Live & Reloaded

I assume this boost is 2-3 weeks into flower? And we’re primarily talking about the SD?

I like 5, this one ^

I’m not tracking why this one is the “C99 lead” - is it the fruity scent or the structure? Haven’t grown enough C99 to know.

So JH #6 gone, down to 5, 7 and 3. #5 being your prefered smoke. Obviously the most sativa leaning based on obvious visual cues.

I assume this is the selected NL5H? ^^

Getting knocked up by ERSB male?

Forgive me this is probably covered it’s just hard for me to keep track when I’m lost in my own world :rofl:

LOL. Jah’s release, hopefully he does all the gas-lighting. Who knows, maybe they’ll actually be decent :sunglasses:

Really? I fail to understand how you would ever be comfortable with this. Just for production numbers? How often does this occur? Really sketching me out about the whole seed industry. I mean, you have been for a while. I like to believe it’s a bunch of weed nerds in lab coats, carefully making numerous combinations, all backed-up, growing tons of stock, selecting best parents, making production seed runs with original, selected mothers/fathers (transgender fathers).

I mean, I guess I’ve known this about certain companies for a while now. I’ve been reading your walls for long enough to suspect it. Hell, it’s probably how your ERSB came to be.

Eagerly awaiting the smoke report :cowboy_hat_face:

I wish I understood the mechanism of this. Does your panel flicker? PWM dimming as opposed to linear current regulation? Hmm. Your CFL also flickers at twice your line frequency, PWM LED dimming is probably 10x that frequency.

Alps + dirtbike sounds like a dream good enough you wouldn’t even need the guerilla garden.

This is quite intriguing. I may give this a go. My shed is hot enough it’s a full-blown hot flue-cure. Maybe try 5mL/L of the honey rather than 10?

LOL keep a look out for my life raft :rofl:

Cheers buddy. Nice read.


It always warm the heart, thanks.
I missed to show my strategy of pruning the last Sunday. Let’s share some words that concern your case and goals.

With sativas and sativa-dom hybrids specifically, but for any productive round in general, i’m waiting exactly the flowering stage that you can see in the last update to remove a first time some vegetal mass. Just like i make my clones traditionally, i select the productive stems like seedlings.

I start by the first node and gauge the diameter, the scents, the floral potential and development of each stems until the 5th node. And i just remove the true lazy one at this point and those showing light chlorosis. It’s important to wait this stage because the plant don’t know itself which stems will be priorized (hormonal process).

If you prune before, you take the risk to remove the more heavy stems for the sake of symmetry or “good looking pruning”. For any Skunk Dom hybrid by example, I’ve the tendance to let only one productive stem by node until i judge it necessary, by example. I’ll show it when i repro the Skunk#1.

Next update you will see a floral bump resulting from this precise timing. For the Dutch haircut, i’m far for now.
Maybe mid-august if i can start the PK this week (not sure yet) ^^

Warning : don’t be fooled by the pruning of the big SD, it’s a motherplant of a bit over a month that gave ~20 clones. The strategy is completely different to adopt with an untouched “seed plant”.

I don’t really explain what i see in real time, this log being a jump week to week … it’s even harder to spot.

The window i’m talking about is very important for the quality of the weed, even with one of the most respectful PK I’ve tested/tasted. With the strongest of the market (Canna one), it’s even more critical and reduce the window even more.

To best understand the “when”, consider the NL5H#1 as the only one timed to receive PK. I’m not stressed by yield, so i prefer to dial the crop as a whole.

Visually it’s not specially hard to spot. Let’s take another time the ECSD x Skywalker IBL example ^^ Bored to show her lol

Rule : forget the timing, the days, anything linked with the tempo for PK. And ignore all feeding schedules you can read lmao

You can see that this stage is the end of the stretch. A lot of void around the trunk, floral not colonizing yet, and the bud are at this step just what was the plant just before : a spring. With lazzy divas, it can be interresting to pre-shot a very low dose (10%-25%) of good PK (those i mentioned) at this point to engage the battle. I’ve done it for the tall JH to push them to form earlier their final bud shape.

This is the step when you can go hard with PK, full dose. I generally prepare my plants before, in lowering the base of the nutrients. Any excess of K can just kill the complexity of the smoke, and the plant can no longer wash it from its flowers at this point.

The important difference to catch is the buds colonizing the stems with a spiraling phillotaxy (they kick a balanced auxins/cytos sauce as fuck at this step). The stretch just never stop in the absolute with cannabis, it just pass from the plant to its flowers. Hemp don’t do it, even the longest fiber strains (thais and similar pure sativa hemp cultivars).

Most of stoners are mesmerized by the trichomes coating, and use the PK for this goal. It’s very wrong ^^
Potency is hard-coded and produced by the whole vegetal mass, even for males. Take down a male, use strictly the entire plant that you semi-boil a good hour in butter/milk (lhassi bang) … you can be amazed by how males are kicking this way and their specific print-foor in regard of females. I harass all wannabe with my “male’s milk”, behind the gross joke a true insured epiphany to just get.

In term of tempo their veg was zeroed under high density, don’t take the days as references if you don’t use the same strategy. Stretch is engaged since the first nodes, and used to structure a vegetative shape. Being in 12/12 the plants are forced since the first leaves to prepare themselves to flower. It don’t change radically the shape (but it make them more “rounded” and promote fountain of leaves you can often see here just before the first flowers). What i call the “1kw/sqm shape”.

The Dutchy Dutch ^^ This is just the most beloved pheno since decades for bud production, it have a reason beside my personal taste. A good one is sold 15€-20€/grammer here, and have to be reserved before the harvest (just like all hazes grown high grade), if you’re not affraid to be raided within one month lol If you throw this kind of weed in the streets here, you’re the center of too much attention too fast. As it, i’m not even arrogant with my mileage on these lines.

Recessive pheno, very hard to maintain. Last IBL on which i fixed one line on it, only at F7 and the gap of potency was enormous with the “bazzoka line”. It’s the price on the JH segregations.

Having cloned the both, mean that i will try again to “fusion” the two best weeds of the JH. Bazooka phenos fix directly even in being as recessive in F1, just because the bazooka is directly homozygous in F1 and that the “citrus Dam” is heterozygous as fuck. Fragile equilibrium.

Nop, i’ll show her this night. Sunday she finished to be entirely taken, and the ERSB male is a true agressive stallion. Special precautions.

This is the NL5H i will show this night. You will understand directly why the initially selected one of your quote was discarded, in favor of her sister : much more potent and terpy.

I know by advance that they will be fire “ready to distribute”, it’s killing me somehow to have missed a big batch of fems F1 :rofl:

We have to enter in lab’s ROI with my padawan before engaging the next step … i’m very serious about it after 5 labels under the belt ^^

Crossed in emergency in “burning” two lines of the genpool in an IBL, unwanted finished release. When you’re haunted by this kind of compromise (not releasing something operational on standards, because IBL), you know you’re on the right track. No joke.

Fem production (high grade ones) is 100% a question of opportunism that is no longer easy to transmit. Just like the Californian vape pens lol, you use the trash to make a good products for the user.

The stoners adopted this sub-product massively all over the world, making fems is an obligation whatever is your strategy. Cannabis breeding is not a game where you can take insane risks “to chill during years”, better to judge how is used the “fems cash” of the junkies.

So, along your repros and your IBLs … you keep an eye open to clone a valuable rejected herm to make fems.
Instead just culling it. It degrade the genetic potential and the weed, but smartly piloted it can drive your customer base to educate themselves.

Trying fems, enjoying stability and all, and discovering that the reg line counterpart kick ass twice better with more intense aromas. Generally they become radically anti-fems after this lol

I always played the real full transparency, it always increased the volumes with pros and stoners. Don’t be lured, you will always get the same critics whatever you’re doing. Fems or not, deep work or not … specially when the label is fresh. I never joke when i say that the popularity of a breeder belong mostly to his “factual” constancy in term of evolution of his genpool. Almost 75% of the job to integrate really the game, with one feet in each territory (retail/wholesale).

Fresh meat generally hate when i say this at the end after have pictured a “golden road”, but you have to be dictatorial with one dynamic : if your seeds aren’t better than the previous generation, it’s a failure. Try again. That’s the constancy i’m talking about.

And you have to fail, if it’s not the case … your goals aren’t enough cocky and you will be doomed to be “another one”. The worse case in the actual situation, and a true glass roof to drift B2B. Professionals are searching an edge on the market, constantly, whoever you are and however you doing it.

It’s not important if you consider this hobby as something that should stay an hobby or a step. Breeding to be useful with pragmatic marks is a key of success with this game. Money is really secondary in fact, it’s why i talk freely about it and push people to don’t forget that it decide what kind of R&D they will have for the next 5 years ^^

But yes, pragmatically i was supposed to clone the NL5H and the ERSB mother to blast F1 fems to gain time on the planning. It’s not innocent, both females are very stable sexually, it’s also based on how i’m using STS : absolutely nothing to have with the vast majority of tutorials of “kitchen STS”. Each pollen producer have its formula, born from the ashes of a shit ton of failures.

Beneath the humble aspect and the mess of this log lol, you will assist soon enough to a true monopoly on the SD. Hidden in the flow of OG ^^

This kind of situation, (NL5H x ERSB), is proportional to the number of lines you’re working at a time. With an average of 3-5, you can count in an average of 1 opportunity every other round. Decent statistical base (with elite nursery or just your seeds, doesn’t matter).

If you’re mono-cropping … it fall flat ofc. Next rounds will be more calm (^^) until i upgrade the lab to handle my use of a 4x4 full throttle. Actually i need four 1x1 tents per 4x4 main tent, it was the NL5H failure lesson. It mean that my repros will start to be screened more intensively (more seeds, hey).

Now if you drive your repros and your germination not only with the fail-safe layer (NL5H aside JH by example), but to promote the F1 fems combos … you naturally increase the number of opportunities per season.

That’s what the marketing show, also the green rush with canadians and their gigantic billionaire facilities filled with scientists. But at the end, the weed tell the truth anyway ^^

The facts are more comicals, in EU the scene rely entirely in less that 500 persons for most of the volume. It’s a market structured by wholesalers, bricks and mortars seedbanks and that have decades of momentum. I put aside the “lonely labels” surviving by their own ecosystem.

It’s not my poison for a stupid reason : almost a decade of jail whatever i do and where in EU. My actual minimalism can be very well defended by a specialized lawyer but i don’t risk less to play pussy limited to the hobby only. This, with the insane cost of life in France partly responsible of the “french plague” in breeding backstages.

On of us have even teamed with Mike Tyson recently, from THS. For seeds distributed under RQS label …
That’s the real world : working in good intelligence to survive longer, marketing is not educational.

Also a bunch of breeders are doing something i’m refusing constantly : selling weed. Most of documented “testing areas” are just clones to milk to make cash. I prefer my fems for this use, matter of strategy.

Giving also the impression of an incredible stability ^^ But it was the tricks of Dutchs a long time ago in marketing, they no longer operate guerilla greenhouse rounds hidden between vegetable and tulip to produce. The providing of coffee-shops is more tight too today.

The best weed always come from the less predictable spaces, i can say this now without blushing with too much examples in mind. And it’s a little like the “Rocky II movie” somehow. When comfort start to be wrapping, you get your ass kicked by the luxury and your weed lost its soul. It’s the whole point of my actual lab, passing this previous frustration.

But yeah i’m limited to a practical explanation. This kind of discussion is more for private circles, buds on the table, with people you gauged enough reliables … to enter in the true details. A glass roof exist, but not the one most of stoners dream about. It’s a very open club that don’t give a fck from where you come and since when, but extremely Darwinian on the methodism (reproducibility of results, “on demand” and with industrial constraints).

The bias here is that i consider each line as an unique token. When i use it, “the line is burnt” over two genpools (mine and the one of my padawan). Take it in count in my equation, i’m very segregative with my genpool and i transmit it in its purest form. It’s how to last, while you’re increasing constantly your “strain’s science”. The knowledge of strains and dominance tests make you a machine in the fems industry, as well.

Why making a F1 fem of let’s say : GSC x SD (or ECSD even). Two opposite chemotypes (phenols VS terps), two opposite highs, opposite plants … even for a genetic shock it’s not interresting. You will only get lower standards that the each individual part can deliver, and why making seeds if it’s not to improve the next generation … i mean even in the eyes of the fem junkie.

It doesn’t look like a PWN (the cheap ones used to dial RVK and that destruct their lifespan), but i lack of electronics background to tell you exactly. They don’t flicker visually, it’s my interpretation of the directional light with cheap builds. “Stroboscopic light due to electronics” VS radiant light implying almost a pre-combustion (HPS, MH, CMH, Neons …). But i’m switching to LED for the little units, too practical.

What make me crazy is that with the cheap 18W panel, zero traces and the panel on the head of the SD. With decent structure in bonus. The motherplant i’m flowering was mostly build with this 18W panel.

It loop on an ancient discussion we had on white diodes and spectrum.

Not mine, but damn it was really a breeding tool at this time, this thing climb walls. Even with 100lbs of jerricans attached to your back lol But my mountains are missing the more i’m aging, the freedom to sow like mother nature and see pure phenotype’s expression per lots … that’s really the way i will breed if i was fully in “not giving a damn fuck” mode. I was just a kid (yes on this satanic engine lol), with the mileage i have now i can’t even imagine what’s possible. Maybe it’s just nostalgia. I’m a petrol head too, i like to drive like Tron whatever it is. True pleasure for me.

But inside the pragmatical me, it’s three or four 100 sqm greenhouses i’ve in mind ^^ To be more productive and deadly with seedlings.

I’m really frustrated to can’t send you an odor sample.Really amazing.
I think a third of my dosage is enough, 3ml/L. High grade leaves don’t need much to be fermented. Will smoke a bit like hookah tobacco at this level of honey.

The combo with the weird weed of the ERSB mother or the NL5H apricot treat … god can’t wait ^^

Destination matter, not the vessel ^^


@FieldEffect , this is the NL5H#2 mother. Quite balanced pheno.

The two SD mothers in competition, under the dialed down panel (maybe around 40%).

Full throttle panel +IR/UV diodes. Except the little shit in right rear (part of the experiment), spare clones i “facepalmed” again. My STS formulation is a bit expensive to source, I’ve to wait end of august before starting to spray the SD. So i think i will just flower them under the LED panel, for the science, and to find a slot for the “low node clone” in 24/0. When i will choose the future motherplant.

The only lines made this round, two different style, same father. I don’t know if the shot make more sense for my F1 fems frustration (beside the STS delayed lol).


Expecting a gigantic cola tower. Well, until you end up having to shape her for height. I get why you like her, will harvest real good. Tropical pattern indeed.

You had to be agile in this round but it’s still being productive. If jah told it to be this way. it had to be :smiley: Curious to see this F1 though, that was fast. IBL sounds like the only rational and sane choice indeed.

And with such a weather your OD will be a good way to sort out the resistance of what’s growing. Only hope it won’t be too much of a nightmare indoor.

With the two plants side by side I think I get what you mean by being frustrated for the fems. Next time!


Makes sense! Perfectly descriptive pictures as well. So you are looking for the flowers to start spiraling and filling in. That’s the moment when you know the plants is throwing all the energy it has at flowers.

And you pull down the nute levels just before this PK shot to minimize the risk of overdoing the K. :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:


I like understanding your rationale and explaining the reasons behind some of the moves, fundamentally.

I think this is an easy trap to fall into, especially if you are selling the seeds and the weed side-by-side. I noticed this in the RQS video tour you posted. A lot of effort goes into the branding and weed sales, to capture those customers.

When I was starting to grow a few years ago this trick would have worked on me. Effectively.

Sounds amazing. I love riding too.

I almost left the outdoor plants this season to grow untrained just to see the expression. I don’t even know what they look like without being topped and trained. The first couple seasons I was paranoid about getting ripped off and was carefully managing height/visibility, still a risk but I took for granted how much my neighbors are friendly and protective of this little hobby of mine. With legalization the taboo is lifted.

And…I have a dirt bike and can think of several places to put clandestine plants. :thinking:

LOL “pragmatic” I’ve been dreaming of a decent 10 sqm greenhouse :rofl:

The downside of this site. I’m curious what it’ll smoke like once dry.

Man, you’ve got me curious as all hell alluding to these exotic gender swap elixirs.



It’s to show how i’m bored. I will finally flower the SD under the leds just to see. Also to compare settings that look like very much important without a PPFD meter. After a single day under the 40% panel (IR/UV off), the experimental clone is thriving … cytos kicking to enlarge leaves. These lamps are very disturbing I must say.

Both panels are fixed at ~4 feets (height of the 1x1 tents), the first feet being always losted … they are in the 3 feets remaining. Making patterns gently …

Well, the new motherplant is selected. At least i’ve done more than a 10 minutes maintenance today lmao
God I need an hangar, but i will lost the pleasure to share it’s controversial ^^

The shitty photo is a occultist message lol on sap pressure and phototropism, the panel will be ON within 4 hours (they sleep during the day).

I wish, but she’s not enough worked yet. It will look more like this :


A flat but large stupid apical bud ^^ I will try to cheat a bit the game to have more stash of this beauty, but in F1 she’s not very obedient in nutes uptake. Not yet the goddess she desserve to be.

Impressed and surprised is the right words. I’m not liking plants like ERSB usually and i’m not fond of the Kushy scents and aromas. But when you roll it, holly shit this chemotype is just magical and dn’t taste at all Kushy. Still lacking of something entertaining, too serious and too technical high/stone. The comfy abricot-stone will add this layer lacking. Jah’s is always a better breeder than me when the farmer is in hell lmao

The three survivor being quite stable in shape, replicas, i think that the ERSB is effectively fast. First male to throw the hell, female ready way before all others of the pack and good mother in bonus. How the fuck Sensi can fail her seeds, i don’t understand yet. Maybe the caliber of seeds in formation luring the newb thaïs they pay with a slingshot without any formation hahem :japanese_goblin: Stop to roll NL5H Alan, not a weed for you. Very high RH-tolerance too, to make a loop. It’s the only one in this round that don’t needed any regulation, she pump whatever is the temps/RH.

In the starting block, it’s for the next summer. I think i will get mad a couple of times more until i crank the genpool potentiometer full throttle ^^ That’s why … butter start to lack in the spinach and it restrain the R&D planning. It make me more crazy than missing a cow to milk the hell to be totally straight. I don’t really need money.

I still want to spread OFF the “Kunaï line”. Seriously. The most versatile herb I’ve smoked to date. Want to fall in the hamoc and sleep 4 hours ? no problem. Want to get high as fuck like you’re plugged in the 220vt ? no problem. Want to smoke only one blunt per day ? no problem. Want fat ass buds ? no problem. Even the terps, impossible to get bored and it’s a true taste of 90’s.

It’s a masonic salute of yellow hats ^^ LMAO

It’s why i want to move badly and do anything i can to leave Europe asap. Kids are ready again to move, they make their part at school now. Starting blocks also on this part. But USA is not EU, they are very demanding for a straight move.

I will make a smoke report soon enough, the Blueberry wraps are done and actually curing (not filled). The blueberry was made without any honey trick to ferment the leaves. But the expression of the tabacco is night and day i must say, i tested the max dose but honey is definitively entering in the composition.

I’ve to start this wiki of blunts when i will harvest this round. it will prevent to be too talkative on breeding feeded with JH and NL5H. The ERSB is just a contemplative weed, you pass your time to understand what you’re smoking the eyes on the cone. Very entertaining.

Let’s speak straight, hidden in the flow, it’s a formulation sold 1K/liter in Spain and that give a big edge to stay competitive. And to buy it, you have to show your colors. Very complex STS, one of the five compounds used is sold 100+ bucks / 100mg. Just to give an idea and to explain why i’m stuck until end of August with the SD S1s. I need to map them but i realized lastly that it’s also an asset to bump the lab. I asked to a couple of weednerds but it look like a monopoly on a SD S1.

Last time (as far as my low weednerds level permit to realize) it was the ECSD and it ended only in a cut that generated the Rezdog rush then the Karma dawn. Complicated equation, it’s throwing a nade in a pond.

I’m in discussion since years now with LemonadeJoe about the sponsorship with an exotic profiles like mine. Literally years.

We don’t found yet an operational and rational way to handle my needs in a balanced manner. I just get a quote this year, but for a totally different project (abandonned) concerning a breeding academy. As label i’m constantly ghosted for now, not sure how to take it because a few know exactly from where I come.

Maybe you guys can help me to present it more clearly for the team ^^

  • Zero promotion of the said label in OG (it’s more complicated for me, there is no identified label, i provide genetics). When i say zero, it’s zero. Not even mentioning the name, any web link … it’s home here for me. My space of freedom and free-speech.

  • Zero sales outside server’s auctions or eventually giveaway (without tagging one million people or instagram shits etc …), just giveaways. And not even in the name of the label but as “Fuel”. And lines that matter more for me than for the “productive core”, like the kunai JH by example. Also some SD S1 or Cheese S1 to emulate fresh meats and reveal potentials.

  • I’m forced to be very structured with what i share here in seeds and i can’t include non-structured dynamics for various reasons. I’ve constraints on the other side too.

  • I tried also the “in good intelligence collective” way with some that took it as a direct agression lmao. Most of them were afraid to be “debunked” without carrying one second about the reality : no one give a damn fuck but your weed. You can grow and breed since yesterday or an half century, the only thing that matter is the grade of your genetics. And today any high grade seeds (reg or fem) is sold instantly.

It took time but one of them finally understood with time that i don’t give a fuck about money. But the lack of high grade genetics and diversity, yes. Today people thing that they have to throw a 20+ strains catalog to be wealthy. It’s totally wrong. You can integrate a collective with one unique line polished and it’s far enough to at least pay all the bills of a lab, then preparing “free cost” the next polished line at your tempo.

So i feel that it will be like usual … behind the grandiloquent lessons of life and all, the total contradiction.

One time smart asses will make the line between the dots, i will suddenly get more reactivity because it’s very shiny and imply heavy names. Forcing me to take some distance again. Which totally bias the way i like to be surrounded : by potentials, not by eyes of Chimène lured on their capacities.

Well i digressed a bunch, but it make me feel better lmao This ambivalent situation really annoy me at community scale, philosophically. I perceive it as schizophrenia, from my point of view.

Blunt’s wrap are more easy and cheaper to send than canna seeds oversea ^^ But it will be only the best i’m able to do, i need a few more harvest of experiments to reach this point.

After this step, i will engage searches to produce a high grade reconstituted wraps that can be rolled and smoked in one move. No need for drying and curing, with the same grade.

Yeah i’m bored, 12 years of retirement … i’m build to work until the last breathe, it was a fake dream ^^


Welcome in the LED world :laughing:

Got the message! That’s the way I like them, leaves pointing to the sky like trying to reach it, new growth completely vertical. Best indication they’re enjoying their life.

Really like that SD leave shape, fat but gracious :smiley: Did you drop the experimentation on mutation by flowering them btw, or are you still on it?

One of this day where you wander around trying to resist to the idea of soaking beans just to get busy with plants :laughing:

Almost makes me want a pack of ERSB just to check. Maybe a pollen contamination, who knows. Sounds like the BOG spirit sneaked in a repro with that kind of plant lol

Sounds like you need a liiiitle more money still if the STS recipe is so costy.


So that’s more and more an option. Have to arrange some time to visit you before then!

I’m wondering about the sponsor status. That’s an edgy situation you’re in. Some have this status by doing auctions for OG, that could be a way? I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for you.

But I think to avoid loosing your home feeling here, I’d manage anything related to the business (auctions, answers to people) with another account than @Fuel, make it clear the two are separated, and never permit anyone including yourself to cross that line. That’s maybe a bit “schizophreniac” but it might help not to mess things too much for everyone, make it clear who’s talking in which position. Maybe that would help in the relationship and LJ too.

Anyway, that’s cool to see you bored lol. Means things will go forward!


The little shit is what remaining from the tagged clones (5th, low and apex). I try to save the apex atm, not rooted.

All others are selected cuts. Even with only this one alive, the experiment can continue in keeping cloning it only by the lowest node. The comparison is restrained i don’t like it, but it will work in comparing the progeny and the weed with my usual way to clone.

Trying to stay busy ^^

I love the plant too, kind of canonical for me in term of balanced hybrids. I just hope I’ve not lost the hand to dial it how it should. Still a diva.

There is a window when she pass from very skunky flowers shape (thin, elongated but dense) to her fat flowers well rounded most of people identify as “diesel whatever”. The dialed switch is not only on bud shapes but also in the intensity of the aromas and scents. She stink even if you fail it or even do a bad curing, but when well dialed … it’s maybe the most dangerous weed for frenchies. Beat the old skunk dutchs gave us before the super skunk, only the skunk #1 inbred this way can compete with the SD.

Each hour this week … but i took my lesson ^^ The 4x4 have a double canopy already, i’ve to progress with the lab now. Limits tested and my ass still red from the whip of Jah lol

Keep you money, the ERSB seeds were the worse of the four lines of this round. 100+ bucks, it’s a shame that i’m glad to have passed for a bunch of stoners ^^

Wait a bit that i check if it’s decent in F2, you will even have the luxury to pick the segregated F3 line you desire ;o)

I think differently, it’s the grain of sand in some of our private discussions. I bought these bottles (A+B) in Spain sometimes more than twice a month. But it was nothing against what they produced … context and relativity to the goal.

The lab’ have to be self sustainable for stupid reasons : to continue to progress but also to get a grip if ever a bill have to be paid just for the sake of genetics. I live atm on a capital, it’s not a monthly management as well.

Add the cars, the insane cost of my surgery for two years, the now aged kids that need help and flats, the fucking insane racket-taxes of this country … I’ve to decide each year how much i spend for the canna as dry cost and to stick with it no matter what until it fly with its wings. And of course it’s never enough, specially when you come back from another context. What i’ve done here in ~1,5 year was the third of what i was able to do in my previous lab. In one single round.

Well I’ve exactly two labs and their respective evolutions on the shoulders. Not only my rasta attic, the other is set for productivity (with an american overkill touch that i love lol ^^). I still have many tools to buy : 2x freeze driers, 2x 15K cannabinoids analyzers, an electrophoresis setup, packaging and all the marketing shit … and never again i will imply an investor in my game.

It’s the “not dreamy” side of breeding, that i’m trying to reveal at homeopathic doses. To prevent. The objective shouldn’t an ultimate catalog or an ultimate strain directly. But the factual proof that your genetics are an asset.

With the right methods, the right lead on strains, the right awareness about what is really the market and its real actors … it’s extremely fast to never do sacrifices on the comfort of your family. If you have a full floor dedicated like my padawan or a single 4x4 like me.

I hope that between the lines, you will understand more my philosophy about it. And why i care about humans more than by the labs. It’s extremely complicated in this game to replace potentials and even to find them in this shitty era. A lab is a matter of instant bank transfer ^^

It’s not for tomorrow, and it’s not a long term project too ^^ I already pay a local lawyer that help me to prepare the visa and its conditions. Hard piece, but i want to move definitively so it’s asking some preparation.

If we can’t organize a good window to meet and smoke some blunts (it’s burning money too ^^), we still have a good logistic line to do it at distance ^^ I offer a SD contest (lol) just because it’s atm the best weed i have to share, until i really start to work.

It’s the most … ambivalent and weird behavior of the team. There is no solid pattern.

Unofficially, it’s not a way for me specifically. I learned to don’t take this mess personally so it’s kewl on my side.

A couple know also who i am really for the scene and what i weight, it make the things a bit complicated for nothing. I show here in real time that the situation have changed and that i’m no longer directly linked with any white label or seedbank, that it’s another era for me … but not enough convincing obviously.

I play open poker with them, and they still don’t distribute cards … lunar situation. From my point of view, it’s becoming a too much defensive position. Transparency is dope, but not an easy game.

That’s not a bad idea at all, but i don’t want to do any business here. The frontier is already very strict on my side. For the auctions i was talking about server’s auctions at the profit of OG only.

But i like the idea i must say, make sense.

LJ is dodging the conversation for now. When he will see my ads campaign in all others places maybe he will react, too late … then there is a lot of chance that i get the FCF syndrom. People realizing on the late then getting mad at me … to have tell the truth since the start lol

It’s why i consider that i walk blindfolded on eggs with this shit, i’m in the same situation that with FCF. Unleash the opinion, you’re good to talk safely and with me it’s open bar you know it. With enough luck some lurkers will understand ^^


Uhuh. Nah that’s for the community you’re doing that :wink:

Yeah I like to see that moment… on the grow diaries. A bit reluctant right now to grow it (or something like it) precisely for that loud smell. Let see how the filter works with milder odor for now :laughing:

That’d be awesome! :partying_face:

Can relate to that. :slight_smile:

Please don’t turn into a startup :laughing: Using someone else money for its own project is never a good idea.

That’s a pretty expensive shop list for sure.

I was talking about that kind of OG auction too, not for the profit your business as you wouldn’t do any here. The seeds would be given by your label account, not your user account. And you could use that label account to answer questions from growers, as some non-sponsor breeders do here.

The sponsorship is way out of my understanding anyway :slight_smile:

Yeah that’s a sane approach to play open book. But remember: OG isn’t FCF, not the same people. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Let me pass for a douchebag, it’s part of the repellent-identity of “Fuel” ^^

True concern buddy. It’s why i want to send you more a smell-proof blunt box in a first time ^^

J’ai comme un double filtre ici, l’air vicié aspiré par le filtre à charbon passe ensuite dans la seule cheminée de la barraque qui n’a pas été ramonée avant d’être condamnée par le foyer. Du coup l’air filtré se tape ensuite un bon chemin au milieu de la vieille suie bien grasse … avant de recracher à plus de dix mètres de haut. J’aurais pas tenté sinon ^^ Hacker des cheminées c’est devenu une contrainte obligatoire pour moi, c’est un vrai failsafe. Là ça commence à peine à se préparer à budder et je la sens déjà à travers la tente avec un gros tirage de 680m3/400cfm (sur un filtre de 1000m3).

We both plan to have a NASA lab with my buddy ^^ To search the singularity with the teeths lol
I’ve made it two times with an investor, to accelerate the transition and play directly hard.

The first time wasn’t bad at all, the investor just freaked out because not used to deal with the administrative part and all the shit to get back the money safely (it have a cost too). He under-evaluated a lot the VAT, the taxes, the companies side and what it’s asking : good accountant skills and at least a first entrepreneur experience to keep everybody safe.

Still frustrating when i think about it today, very good man with neat soul. He was very helpful to develop my first hybrids with a good sense of the “weed zeitgeist”. I literally maded the weeds he was pointing like a machine and it worked well. He just lied to me a bit on his drives and his momentum (legit in the context and my lack of “psychological screening” at this time), so at the critical point that he thought would be a long term eventuality … the fear ^^ Legit one retrospectively, i was too much the knife between the teeths with this project. We were full throttle within 9 months, he thinked to have 5 years to adapt …

We still cool together, he leaved his main job after this and turned a successfully headshop wholesaler in Germany. He was for me the comet that really put my nose in the real scene, the first stone.

The second investor … a nightmare. It was the fem factory. I choose this time someone sturdy in the scene, with experience (but in retailing and growshops only), so it turned to sell my soul for fem junkies entirely. Infernal high turn over, i was barely able to inbred anything aside. No regret either, just the impression to have wasted my time in breeding at personal level. Versus the first one, he used a lot of time his “major” share as leverage to just take all strategic decisions. That weren’t all good and for a bunch errors i had already made before … it’s was an hell to voluntarly do some moves that i knew doomed just for his ego.

We still very not cool together, i’m unable to don’t jump on him like a savage if ever I cross his path.

I hope this slice will reveal you another layer : it can turn good and bad, but in both cases you can’t ask to people to fully adopt your vision as breeder. You have to carry entirely, with mileage or not. Better to work directly for a white label or a big brand that doing what I’ve done with too much faith.

I sincerely like the idea, but I’ve to hire someone for this (not only for OG if i adopt your strategy at the end) ^^ It was planned, i’m still hunting. I know myself too much, “no filter - no mask”. It’s not compliant with this function. I think this way, it can be straight for OGers. Tested one another recently : good communication skills, good sense of networking, enough passive-agressive to don’t be eaten by the random troll, assuming errors instantly in communication, good breeding sense … but on the grow side it’s catastrophic and no real perspective of evolution on this side. Touchy subject with him. For an ambassador it’s quite annoying.

Finding the right people today is like hunting a SD buddy …

I think that no one understand how it’s working here lmao

The absence of official rules/constraints clearly announced is not a good move imho. It even create tensions for nothing on regular basis in the “purple square zone”. Not a full disclose, but the grand predictable lines and prices that don’t change from one person to another. Soon a decade, the “starter tests” is no longer an excuse now.

I don’t compare the two communities, be sure.

But some annoying patterns still persist when things have to become pushy ^^ My concern is real, i’m annoyed by the transition operating already. Maybe everything revolve around this unicorn community manager finally lol Let’s take some shots of the darwinian’s corner for this evening ^^

Thanks buddy for the neat stimulation, appreciated.


Is this “Kunai” literally a translation or a line? But yes, I want all those things.

Blueberry wraps sounds wonderful. I should try some of these.

LOL on waiting until you get JH blunts to document this :rofl:

I’m extremely curious - why the exotic reversal sprays? I assume there are some extremely stubborn cuts that won’t reverse with standard STS, obviously it’s implied SD is one of them.

Presumably you are talking about AVG (Aminoethoxy-Vinyl-Glycine) and Gibberelic acids primarily. There’s a few papers on the topic I took a quick read through. Chemistry could be a fun topic, almost wish my career had gone that direction.

I did a reversal with STS last season outside - and made some fem seeds of my own. My enthusiasm for the IBG fem project waned quickly on the discovery of the ridiculous fruit terps obviously garnering the majority of my enthusiasm over the winter. I should grow some just to see. I had all but forgotten them.

I’m having some difficulty reading the lines and between them.

You are starting a commercial lab? Or wishing to?

You are having difficulty obtaining sponsorship on this site, and think it is due to your controversial posts/personality? Or some other reason?

LOL I was looking at freeze dryers yesterday :rofl:

Buds on the table.

Ahh. Making a bit more sense to me. But, then again, I have no idea who you are other than what we’ve discussed here, in public. All that matters to me is learning, and you are a fun source of that :slightly_smiling_face:

What is FCF? I have no clue.



Technical week, forced to grow quite dry. So I took the opportunity to to dial more the nutes in staying rich.

Walking on eggs, for now all good. Transitional week not very amazing to show, but critical for the whole

The american still the lovely compressed V8 Dodge, with the privileged spot under the full blast spot of the lights. She want more, always more. :green_heart: Dialed for now, but it’s not the more complicated week for her. This odor make stomach cramps like if I haven’t eaten in two days. Very skunky-musky, with strong phenols that start to be feeled as gas. Ethylen is already kicking high, part of the magic.

Muscle plant, all american breeders should come back at this style imho. Imperfect pruning btw, i’ve badly gauged one stem. Let me come back in the track sweetie, i will honor you i swear. SD.

I start to be afraid by the ERSB, very good mother. Sensi have so much problems that they even distribute replacement with 5 additional seeds now. Where is the damned trap on germination rate and vigor … to be continued.

It start to be complicated to take a shot of this one, the floral is very satisfying. Overall. One of the best variation i got.

Her Dam’ sister, the popular bitch. Very caustic scents at this point.

The “A13 pheno” in all its glory.

The “C99 pheno”, starting to be quite fruity. I’ve to watch closely, it’s starting to be hot overall for herms next week. NL5H included.

The NL5H pack. The first is the seeded mother, the last is the “selected->unselected by fate” ex-mother.
The grade of the weed of the first is far higher, i took this way instead working from a better shape. Very much higher ^^ They are all smelling apricot the same way, more stable that the Big Bud on this vein and for their historical value. Good surprise, they don’t fucked it. Zero surprise overall.

The “shadow shanti II”, one of them have a poor DNA answer accumulating bad variegations even on fresh shoots. A male just declared today, the 14 July. I start to be very superstitious this round …

So maybe i will ear the little devil on my right shoulder, then pollinate some SD clones i have in the pollination tent with him. To start to map earlier a BX1. The SS2 is not a BX tool i advise to the fresh meat, but one time in hand it’s a pearl for this job. That’s why i chose it initially to outcross the C91.

The improvised SOG of SD, they killed one by shadow dominance. I said i love this plant ?
It’s to make a slot free for the SS2 male, i’m sure. Tricky bitches.

I continue to lost my shit with LEDs, but i adapt. I changed the regime in nutes dept and it look like to work.
I prefer to wait a bit more before sharing my half-considerations.

I’m proud of the new motherplant, on railroad and i know already she’s now in optimal expression. Very easy to know with the SD … the more she stink, the more you dial it rightly. At any stage, even seedlings when you outcross it ^^

Clones start to be hungry, so roots are coming. While stretching and re-vegging the fuck, it take two weeks for a JH to reverse or engage its cycle. Of course it’s the amsterdam bitch first … as usual. The other is a bit more tricky to root. The 40% look like a sweet spot for juvenile stages and cloning. Totally against what i’m used to do (blasting the more light and the closer i can on clones that are rooting). I adapt ^^

Finally my instincts was more sharpened that I thought, on left it’s a female and on right a male. With obvious difference of metabolism for the K ^^ Zero amendment for now, they are eating the waste of the indoor lab only. Shredded plants included. The soil have incredible CEC performances to speak straight, even if a bit too rich in clay.

The Big Bud still fighting, but i think that’s a stellar demonstration on the superiority of F1 over S2 as well ^^ ofc, rejected for the pollination. So i will cull at one point. Outdoor and sown directly, i trust my eyes and not my faith. Vitality wrapped in clean chape in lethal conditions always output better chemotypes. Blind faithfull confidence in Jah, all the time.

The late germination, the tempest babies still interresting. Specially the one surviving in the shadow.
The two bigs colonized quite fast the territory with roots, they pump all nutes. The little sones have hard time to find ressources, maybe i will help a bit with sheep poo at their feet. Darwinism-compliance but not voluntarly sadistic.

I’ve culled and shredded the two mutants that grown just aside each big parent. Respect buddies, with such a bad start you made it. Next time, present a decent DNA for my blunts and i will be more permissive.

Well the outdoor line is quite engaged i must say, i’m only worried by the local fauna that is visiting the plants.

Apical shoots is their thing lol Even with the shit ton of birds i’ve all around.
Even some wasted bees or bumblebees that forgot their duty on a leaf ^^

The Blueberry “wraps” perfectly dry and cured now.
Connecticut broadleaf (i like it, very versatile).
Nicaragua Shade (wrapper, hard to roll but perfect for a weed like the ERSB)
and the expensive Perique Black, perfect for anything dank enough ^^

Still fighting with the fermentation of the honey/vanilla, the leaves continue to exudate excess of honey.
I think i will use a stainless steel mesh, a #500 microns i think, on which i will let them dry.

It was the name of my Chartreux cat. His high IQ and sensibility still missing. I really want a line stabilized on his honor.

We both considered the “JH#5” pheno as the best weed of the world. At the difference that he had more self control than me, he only chewed this line and this pheno. He stole buds also. Very punishing in IBLs, i directly knew when i failed a line with this pheno at his behavior. He detected faster than me, within 10 days of veg.

But the Maine Coon is fun as fuck, totally different behavior and mental. It’s helping to invest him. For now he’s a douchebag teenager that bang all female cats of the block all nights lol He love also when i smoke a cone in the garden in the evening, he feel like a superman and “meow” like he weight 20 kilogrammers to make his law around the house. It’s a big cat, already equivalent to an average adult cat atm. And as hyperactive than me ^^ And, even if it’s cliché as fuck, this american cat love the SD lmao ^^

More complicated to organize a care package, but not impossible if not filled ^^ In a simple letter it can work.
Content will depend on your logistic line ofc. On smuggling anything anywhere, you can trust frenchies ^^

Nailed. But more generally, it’s always better to base your formulation on the most difficult cut/genetics : SD, Cheese … instead the WW by example (a breeze to produce pollen with this one).

I don’t adopt this strategy, the problematic of scientific papers is that they don’t give a fuck about productivity/quality constraints. I don’t say that the 1-MCP or the AVG are bland leads, but i can’t spend two years of R&D at it. I prefered to hack a formula i’m used to dial at industrial scale. Very pragmatic choice.

It’s a “asap working” strategy.

In the grand lines, it’s just a STS + PGR. Vitamins aren’t easy to stabilize in such complex formula with multiple different excipient, but maybe i will try to “superthrive-style it” at one point. On top of it.

I personally always hated chemistry lol Mollecular calculations are very relative to reactions, headache. But worth the pain for this case.

Gibb promote male’s flower efficiently yes, but it help also to get out the male’s formation from the bud in stretching them. Very handy.

Making good fems … only belong to your mastering of the heterosis and your strain science. Use only catalysts phenos to make your fems, and think their breeding only this way. It’s the insurance to never be “another one” in this specific game. In your actual round, you’re going to explore this phenomenon considering what’s growing and planned.

Also by your last accession. Congrats btw, now you have all my mercyless attention on the Destroyer ^^ It’s an asset to maintain.

I know i repeat this in loop for the heterosis and fems, but it’s not a joke at all. I’m very serious.

Don’t waste your time to try to make “breeding” with fems, let it for the marketing and the dreamfull junkies that think fems are a decent material. It’s why it’s first a gold mine when rightly made, btw.

You have to think totally differently. You feminize only when you have found the perfect pairing, just like the NL5H x ERSB pissed on my face by Jah lmao

Females don’t blend the same way together than opposite sex also, absolutely not the same game of dominance. Because there is none with fems, the receiver and the donor are passive and it’s why you experience so often a direct degradation of the grade. You have to counteract this by the heterosis, just to stay at the same grade that a basic natural repro.

It’s voluntary, some details imply people that want to stay far from the cannaweb. To stay short, i was pissing fems until 12 years ago with the “dream” to be a young retired (i’m a quadra atm). Accomplished, but i dislike this life. It was a fake dream, i don’t really wanted this finally.

It’s what i try to teach patiently over OG. It’s already the case.
Your “dressing” too is a commercial lab (soon, when the 1x1 will be set ^^).
The grade of your weed matter, no matter how and where you’re doing it.

What is really starting, is a new label. Just a bit more versatile and international than anything I’ve done until now. With an overkill production unit already in USA since ~8 years now, where my new padawan “make his classes”.

I’ve difficulty to obtain at least a structured dialog for the level on which i want to play. For OG specifically, it’s a multiple aspect.

I need at one point to make the things clear, at the moment i sell genetics even if it’s not here and never promoted here … i want that it appear clearly and not sneaky. It’s also important to givea grid to people that read me on different subjects. A kind of luxury of integrity, somehow. Because the money thrown will never be rentabilised trough OG. I even want to spend extras in animations that help people however it is. Special releases for giveaways (like the “exodus II” project i want to launch here) to … a complete lab to win to work in good conditions. Or even more stupid things for the fun.

It’s not to give back, i don’t really owe anything to OG but maybe the best padawan i ever had and it don’t belong to anyone but him finally. It’s to give torque to OG, because i really love this place.

The second aspect is also to change some behaviors by the exemplarity. Let’s call it arrogant at first glance, but it’s almost a christic drive lol A cycle is ending in USA/North America, i want to be the grain of sand that build strong antibodies against the vultures coming in force.

Some of my digressions are well understood by people not posing, but showing indirectly that you’re successful without blatantly milking OG is a stronger message and a true argument of authority. I’m not interested by anything in OG but by the people, that the true thing to milk here : new skills, new genpool at work, educating to reach the necessary grade to join the party.

The third aspect is my faithful behavior again. I want hardly to generate a bulldozer made from as much fools fascinated to push the limits of the genetics that i can find. I’m looping on my dream of a appeased collective, because it have too much work to waste its time in useless dramas and jealousy. It’s the end game.

The label is just there to fuel all this shit.

At personal level and maybe the only real egoist part of the equation … i want to rush cups. It’s a cost too, but also a luxury i want to offer to myself. Joke aside, i really desserve it now. The fems rush made it, i won one big (highlife) during this time as contractor and it still an itchy wound today. It was with an A13 hybrids NLized ^^ Even in this vein, i’m also dreaming of a cup flooded by the whole collective in the podium. if it happen it will make me 1000 times more proud that simply for the sole label.

So yes, let’s speak true … the team is not prepared or even understanding this kind of vision. My “not so unknown” momentum too is problematic, it create tension for nothing and over-defensive reactions.

It’s why the sponsorship, to clearly show that i don’t fish in a pond and also to appease those feeling bad. And maybe why not, including them in the rush if they have the genetic for this. Not the gulp them like Dutchs or to high-jack volumes in don’t give a damn fuck, but to offer a strong polymorphic resistance. A true task force with common interrests.

It’s why i often speak about schyzophrenia, useless storytelling and also why my free speech here is important to my eyes. It’s traces intended to build a crew that want to play hard in term of genetics, without hiding any difficulty or challenge, whatever if they want to specialize in an unique line or fancy catalogs. It doesn’t matter for me, it’s the accumulation of fine genetics as a whole that matter. The “menu”, with one chief per choice. More this kind.

I pass on details that i can’t expand, but yes it’s hard and totally irrational from my point of view. To be honest i will continue until the D-day just to have a quiet mind about it and to have tried everything i can, before i can no longer waste time at this.

Now i totally assume that my personality can be frightening, for those that don’t know much about etiquette and the code of the real scene only. That’s the point of selection for me ^^

I tried it in Spain in a grow op with my own genetics that was grown there. Since, i only think about it lol
Ultra fast dry time, very respectful for the final product, bag appeal … no way i do cups without mastering this drying process ^^ And Co² conservation lol

My religion. So important … anything else have zero importance for me. We fell too much in weeds “to read” or to “dream” in this era. And it’s not innocent for the global genpool. What look well on instagram is not necessary what smoke the best in cones ^^

That’s my renonciation, i think the label and its noise will more help than anything else i can try. Mercantile credibility, why not after all. Fucking fems again … damned.

I’m glad you’re finding a use of my shares, you have something to say in weed i’m sure on this.

FCF is a French board that was known (in opposite of it’s “competitor”, piloted by Sensi Seeds) to be the top edge early 2000’s. Newbs were burned alive to make BBQ if they asked a stupid question already documented, harsh starts, but if they passed the initiation they were able to evolve at an insane speed whatever they wanted : just smoking good weed to stop to buy hash, breeding, grails … it’s totally dead today.

Usual board cycles, new generation of growers that have all a better idea that the next grower, spread in various subforums that died fast too lol, and more bloody story involving cops and all. Just to get rid of someone. It turned very much in a shit show with the next gen growers. No etiquette, no code, no rules, unable to understand that common interests prevail to last … and the clash with the old guard that was already at work and involved at different levels. Years after years, it was an hemorrhage of the real actors.

We are almost in private here anyway (but safely), when people see this block of text in their smartphone don’t think that the Darwinian selection don’t play full throttle ^^ Make me feel good to talk about it, a catharsis lol

Keep the vibes high !



Intense week for the plants and for me, the farmer was a bit off. Another intense week is coming, i’m at home at the morning of the plants around 8pm. I’ve to care to go directly in the crop after the shower or i do shit and break everything.

Zipper fixed by wifey, but they took three days of fucked airflow. ofc i got a fungi attack, the same shit that killed my NL5H males ^^ Weather still unstable, from death valley to asian groves. Sometimes within the day.

I’m quite happy with the nute’s game, i passed the more hard. I made 10 additionnal liters of PK boosted solution, they need it three more days. I will program a little root treatment of one watering, mix of humic/fulvic and H202 with larger dry cycles. Then i start the Top Shooter (but the SD and the two mothers).

I’ve a terrible envy to launch seeds already. And to roll some blunts.

The Darwinian duo still kicking asses, the difference of metabolisation is cool as fuck. I will start to throw some sheep poo next week, storage-old leaves are pumped hard at the bottom.

Finally the JH#5 rooted, never easy. They will take an hell long to recover and reveg, I’ve to boost this.
But thanks the Oasis ^^

SD motherplant already need to be harvested … but i’m packed everywhere as fuck. I think i will pinch her the hell to have a good blunts factory after the harvest of clones. It’s an opportunity to make a cool wiki on this too.

The best weed of the galaxy is starting to flower, finally !

Followed by her sister that start to show a variation that not mapped for this pheno. The reaction to internode pinching is unusual, it’s supposed to be woody and more wounded. The floral side is bulking in late too … overall it’s a very good news ^^

In bonus a clear trace of fungi attack, on others plants it’s less pedagogic.

The SD with an attempt of artistic shot ^^ What to say … equal to herself. i played hard and give her the same soup that plants with 50 days more flo. “No problemo compadre, gimme more” . 100% PK dose ^^ Just a pre-shot to stimulate. If i done it with the JH or the NL5H, they will be shredded in the Darwinian corner.

It’s also the skunky phase, it will become quite plushy and the leave’s shape will change a bit with my amendment. I always found it cool ^^ Scents at this step are lowered a lot, except if you touch the plant. It stay on you a while. Linked with the PK amendment, this one is quite hardcore in bonus and it unleash the hell the other weeks in organoleptics dept. I’ve to stay vigilant since the next update.

The ERSB (first) and the NL5H (second) started their senescence but i said no. The seeds need more time.
I will boost them gently until the flowers are cracking.

C99 up and A13 down, i will play a bit with the yield these ones ^^ Both quite fruity. The A13 look quite potent at first glance, good surprise for the blunts.

The NL5H freak i still flower, gassy apricot all the way. She don’t look like to be in hurry, she’s supposed to be thicker already and less dense, more fluffy. Just a longer flo i guess.

A first BX1 is on the road ^^ It’s ridiculously packed, the male look like lost in a strange gangbang.
Variegation will help to cull like a maniac, even if not wanted initially. Adapt or extinct said Charles.

SD full throttle until … next Summer at the program. Just a line launched aside on regular basis (repros to screen) and of course my stash of JH on the rear line constantly renewed ^^

I say this but … to be continued !

Keep the vibes high, and test the JH propellant for your highs at least one time in your life.


This is awesome man


Nice! I may give this a try soon.

Happy to see this. Bummer the fungal infection. What do you do about that? Hydrogen peroxide and attempt to lower humidity?

:rofl: he is lost in there

Alea iacta est


Yeah crazy week once again. The coming one seems to be shitty too, but the forecasting is so bad it’s difficult to tell.

At least your OD corner is looking good, I would have expected much more fungus attack. They’re tough!

Same here :laughing:

The frost on the SD is pretty impressive for that stage.

I find the C99 pheno quite appealing too, it’s bulking pretty good looks like a nice yielder. I would have been tricked I think and would have chosen this one too.

Have a good week!

1 Like

Thanks buddy, and welcome in the eye of cyclone ^^

I’m dialing it like the shitty cloning-man i am : Not dialed at all ^^
Just spraying fine mist of tap water along the drying. They took 20 days like it, while flowering and stretching ^^
I just love this stuff.

Yup, the worse is coming this week for us. Grow dry and imho, force your seedlings.
I don’t even believe now we will have a decent dry August … damned hell.

I just can’t wait to map this cut ^^ Maybe it will lead somewhere, i’m awaiting another line to play hard in outcross. Maybe two parallel BX crossed at some point, progeny will tell (not the F1).

The raids still bloody, i regulate. Except in the garden of course ^^

Cheated, the massive dose of PK (for this stage) is entirely responsible. Testing the beast to check others boxes ^^

“Everybody” select it in fact, not joking. Shape is beautiful, yield always satisfying and with a complex fruity expression (citrus fruit combo). But let’s speak straight, it doesn’t have sense to spend so much in JH seeds to select this expression. A lot of others strains are offering this smoke at higher ratio. It’s a bit early now, but you will quickly see that it’s skunk backbone behind this pheno. Central cola shape, plushy buds, density …

Better to spice up directly a Skunk#1 to obtain this pheno in better compromises, breeding opinion.

The tallest divas are really where is the real poison and that can’t be obtained with others lines, where the NL5 don’t took the immediate lead. It’s not representative in this round, but the ratios are (2:5) for the generic expression. Maybe 10% for the pure forms you’re seeing here.

Now you can see in real time the pollen synch ^^ Fast turn over lol



Another intense week passed, but the planning still rolling. Fucked weather : mix of thunderstorms, cloud-less Mexico city and all in-between … RH is quite glued around 75%RH so i harvested the two seeded mothers.

ERSB gave two good vials of F2 with good average caliber/maturity but she’s definitively not a plant to seed fully. This line have to be pollinated earlier that I’ve done this round. A week before.

The NL5H mother is drying. Seeds are tiny and i hope enough numerous.

On nutes I’ve started the Top Shooter for a Thursday->Thursday regime straight after the PK. I’m quite happy on the synch. The fungi attack still a threat, under watch.

The twin towers are starting to make the show. The taller is burning its apical bud on the lights, i was forced to make some bondage with both to best place them in the tent. I just regret to don’t have more, they have a low print-foot on the ground and i can pack them the hell.

Pronostic still unclear, i guess 30 days remaining.

The two others JH are doing well, the “A13” is surprisingly the less in the hurry of the pack. The “C99” is maturing already, i will try to stimulate her with the TS.

On the NL5H, the “NL5 freak” and the “canceled mother” are doing well too.

The seeded NL5H mother culled yesterday and the two Shiva Shanti II females grown under canopy. Hard to believe they are as aged than the JH ^^ Can’t wait to crack a dozen of ERSB x NL5H seeds, i’m suspecting something really kewl.

I’ve smoked a fews ERSB cones of the seeded mother, still the “indica-haze” sampled earlier without a load of CBN, even over-maturated. Quite potent with an elegant chemotype, the smoke still very undetermined and crazy hard to describe. The best i’ve in mind to categorize the smoke is a Thai-Kush. Quite cocky but it work like a charm. Not much terpy but still playing with your brain when you try to decipher the aromas.

The recycled SS2 male is on the go in the dense SOG. Earliest pollination i can do, just to get 25-50 seeds per clone (x4) and to start the BX1 without waiting. High kung fu mapping planned.

On left my “classic motherplant”, she have been pinched the hell this time. Not a single wound for now, i don’t losted the hand.

On the right the “somatic drift experiment” still maintained on the lowest secondary.

In front, 2 JH#7 (dam’ lemoney) and 1 JH#5 (backwood bazooka) are gently re-vegging. Without the oasis it wasn’t possible in plain flowering stage and stretch ^^ They colonize well for now and the first “monoblades” leaves are kicking from buds. I can’t unbalance my nutes to make a N rich feeding regime, so i will just blast them full NPK.

Still challenging to decipher, i think about a pollen escape on the Giger#1 (AK x Shishkaberry) specimen now. I’ve to scroll down a bit the log to spot the synch.

The male on right stink the hell, almost dangerous. Look like to be a (AK47 x Shiskaberry) x COB. For the female it’s unclear. She’s discreet for now. I’m tempted to make some pruning at this step but they look so gorgeous … i hope the fauna will make the job for me naturally to continue to read them in pures expressions.

Big Bud S2 started her ridiculous stretch, suspected female. She don’t stink like the herms of the S1 robbing the dank bank … her destiny still unclear.

These late germination are going to be interesting ^^ Specially on fungus resistance.
I’ve a little heart brake for the stretchy seedling, look like backboned with Big Bud. Maybe a S2 seed of the specimen that identified itself as a haze plant lol

Last but not least, the SD. Back in the day she reacted well to the full H&G line up, which isn’t hipster’s tea.
So i took the risk to blast her too realy with a 100% dose of Super PK, to push a bit more the exploration ^^

“No fear, gimme more”, truly the Audrey of the movie. I kill plants when i do it generally, another risky checkbox. Not a single trace of burn anywhere, she will get a second week of PK ^^ The plan was to perfectly dial it to get the max expression, let’s push the limits a bit for the sake of the strain science and Aptus-mapping lol

My ecosystem since two weeks, in average 10-12 hours a day lol Four 2.2 CRD engines entirely dismantled, to make one ^^ I start to be familiar. It’s the only engine that is interesting me with the 2.4 liter Turbo.

The 2.0 16s is economical but too tight for such weight, the lack of torque and real punch is problematic on our little groovy roads. It start to be decent at 4000-5000 RPM, when the engine is sucking gas with a straight pipe. But the chassis is not made for hurling engines, like Japanese cars.

The 2.4 naturally aspired (“atmo”) correct the problem with the added torque. But drink a bunch more (10-15 liters/100km) , you can’t cruise “economically like a slug”, like with the 2.0 16s.

It’s where the 2.4 GT shine, torque + turbo make it a very entertaining drive. Something that make sense if you don’t take a CRD engine. Remind me the 200 Kompressor, in more funky. Potential of modifications on the GT is far higher, i’m aiming to find one to push to 300-350 HP. Not “Neon-tunning style”, in depth, fiabilized and without fancy cosmetic mods. “Discreetly in rage”.

They do a bunch of voyager too, the 6 cylinders are cool but everybody refuse to take them in charge overall. I’ve just assisted on three different engines and hell, outside the fact that i dislike this kind of car … it’s a pure nightmare to make it reliable. We got a 300C too, on the 3.0 CRD. That’s something else i like a bit more, but not in diesel ^^ The crossfire is very cool, more than “very similar” to a SLK it’s literally a SLK when you dismantle it lol I want one too now ^^

I start with a day off this week, sun is blasting too much to be cooked in the garage. Even in drinking 5 liters of water during the day, it’s playing hard with my expensive jaws ^^ It’s a groovy block too, cops are turning around these last days. Better safe than sorry. Here a positive THC test “on the road” can lead to a shit-storm quite fast : driver license retired (and very long and expensive to get back), 300 fine and if they can write “possession” you take very badly if it’s weed. Mean jail sentence generally applied with the jewelry at the ankle, during an half year. Just for a cone not even smoked in the car ^^ Slice of prohibition lol

See you around ;o)

update : this “grid gallery” make me crazy … any hint welcome lol


Just for the posterity ^^

The ERSB was more generous that planned, but not much on Grade A seeds. She need to be less flowered to be pollinated.

My formidable stash of seeds lmao Two more repros and i’m free to ride. I need to reform my laid back management a bit, with a pelican case and a dedicated fridge ^^ It’s coming.


poseur uhuh :wink:

Don’t start me on this, feeling like a tightrope walker. Always on the edge…

Looking forward what this pheno will give in the progeny.

I like the second twin tower a lot.

It’s difficult to see the haze in the NL5H mother you choose :laughing:

Seems like you’re rushing to start the BX, the clones are really early in flower.

Congrats for the JH clone. Not that easy when they’re that far into flower.

And it looks like you’ll have a nicely dialed SD to smoke soon.

Once you’ll have BX it, maybe you can name it Sour GT2.4 :wink:

I don’t think I can help on the grid. You tested it more than me. I find it a bit finicky too. Wonder if it’s not having troubles with the website CSS.

Keep up the good work!