stems next week. Very lemoney, almost an agressive “industrial cleaner”. She’s have the head in the reflector too, but the stretch isn’t going to be permanent.

The #3, that i call abusively the “C99 lead”. Complex fruity scents, skunky/plushy floral shape but she play in a battlefield where the Big Bud 2023 is queen overall. It’s not how i perceive a JH, i prefer to work a classic afghani/skunk for this purpose. It’s a balanced and unstable form of all components : skunk, NL with a hint of haze for the structure.

The #6, that i call abusively the “A13 lead”. Totally in fight against the NL5 and the Skunk. This specific pheno is interesting, it switched to a spiraling phyllotaxy (it’s the only one) costing a bunch of energy. This pheno can’t survive to the #5 and #7 repro. Adios chiquita.

Now the NL5H, calling it the grand-ma of the Jack Herer is maybe more accurate. Jack finally is a double Haze with the NL5 and the Skunk on each side of the meeting. I culled her last night, space crisis.

The #1, initially planned for the repro with her own male. Now rejected in favor of her sister for the F1 with the ERSB.

The rejected #8, showing also the NL5 dominance. One of the secondaries became naturally a secondary apex, kicking auxins lol

The good old SD stinking the hell. I only smell her when i open the main tent. Odors start to stay a lot longer when i touch the stems. She continue to confirm everything in the checklist like it was her mission on Earth. She definitively don’t like my cheap LED, light burns are gone for good and she enjoy the blast of neon just beneath the bulbs.

The less probable repro is on the go, good mother. And she continue to stink the old Master Kush. And to absolutely don’t taste like an old MK. Very disturbing smoke trough the samples of the pruning. Potent and lasting high, but at the opposite of my favorite JH plants. “head in the clouds”, nerves melted, incredible well-being, don’t affect the pain but the tolerance of the pain. I’m very happy about this discover.

The only NL5H female seeded still at work, she will be totally taken until overnight. It was too short to put her outside for the shots. She took almost one week again, male’s pollen is at peak and throw golden grains that are shining. Good beast, that stink the garlic lol One time the female is done, my wife will collect him to continue different experiments. It will also make space for the SD clones, it’s quite packed.

Worth a little pause, talking lead breeding. The F1s actually in formation make me crazy but not necessary the supposed way. The Farmer already accepted his errors with the lost of the NL5H males, the Stoner carry the responsibility now. “Fuel”, the Farmer and the Stoner are calling it a “Jah’s release”.

The F1 are directly on the standards and on the grade as it. I don’t even need to grow the seeds to know this. It happens sometimes and it’s frustrating, but i’s where also the ego is totally useless. Jah made this jewel and it’s a situation to accept fully.

“I cracked two packs of Sensi, grown extracted embryos doomed to die after an insane battle, killed by error the male of one of the lines, then crossed the best i had to go ahead.”

When you will see the seeds growing, you will understand that i can make them pass for a long work and build a ridiculous bullshit to give her a legitimacy. It’s the wrong way : assume totally. If you need to wrap your work in gas-lighting, it’s because the work is not enough in itself.

I can’t call it a chunk in all honesty. Everything is mapped the hell, choices and compromises are not random, all specimens were sampled at this point … and in the same time, it’s a pure Jah’s release i can’t claim. Vicious right ?

The true lesson in this weird shit is that I’ve “burnt” two lines in these F1s after have taken the time to evaluate all combos. I’ve compiled in the core the pre-IBL pressure with the most complementary pairing, over to really chunk everything with the ERSB. As crazy that it can appear, it’s how you can piss F1 fems for the junkies.

In another life, i will use the NL5H x ERSB to set a fem production unit directly. Cloning the ERSB mother, using its pollen on the cloned NL5H for the season. Generally i limit the stock with a goal set, and i blast the plants until i reach this stock. More pushy to trade, with a little effort on the documentation of the line. Not joking.

But this one will become an IBL ^^ Not the guts to make survive embryos again, at insane price. My padawan have a NL5H Nice in stock, it give me the freedom to reinject the improved parts at one point in the IBL : NL5H Nice of the padawan and my ERSB ibl. Fate is set, can’t wait to smoke the weed of Jah lol

The packed pseudo-veg lol Mostly filled with the SD. I show in my hand the future motherplant, cloning process was usual, selecting the stems and selecting the rooting clones just like seedlings.

The experiment is not doomed, one “lower node” clone survived (the little piece of shit in front) and i transplanted the apex in Oasis. Fingers crossed. This batch of clones wasn’t good, trying to clone like my wife is not strategic lol Back to the comfort zone ^^

The macro show the disorder generated by the panel, it totally disappear (but don’t repair) when i put them under … 12.5 times more intense light, but under neons. The units are set in roof of the tents, fixed, well cooled and i continue to explore the effects of different “potentiometer steps”. When plants reach the critical foot beneath the panel, it accelerate the funk and the SD just hate it as fuck.

Note : The veg panel is used with the IR/UV deactivated, it bump quite strongly the white led intensity. Zero traces of anything in the pollination tent using the same panel (but dialed 100% all the time) with UV/IR activated. The uptake of the plants and their cycles is important, it’s not only about a switch in the panel.

Electronic flickering of LEDs + directional intensity of this flickering is for now my theory. The skunk#1 i have to repro will tell me a lot more, she’s historically very useful to map lights intensity and its effects. My first idea to take COB for the 1x1 units still itchy. For now the lab is in lean mode, let’s see this later.

The whole tent get a nematode treatment, again. Damned this year they are crazy agressive, they come by waves. Too much storms and tempest, too high RH. Can’t wait August the ground burnt by the sun, it will break their cycles all around the house.

Can’t wait to give room too, in removing the specimens from the pollen tent. I’ve some STS to spray ^^ Two weeks i work my ass of on old notes of formulas of fems production for the SD. I think i cracked definitively this expensive formula, i fucking hate chemistry. It’s relative maths taking in count molecular weight of reactions. I prefer dumb ass logical algebra. ASM over high level algos, hard-coded-compiled instead frameworks ^^

The fabulous Shiva Shanti II ^^ But also a new tech to grow in stasis plants under the canopy, i call it the “Ghanaian style”. Because it’s just how the best weed is grown, under the shadow of trees. But also how they obtain this insane creamy cocoa, the landraces work in symbiosis. Spare SD cuts are placed under too.

The Darwinian corner, they start to want more food. Gently. Their metabolism switched hormonally, making them quite attractive. I’ve not culled the two mutants yet, maybe this week. That’s the only case where i’m mesmerized by the work of Jah and map it religiously as a lesson. It miss a lot to don’t have a safe guerilla spot here, i’m surrounded by pricey vineyards. And hunters are douchebag here, they privatize all forests they can and are hunting close to habitations. Very dangerous in Autumn and not even for the plants but you lmao Alps were so cool for this, with spot only possible to reach with a boosted CR500 that have the rage and insane torque.

They aren’t dank only for me ^^ I’ve tons of birds around, the soil is full of life too … traces of a bloody war ^^

You can’t believe how these wraps smell and taste good. I’ve made a solution with diluted honey (10ml/liter) inside which I’ve infused vanilla pods (3 pods per 30ml solution). Backwood wraps reverse engineered, in a super high grade version.

But the solution need refinements, the leaves are fermenting since … March. 5 months now ^^ And still not dry enough, i’m using a semi hot flue-cure now. Too much honey. But damn when a bit stay on my finger and that i taste it … just heaven.

Stay vindicative with your breeding plans, generate singularities no matter what. All possible crosses are already made, don’t forget it in 2024 for the next decade. Join the Corsairs or perish with honor in the ocean ^^

Note : this grid function make me crazy …


Hello everybody

Just to say big thank you to @Fuel because he helped me a lot with my grow and he ask nothing

Big up and thank you Fuel

Good day everybody